i should be mopping the floor: Spring Printables, Projects, & Recipes
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Spring Printables, Projects, & Recipes


  1. Hi Kristi:
    I would like to know if you have a tutorial for making reefs that are made with wire ribbon and different seasons of the
    year or other occasions.
    I would love to be able to make one for my front door for Spring.
    I love Your Website, I have learned so much Thanks for such a great job.

    1. Hi there! I have lots of different wreath tutorials that you might enjoy! If you type "wreaths" in the search at the top left of the page, it will bring up all kinds of fun tutorials and ideas! Thank you bunches for stopping by! I hope this helps! xoxo

  2. Kristi I absolutely love your prints. I really like the scripture prints for Easter. They center our thoughts on the true meaning of Easter and provide a meaningful way of displaying the scripture. Thank you so much.

    1. Hi Betty! Thank you so much for your sweet words. I truly appreciate that! <3
