25 Free Classic Font Downloads for Christmas | i should be mopping the floor
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25 Free Classic Font Downloads for Christmas

These 25 free classic font downloads for Christmas are the iconic typefaces that conjure up memories of holidays throughout the ages. There is a versatile font below that's perfect for your Christmas cards, printables, crafts, vinyl projects, and more. Download one or all of these classic font downloads for the holidays below. 

Classic Font for Christmas
It's really hard for me to admit that I've never put together a set of holiday-related fonts on here. I mean, I have four dedicated fall font sets, but up until now, not a single Christmas one. Well, I'm definitely here to change that. And today, you'll find that classic font for Christmas (or, well 25 of them) that brings about all the holiday feels. Some of these are well-known popular typefaces, but a lot are a bit more unknown. It's always fun to find something new, though, right? See this festive and different variety of classic holiday fonts below.

Classic Font Downloads for Christmas

Each one of these fonts makes me want to pour a cup of eggnog and start rocking around the Christmas tree. Putting together a fun Christmas design is my favorite part of the season. And using a festive font is always a part of that fun. Whether it's my family's holiday cards or a printable for here on the blog, incorporating a classic font of the season is something I enjoy.

Classic Christmas Font

What Makes a Classic Christmas Font?

  • When I compile a themed grouping of fonts, I really like to think through the process of how these fonts will be used and what a good version of that type of font would look like. In this case, I think about the nostalgia aspect, as well. What kinds of classic holiday feelings do certain ligatures and strokes in a font evoke? 
  • To me, classic typefaces for the holidays have a traditional side to them. In the print fonts I included, I leaned towards ones with (somewhat) exaggerated serifs. On the san serif font ones, they are more of that art deco type of fonts...that have an elegant simplicity to them (I imagine them being a part of sophisticated holiday advertisements during the art deco period of the 20th century).
  • While not all, but a lot of these are definitely seasonal fonts, ones that you probably wouldn't be using everyday for documents and such. But rather fonts that feel joyful and add an extra bit of festive flair to an invitation, card, poster, or whatever other print materials you create with them.
  • A lot of the fonts (but not all) are not named or created with the holidays in mind. But, I ran them all through a testing of sorts to see how I felt seeing the words "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Holidays" with them. Even though they aren't seasonally-specific, their versatility makes appropriate as a classic font for the season. To show what I mean, I included those phrases below every font, so you can see that, too.
  • I think incorporating lots of holiday-specific color into your font usage also ups the festive factor. Plus, that's always fun to play around with.

Ways to Use Christmas Fonts

Christmas Card Designing
While I often share font pairing tips in font posts, today, I'm sharing some holiday card or poster ideas you can use with these fonts. But, honestly, these are *kind of* font pairing tips in their own way. I utilized my traditional approach of pairing fonts with thin strokes with their opposite. And I also played around with different weights of typefaces, as well. Both the above and below designs can be changed up and added to for extra personalization. Try to recreate any of them in a word processing program and add your own fun. Here are the fonts I used above (I played around with different sizes on this particular look):
  • wishing you a: The Humble Script (available below)
  • Merry: La Obrige (available below)
  • and: The Humble Script (available below)
  • Bright: La Obrige (available below)
  • Christmas: The Humble Script (available below)
  • season: La Obrige (available below)

DIY Christmas Cards
  • Season's: Santa's Sleigh Full (available below)
  • Greetings: Candlescript (available below)
  • from our: Candlescript (available below)
  • Home to: Santa's Sleigh Full (available below)
  • Yours: Candlescript (available below)

How to Install Fonts

Installing Your Holiday Font Downloads

  • I mention this in most font posts: I'm a lifelong Mac user (since 1997!) I honestly don't know much about how a PC works. But, after doing a little research, I found a great tutorial for you PC users on How to Install Fonts from Microsoft. It gives a detailed, step-by-step tutorial.
  • Since I do lean towards the Apple way of life, I'm happy to give my own tutorial on how to install these Christmas fonts on a Mac. Follow my tutorial below:

Downloading Fonts

Installing Fonts on a Mac:

  • After downloading the classic holiday font of your choice, open your download folder (or wherever your downloads end up). 
  • Open the folder of the font (just FYI: in some cases, there may not be a folder at all, it may just be the actual font file, in which case, you won't have to open a folder).
  • Double click the .ttf or .otf file. I do prefer the .otf  or Open Type Format files *if* they're available, they can be resized and manipulated without compromising their quality. But, they're not always available. The .ttf file will still work just fine.

How to Install Fonts on a Mac

  • Once you've double clicked the .ttf or .otf file, your dialog box should automatically pop up (as pictured above).
  • Click 'Install Font' and your installation should automatically begin (it takes about two seconds, total). 
  • Now, make sure to check your Font Book to make sure your new font is there. 
  • You can start using your new font right away.

Download Your Holiday Fonts Below

All of the classic font downloads for Christmas are listed out individually below. A few things to make note of:
  • Click on the name of the font to be taken to its download page. There is also a link provided directly under the font, as well.
  • On each font's download page, you will also see the Terms of Use provided by each font designer. Please adhere to their policies, especially where commercial usage is concerned.
  • As I mentioned above, I also added a "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Holidays" under every font name so you can see how the font looks in those particular phrases.

Santa's Sleigh Full
Santa's Sleigh Full Font

Merry Christmas, Baby Font

Lemon Cookie Font

More Free Fonts Collections:

  • These 15 Free Fonts with Glyphs are lovely to use on invitations and other party-related prints (think NYE Bash!). They're easy to use and come with complete directions on how to implement the glyphs (swirls).
  • My list of 21 Free Feminine and Girly Fonts has lots of options that would work beautifully for weddings, showers, quinceaneras, and similar events.
  • And these 21 Free Masculine Fonts are the counterpart to the feminine ones. There are lots of sophisticated options for invitations and such in this grouping, as well.
  • If you're looking for more of the novelty holiday fonts, be sure to check out this list of Free Christmas Fonts from The Computer Lady.
  • And Pam at Over the Big Moon, has another list of great free Holiday Fonts.
  • This list of Calligraphy Fonts for Wedding Invitations from Pipkin Paper Company has some really pretty choices, perfect for Christmas cards, too. 
  • These 21 Free Valentine Fonts are fabulous for looking ahead to the next season.

Classic Christmas Fonts


  1. Even your graphics are beautiful, Kristi! Thank you for another fun font collection!

    1. Oh, thank you so much for that, Aveline! I really appreciate it. xoxo

  2. You hit the nail on the head! This list of Christmas fonts is just what I needed! Thank you, thank you for all your hard work!

    1. Awww...so happy to hear that, sweet Carol! You're very welcome. xoxo

  3. Thank you for the beautiful fonts!

  4. Ah, Kristi, you've done it again! Don't you know I already have too many fonts? I cannot resist adding several of these to my collection. I appreciate that you show what the font will look like on your blog. Thank you.

  5. Thank you so much. Just in the Nick of time! Happy Holidays!

  6. Christmas fonts! Yes, please! Your font lists are always my go-to for any project. Thank you!
