Free Sunflower Wallpaper | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Sunflower Wallpaper

This month's free Sunflower Wallpaper is filled with that perfect late summer flower we all love. The watercolor yellows, greens, and browns make a lovely palette for this month's freebies.  And I found the perfect quote from Helen Keller for this Sunflower Wallpaper. Download your device's version below.

Sunflower Wallpaper
The recent sunflower designs have been so popular that they just had to spill over into this month's device freebies. This Sunflower Wallpaper is the perfect way to add some cheer to all of your gadgets. Download the version that works best for you below.

Sunflower Wallpaper

August always means least around here, anyway. In my own garden, the sunflowers are on their second go-round and really putting on quite the show (the bees are certainly loving it!). So, I thought it was fitting to have more sunflowers for you on this month's wallpaper freebies. There are versions with or without quotes. And tablets and computers have options for the sunflower wallpaper with a calendar, too.
August Calendar Wallpaper
You may notice, but I really loaded up the sunflowers on the computer versions (more-so than the tablet and phone designs). I really just packed them in tight...I almost couldn't help myself. But, I did leave a bit more "breathing room" on the other devices since the screens are so much smaller. 

Sunflower Wallpaper Designs

Below, I've shared your different design options for August, as displayed on the computer versions of the wallpapers. Do keep in mind that the tablet and phone designs are *almost* the same, however, the orientation and text placement may differ slightly from device to device due to dimensions.

Helen Keller Quote
I honestly had never seen this beautiful quote from Helen Keller before. But, goodness, I just love it. What a lovely way to compare sunflowers to life!

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. It's what the sunflowers do." - Helen Keller

August Desktop Calendar
Again, the calendar designs are only available for computers and tablets due to size limitations.

Sunflower Device Wallpaper
The "blank" version of the device wallpapers is always everyone's favorite (for good reason). It allows plenty of space for all of your icons on your screens. 

Free August Calendar Printable 

Printable August Calendar
If you're more of a paper calendar person, I also have the (above pictured) free August Calendar Printable that I shared earlier this week. It's the exact same designs as today's sunflower wallpaper.

Downloading onto an iPad or iPhone

When I originally began this free digital wallpaper series in 2019, I had a number of my readers reach out for help with changing wallpapers on an iPad or iPhone. I thought I'd share my own method (the way I do this is sort of cheating, but the fact that it's really easy makes that just fine). My high school freshman calls this an "unofficial" way to do this...he is actually my resident IT (I wish I were kidding, but he's definitely more technologically savvy than his mom).
  • Before I start the process on my phone or tablet, I download my device's wallpaper design onto my actual computer (download links are available below). 
  • I then email myself the file (I use gmail and it allows me to email to the same address I'm sending from). If you'd like to skip the whole emailing yourself thing, you'll need to download the Dropbox app on your device (in addition to two other options, I provide all of the download links for these wallpaper designs within Dropbox for this very reason). I like to send readers to a tutorial on the Dropbox downloading method here on the iDownload Blog. But, again, if you'd like to avoid that, you can email yourself the image from your computer and open the email on your phone. Then, follow the steps listed below:
    • Open the email that you sent yourself (with your wallpaper attachment) on your device's mail app. At the bottom of your email, you should see the words "Tap to Download". Go ahead and tap it.

How to Install Sunflower Wallpaper
    • Tap on the image that you just downloaded within the email (it should show up at the bottom of the email). The above image (on the left) is what should pop up for you. Tap the square box outline with the upward arrow in the bottom left corner of your screen (labeled as 1 in the above image).
    • After you've tapped the box, the screen pictured above right should appear. Tap 'Save Image' (labeled as 2 in the above image). Your design should now be saved to your device.
  • Now, go to your HOME screen on your iPhone. Then, head to Settings>Wallpaper>Choose a New Wallpaper.
  • On my phone, my images automatically save to my Camera Roll (I *think* this is the default on most iOS devices like iPhones and iPads). I select Camera Roll and then I find the wallpaper that I just downloaded. If your device saves elsewhere, you'll need to search that place for the download, instead.
  • Feel free to set your new July wallpaper design to your lock screen, your home screen, or go a little wild and do both. It'll be a lovely oceanic time on your device!
  • That will hopefully do the trick for you. Leave me a comment if you have any questions regarding this method.

Sunflower Wallpaper Download Links:

All of the August download links are listed directly under the following image, categorized by device. Please note: while I don't specifically create wallpapers for Android devices, many of these iPhone sizes work on various Android models. Be sure to play around with them to get what works best for you. 
Sunflower iPhone Wallpaper

Wallpapers for Your Computer:

Wallpapers for Your Tablet:

Wallpapers for Your iPhone 12:

Wallpapers for Your iPhone 11:

Wallpapers for Your iPhone 8:

Wallpapers for Your iPhone 6-7:

Wallpapers for Your iPhone 5:

iPhone Sunflower Wallpaper

More Free Desktop Wallpaper 


  1. Thank you for these lovely device wallpapers!

  2. Thank you! Thank you! :) So delightful!

    1. You're so welcome, Lauren! I appreciate that. xoxo

  3. Is it possible to somehow download the striped quote with sunflowers to frame and use in my home?

    1. Printing this version would be quite pixelated since it's designed for screen viewing (it's less pixels so it takes up less space when it loads). While I don't have that exact printable, the August printable calendars are the same design. You can find them here:

  4. What do you do if you have an Android phone?

    1. Hi Bonnie-- Most of these sizes will work on an'll just need to play around to find out what works best for you. Thanks for stopping by! xoxo

  5. I love it. Of course I really like all flowers and yellow is my favorite color. Absolutely beautiful.

    1. Thank you so much, Phylis! Yellow is certainly a happy color in my book. xoxo
