15 Free 80s Font Downloads | i should be mopping the floor
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15 Free 80s Font Downloads

Today's 80s Font downloads are not only free, but they're gnarly (no duh!). These righteous freebies will make you want to pump up the volume on your walkman and slap on your Swatch (as if!). There are 15 80s font downloads and I also included some super rad font pairing ideas for them, as well. As a child of the 80s, I deem every font cool beans.
80s Font
While I was born towards the end of the 70s, I definitely claim the 80s as my childhood years. And I just couldn't let a week of free fonts go by without a round up filled with 80s font downloads. Most of these are for decorative purposes (think invitations and printables), not sure I'd want to fill up an entire block of text with these. But, they're SO FUN (wait, I mean, they're totally tubular, dude). 

80s Font Downloads

80s Font Pairing
As I mentioned above, I also included a few helpful font pairing ideas and tips specifically for the fonts I'm sharing. They're located at the bottom of this post...feel free to scroll ahead and check them out.

Below are some far out 80s-inspired fonts that won't gag you with a spoon. Some are great for sign-making, and some fabulous for making your own prints to frame and display. They'd ALL look bodacious on simple invitations (think awesome 80s party!). You can also just print them out and use them for home labeling (how rad would retro labels look?). The possibilities are endless with these fonts.

Installing Your 80s Font

I've actually used a Mac/Apple computer since elementary school, so it's really all I know, especially in terms of font downloading. I have directions on it below. However, if you're non-Mac (I still love you), I like to refer friends to this handy font installation guide for PC users here on Wikihow that can definitely help in that department.

To install these free 80s font downloads onto your Mac (since this is what I use, I can speak to that the best), you can follow along with my totally tubular tutorial below:

Installing Fonts

Installing Fonts on your Mac:

  • After you have downloaded your new 80s font, go and find it in your download folder (or wherever you've downloaded your font to).
  • Now, open the folder of the font (there may not be an actual folder for every font, it may just be the actual file, in which case, you won't have to open a folder).
  • Double click the .ttf or .otf file (I prefer .otf. or Open Type Format files if they're available. They can be resized or manipulated without compromising quality. But, they're not always available.).
How to Install Fonts
  • Once you have double clicked the .ttf or .otf file, a dialog box should automatically pop up.
  • Click the 'Install Font' button (as pictured above) and your installation will automatically begin (it only takes just a few seconds for the entire install). 
  • Now, check your Font Book (located in your applications folder) to make sure it's there and you can start using your new font immediately.

Free 80s Fonts

In the list below, you'll just click on the image or name below each font name to be taken to its download site. Be sure to check each designer's Terms of Use, as most of these fonts are for personal use only (but many do have commercial licensing available). Happy 80s fonting, friends! It's sure to be a rad time.
Franchise Font
1. Franchise
The Franchise font is like perfect billboard-style font. If you have the capabilities, it's really fun to fill in the lettering with different colors. This is a great all-caps font, too.
Game Over Font
2. Game Over
Womp, womp...you lost! Game Over is the quintessential, bitmapped video game font announcing your defeat. This one would be so much fun on invitations to a gaming party. Also, used in all-caps, it's the Pac-Man font (the "@" sign of the font actually makes a Pac-Man).

Eighties Font
3. Eighties
Well, we couldn't have an 80s Font round up without a font named 'Eighties', right? This bold and thick script font is reminiscent of big, ol' permanent marker writing (I can *almost* smell this font). This one pairs well with the Franchise font, which I shared an example of further below.
I really feel like I've seen the Double Bubble font in a chewing gum advertisement. This was also what my dad actually called chewing gum. Such a fun and perky 80s font!
Demode Font
5. Demode
We needed something kind of futuristic for the 80s fun! This Demode font is an all-caps number that looks straight out of a Max Headroom bit.
6. DS-Digital
I can practically see the Betamax VCR blinking 12:00 in this DS-Digital font. It was also on every alarm clark manufactured in those days. But what a fitting 80s font, don't you think?
Neon 80s
7. Neon 80s
While neon wasn't invented in the 80s, it was certainly perfected then, amiright? This Neon 80s font is the perfect nod to the neon. It's an easy-to-use sans-serif font, too.
Green 80s Font
8. Green
I don't have an actual reason for adding the Green font to today's collection, but to me, it really felt straight out of the parachute pants decade. It's modern and fun!
Mr. Bubble Font
9. Mr. Bubble Font
If you didn't have the pink Mr. Bubble bottle on the side of your tub, can you really call yourself a child of the 80s? This Mr. Bubble Font is seriously perfect in every way!
Bubble Cute
10. Bubble Cute
The 80s were all about the bubble letters (think hand-written notes in class!). This Bubble Cute font is the perfect example of that goodness.
Blugie Font
11. Blugie
This Blugie font is a little bit Barbie and a whole lot of bold 1980s style. It's a really fun font to play around with. Plus, it's mixed case and the letters all stay the same size!
The Bubble 3D font is the all-caps version of the double bubble font. It also has an extra bit of "shine" on each of the letters.
Last bubble font...promise! But the Bubblegums font is such a great version of 1980s teenage girl handwriting. If you have the capability, try filling in the letters with different colors...or even print it out and color it in by hand for a fun activity. 
Maxtield Font
14. Maxtield
If ever a font looked like 1980s tagging, it's the Maxtield font. This is another great marker (or, I suppose, spray paint)-style of font.
Neon Light Font
Another great neon, but this one is a bit more on the techno side. This Neon LED Light is a great one to have some 1980s fun with!

80s Font Pairing Ideas

While all of the above free 80s fonts look amazing and bodacious on their own, some are even better together. Below, I've included some 80s font pairing ideas for you to put into practice on your own creations. I have a visual for you below the tip list, as well (which includes examples from this list of 1980s Fonts). The best piece of advice I can give when pairing fonts: have a gnarly time with it! But, there are a few rules of thumb for font pairing and usage to make sure nothing looks too grody to the max:
  • Try to avoid pairing two overly decorative fonts together. The fancier and more elaborate fonts can be quite ornate in nature and would compete with one another. It would also be a little tough on the eyes. Like, gag me with a spoon.
  • Pair a thicker, heavier weighted-font with a skinny font.
  • Pair a script font with a print font (combine this with the thicker/skinny idea and you've got a really radical thing going on).
  • I also like to do all caps with one font and pair it with a script font in all lowercase, but that's just my own preference.
    • When I do the above pairing, I often do the script font on "top", allowing it to kind of sit on the all-caps font. The all-caps font acts as a nice "base". You can see how I did that in the first and second font combinations illustrated below.
  • While this really has nothing to do with font pairing, one thing I have to mention: please don't ever use ALL-CAPS with a cursive or swirly font. It's just really unfortunate to look at and makes my eyes hurt (both literally and figuratively, friends). I mean, what's your damage, anyway? 

Fun 80s Font Combinations to Try:

80s Font Pairing Ideas
The above combinations are the following 1980s fonts taken straight from today's collection:

Super Skate: Maxtield
Saturday: Neon 80s

trampolines: Bubblegums

a child of the: Eighties
EIGHTIES: Franchise

Rubik's Cube?: Blugie

80s Font Downloads

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  1. I love these! I can’t wait to play with them! I am a font hoarder! I love how a font can make a whole project better!!!

  2. I love these too! Love using different fonts for my site. Thank you for these :)
