Free Patriotic Truck Printable | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Patriotic Truck Printable

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This vintage patriotic truck design is loaded to the brim with fireworks and fun...ready to deliver a festive fourth your way. This print will be a lovely addition to your summer decor, with the perfect amount of red, white, and blue. Download your Patriotic Truck Printable below.

Patriotic Truck
Last week, I got to thinking, "goodness, I really need a vintage patriotic truck printable on the blog". It made me wonder why I hadn't already created one. So, I got down to business creating this design for today. After the design was complete and I was working on some behind-the-scenes stuff for the post, I stumbled upon another patriotic truck printable from two years ago...I had completely forgotten about it (and I even sent it out in a fourth of July round up earlier this month!). So, this theme isn't unique to I Should Be Mopping the Floor. But, today's design has a completely different feeling and vibe to it, so it's not too big of a deal! Plus, it's always nice to have choices, right? Download the new Patriotic Truck design below (the old one is shared below, as well). 

Patriotic Truck Printable

Free Patriotic Truck Printable
When I initially put this one together, it was a wordless and background-free print. But, it really felt like it was missing something. So, polka dots and a patriotic message were added and it all came together. However, if you are interested in a version without the wording, let me know in the comments. If there is enough interest, I can make that design available as well. Not sure I can dump the background on this one, doesn't work to me in that look.
Patriotic Truck Printable

Printing and Using Your Printable

  • This Patriotic Truck design is for personal use. However, if you do have your own small business and would like to carry the printed version for your customers (no digital reselling is allowed), you can purchase a commercial license here.
  • This print is available in both 5x7" and 8x10" sizes. Both sizes are available in both JPEG and PDF formats. The 5x7" PDF print has two designs per page, for less paper waste.
  • When you print at home (especially the PDF versions), make sure you're using white, letter-sized cardstock for the best results. You can purchase it here on Amazon.
  • Although scissors work just fine, I actually prefer to cut my printables, especially the 5x7" ones, with a paper trimmer. My lines and cuts are always straight and neat this way. You can grab the same Fiskars Paper Trimmer I have here on Amazon. 

Happy Fourth of July Printable
And, as I mentioned above, I somehow forgot that I actually had a Patriotic Truck printable already in existence! Ha! This free Happy Fourth of July Printable (pictured above) has several background options and a more muted color palette that today's design.

Download Your Patriotic Truck Print:

Free Patriotic Printables

Patriotic Truck Printables

More Patriotic Printables


  1. Love this so much! Thank You!!

  2. As always..just fabulous! Thank you.

  3. adorable!! thanks for sharing!

  4. Thank you, love the print, love the dots. I almost always like your prints with the background.

    1. Appreciate that so much, Ellie! Dots are one of my faves, too! xoxo

  5. Love them both, but I'm with ya when saying the new version is better.

    1. Thank you, Aunt Nettie! Yes, I just seem to enjoy the colors of this one a bit more. xoxo

  6. oh wow, love it!! thank you so much :)
