Free Spring Desktop Wallpaper | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Spring Desktop Wallpaper

These new free Spring Desktop Wallpaper designs are ready to add a bit of zip to your screens. They are available for computers, tablets, and make them look fresh as a daisy for the upcoming month of March! This Free Spring Desktop Wallpaper is full of greens, pinks, purples, and just a bit of plaid. Be sure to grab your favorite Free Spring Desktop Wallpaper version below.

Free Spring Desktop Wallpaper
I always tend to lean towards green tones this time of the year. As the temperatures rise and I find myself working in my garden more and more, I gravitate towards the color, both in nature and on my design screen, as well. And these designs (except for the calendar) can definitely be used outside of March. Download your favorite Free Spring Desktop Wallpaper below.

Free Spring Desktop Wallpaper

Are your devices ready to put a little spring in their step? After a more intense winter than usual, I think we're all ready for a little spring in our step, right?
March Desktop Calendar
Lately, I've found myself using the calendar versions of my wallpapers on my desktop computer. They're perfect for at-a-glance use throughout the workday. It's also been prompting me to *try* to keep my desktop a bit tidier, too (and minimize the extreme icon overload).

March Calendar Printable

Printable March Calendar
Today's spring desktop wallpaper designs were designed to coordinate perfectly with my recent free March Calendar Printable. This print (pictured above) comes in lots of size, format, and background options. 

March Wallpaper Designs

Below, I have posted all of the designs for this month, as displayed on the computer versions. Do keep in mind that the tablet and phone designs are almost the same, but the orientation may differ from device to device. 

Spring Desktop Calendars
And, as usual, the calendar (pictured above) is only available on desktops and tablets, due to size limitations.

Lily Pulitzer Spring Quote
I think Lily Pulitzer, with all of her beautiful and bright floral designs, is the complete embodiment of spring. When I ran across this quote, I just had to use it this month. I can't think of a better saying, either (because spring doesn't always feel or look like spring!).

Floral Desktop Wallpaper
And above is the most popular of all...the blank option (always the most downloaded)! This allows plenty of room for all of your apps and icons on your screen.

Downloading onto an iPad or iPhone

Shortly after I created this free wallpaper series a couple of years back, several readers reached out and asked for download help using an iPad or iPhone. I thought I'd share my own method for that (the way I do this is kind of cheating, but the fact that it's crazy-easy makes that completely fine fine). My 14-year-old calls this a very "unofficial" way to do this...he is actually my resident IT (I wish I were kidding, but he's definitely more technologically savvy than his mom).
  • Before I start the process on my phone or tablet, I download my particular device's wallpaper design onto my actual computer (download links are available below). I then email myself that file (I have gmail and it allows me to email to the same address I'm sending from). If you'd prefer to skip the whole emailing yourself process, you'll need to download the Dropbox app on your device (I provide all of the download links for these wallpaper designs within Dropbox for this very reason). I like to send readers to a fantastic tutorial on this Dropbox downloading method here on the iDownload Blog. But, again, if you'd like to avoid that, just email yourself the image from your computer and open the email on your phone. Then, follow the below steps:
    • Open that email that you sent yourself (with the wallpaper attachment) on your device's mail app. At the bottom of your email, you should see the words "Tap to Download". Go ahead and do just that.
How to Install iPhone Wallpaper
    • Tap on the image you downloaded within the email (it should show up at the bottom of the email). The above image (on the left) is what you should see. Tap the square box outline with the upward arrow in the bottom left corner of your screen (labeled as 1 in the above image).
    • After you've tapped the box, the screen pictured above right should appear. Tap 'Save Image' (labeled as 2 in the above image). Your design should be saved to your device.
  • Now, go to your HOME screen on your iPhone. Then, head to Settings>Wallpaper>Choose a New Wallpaper.
  • On my own phone, my images automatically save to my Camera Roll (I am *pretty sure* this is the default on most iOS devices like iPhones and iPads). I select Camera Roll and then I find the wallpaper that I just downloaded. If your device saves elsewhere, you'll need to search that place for the download, instead.
  • Feel free to set this new February wallpaper design to your lock screen, your home screen, or go a little crazy and do both. It'll be a wonderfully wintery time on your device!
  • That *should* hopefully do the trick for you. Leave me a comment if you have any questions regarding this method.

Free Spring Desktop Wallpaper Download Links:

All download links are listed out below the following image. Please note that while I don't create wallpapers specifically for Android devices, many of the iPhone sizes will work on various Android models. Feel free to play around with them. 
Free Spring Desktop Wallpapers

Wallpapers for Your Computer:

Wallpapers for Your Tablet:

Wallpapers for Your iPhone 12:

Wallpapers for Your iPhone 11:

Wallpapers for Your iPhone 8:

Wallpapers for Your iPhone 6-7:

Wallpapers for Your iPhone 5:

Free iPhone Wallpaper

More Free Wallpapers 

Free Desktop Wallpapers


  1. Shall I suggest one thing...Could you please include one more option of calendar version like design on left and calendar on right..

    1. Thanks so much...I'll keep it in mind for the future.

  2. Replies
    1. You're so welcome, MaryEllen. Appreciate that. xoxo

  3. Love it! I appreciate sharing a little of your beautiful spring optimism on my page. You are so talented!

    1. Awww...thank you so much for that. Really appreciate it. xoxo

  4. So beautiful! My daughter and I were saying how most March calendars are not pretty but yours are always so beautiful! Thank you!!

    1. Awww, that's so kind of you both to say. Thank you for sharing, Cheryl! xoxo

  5. I truly want to thank you for these. They are both beautiful and convenient for budgeting!

    1. You're so very welcome, Kelly. Appreciate the kind words. xoxo

  6. Thank you so much for these, Kristi! I always look forward to changing my desktop calendar each month. I accidentally set a photo to be my background, and it prompted me to come looking for March's. Oops! Was past time to change it though. Hehe.

