How to Clean a Stovetop | i should be mopping the floor
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How to Clean a Stovetop

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Today, I'm sharing an easy method for how to clean a stovetop. If you have a glass or ceramic stovetop, then this is totally for you. For the past 13 years, I've had this style of cooktop and have learned a couple of easy tricks along the way to keep it looking pristine. Check out my tutorial for How to Clean a Stovetop below.
How to Clean a Stovetop

You may already have all of the ingredients you'll need for this simple cleaner in your cupboard or refrigerator.  This stovetop cleaning process is super easy and only requires gentle scrubbing (that's a win-win for me). I usually sit down to eat with the family while the stovetop cools. Once dinner is done, the stove is cooled and ready for cleaning. My steps for How to Clean a Stovetop are listed out below.

How to Clean a Stovetop

First of all, let's chat about how much cooking we've done in this time of social distancing. Back in April, I was chatting with my bestie on the phone and we laughed when we realized we had cooked dinner 45 nights in a row for our families. FORTY-FIVE. And of course, that number has now tripled (ha! We just thought 45 was a lot). While we do a little bit of take-out here and there to support some of our favorite restaurants, we're still eating most of our meals at home. Which means the kitchen, especially our stove, are always busy and working overtime. That also means they get a bit ickier a lot quicker than they used to.
Cleaning a glass cooktop
In order to not need a massive cleaning session every week with the stove, I try to use this simple method for how to clean a stovetop most nights after dinner, if I have utilized the cooktop. And this method came about after we installed new countertops. My old method (which used white vinegar) wouldn't work with the new stone we used, but this one is perfect.

Making Spaghetti Sauce

Cooking at Home is Messy

One thing I make a ton of, is a homemade spaghetti meat sauce. I often make a double or triple batch to freeze some for another time (which is awesome for when you've cooked for well over 45 days in a row). This is not only one of my favorite things to make, my teenage boys love it, too. I incorporate fresh herbs from our garden and let the entire pot simmer for over an hour so all of the flavors really marry. But, if you cook a lot of tomato sauce, you know it likes to pop and splatter if not tended to constantly. And that makes for a mighty mess. I use a heavy dutch oven (as pictured above) for most meals, and I tend to also make a mess with its lid, as I have a tendency to set it on the cooktop while I'm cooking. I add olive oil to its chipped spots on its exterior, too, often every time I use it, to keep them treated properly. But, again, that also adds to the mess. I shared a photo later in this post about the state of the cooktop after a big sauce-making session. It's almost criminal, y'all.

Cleaning a Dirty Stovetop
As I mentioned above, the stovetop looks particularly rough after spaghetti sauce simmered on it for well over an hour. I took this as the perfect opportunity to show you how I clean this thing.

Cleaning a Glass Stovetop

While this method won't work on all types of stove tops, it's great for ceramic and glass-top stoves.

Cleaning a Glass Stovetop


Dish Soap on a Stovetop


  • Only clean once all burners are off and your stovetop has completely cooled.
Lemon Stovetop Cleaner
  • Remove as much of the larger particles of food as you can and wipe away all crumbs.
  • Start by squeezing your lemon all over the mess, especially areas with heavy grease and grime. I am pretty liberal with this part of the clean up. And often, I'll even use older lemons that may have been forgotten in the crisper for too long (it's great to prevent wasting them).
  • Then, allow this to sit and soak well for about ten minutes to loosen the cooked on areas. If your mess is really bad or you have a build up from multiple cooking sessions, you can leave it on even longer. In all honesty, I've "lemoned" the stove, then gotten distracted and left it like that for well over an hour.
  • Don't rinse the lemon.
  • Optional, if your mess is pretty far gone, you can also sprinkle a tiny bit of baking soda in with the lemon, too.

Cleaning a Glass Stovetop
  • Wet one of your sponges under the faucet (hot water is best for this). Then squeeze it to get out most of the water.
  • Pour a dime-sized amount of dish soap onto the sponge. Be sure to apply the soap to the side with the scrub dots.
Stovetop Cleaning
  • Gently scrub the mess up, incorporating the lemon as you scrub (and baking soda, if you used that) takes very little time at all and minimal scrubbing. The dots on the sponge pads have the perfect amount of "rough" to really work this mess out, while not scratching the surface.
  • If using the baking soda, it will form a baking soda paste out of the mixture. I try to make sure the paste gets spread to all of the really messy spots.
  • Wet your sponge again and rinse the cooktop, making sure to remove all of the soap. I use the other side of the sponge for wiping and rinsing. Sometimes, it takes multiple rinses to remove all of the soapy water. 
  • If you do this after most of your messier meals, there won't be a build-up and stains over time on your cooktop.
  • If you like a really shiny glass cooktop, you can also go over the entire surface with a dry microfiber cloth or dry paper towels when your done and buff it really nicely. I do this if I know I won't be using the stove the next day.
  • I use this exact same method to clean the drip pans I keep in the bottom of my ovens, too. And they can get pretty icky with bacon grease and such (yes, I bake my's the best way!).
Dishwashing Liquid
All clean and ready for another 45 days of cooking dinners (give or take). What do you think? Isn't this an easy method for keeping your glass stove top looking great all the time?

Let me know if the comments if you use homemade cleaners of this nature. Or do you prefer a store-bought brand that does an amazing job? I'd love to know!

Homemade Cleaner

More DIY Household Ideas


  1. So do you use the lemon afterward to clean up any residue?

    1. Thanks! I keep it on hand for all kinds of kitchen clean ups, so it's always at the ready. And yes, it can be helpful for that for sure.

  2. I was wondering the same thing. They sure look pretty in the bowl sitting on top of the stove.

  3. You are so beautiful. I love your hair band. Getting your emails brightens my day. Thanks for all the tips and cute printable home decor.

    1. Thank you so much...that's very kind of you and much appreciated. xoxo

  4. Oh, Kristi, your messy cooktop's got nothin' on ours, especially when my Italian hubby is the one cooking the sauce! There would be sauce splattered all over the place, including the rest of the stovetop, the backsplash, and the bottom of the upper cabinets, and there'd be some cooked onto the burner, too. It always looks like the pot exploded! LOL! But I'm definitely going to give your method a try. I love how simple it is and I really hope it works. It'd be sooo nice not to have to scrub and scrub...

    1. Ha! I love it, Debbie! The bottom of the upper've got me there. Hoping you enjoy this simple method. Enjoy all the yummy food that the mess produces...that's the best part, right? xoxo
