15+ Vintage Bird Prints | i should be mopping the floor
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15+ Vintage Bird Prints

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These Vintage Bird Prints took me a while to put together...but I think they were well worth the wait. I really am happy with how they turned out. I decided to go background-free on this pack to really make those birds stand out. Hoping you enjoy these printables, too.

Vintage Bird Prints
These vintage-feeling bird printables are perfect for any kind of decor. They're designed to be displayed together or each on their own (or just a few at a time!). Each design is available in both 5x7" and 8x10" sizes as well as both JPEG and PDF formats. Each bird is labeled with their name in a fun, vintage-typewriter font. Detailed printing instructions are included as well.

You can purchase this entire set for $5 (the price will go back up to $10 next week) here in my shop or directly through the button below. Or, scroll down to see each and every print included. 

Click Here to Purchase these Bird Printables

Vintage Bird Prints

I've seriously had this set of printables in my head for quite some time. I used to see lots of antique bird printables in antique stores and loved them...but always wanted to tweak them just slightly. Creating this set with my own vision of "the ultimate bird printable" was kind of the icing on the printable cake, so to speak.
Violet-Capped Woodnymph Print

I created this set to be displayed all together, one at a time, or just a few in a small grouping. The sky is really the limit here. They're so neutral that they truly go with so many styles of decor. Again, they come in both 5x7" and 8x10" sizes, as well as PDF and JPEG formats. I've got some fun paper ideas I shared below, as well, to make these even more vintage-feeling.

Please note that these are for personal use and gifting only.

You can purchase this entire set for $5 (the price will go back up to $10 next week) here in my shop or directly through the button below. Or, scroll down to see each and every design that I included. 

Click Here to Purchase these Bird Printables 

White Parakeets

Did I mention that we're total bird nerds? Yeah, we love our fine-feathered friends. I'm pictured above with my latest two parakeets that my family gave me for my birthday right after Christmas. They're actually chirping right next to me as I type this post. 

Birds Included

The following birds are included in this bundle (listed below in alphabetical order). Print one or all.

  • Azure-Crowned Hummingbird
  • Babbling Thrush
  • Black-Crowned Warbler
  • Chinese Shrike
  • Crimson Topaz
  • Crimson-Winged Parakeet
  • Fulvous-Headed Brush Finch
  • Gorget Warbler
  • Green-Breasted Mango Hummingbird
  • Japanese-Crested Swallow
  • Pale-Headed Rosella
  • Red-Shouldered Parakeet
  • Scaly-Breasted Lorikeet
  • Straw-Crested Flycatcher
  • Violet-Capped Wood Nymph
  • White-Throated Mountaingem

You can purchase this entire set for $5 (the price will go back up to $10 next week) here in my shop or directly through the button below. Or, scroll down to see each and every design that I included. 

Click Here to Purchase these Bird Printables 

Bird Designs

I have closer-up versions of each of these Vintage Bird Prints below for you to check out:
Finch Printables
Crimson Winged Parakeet (above left)
Fulvous-Headed Brush Finch (above right)

Click Here to Purchase these Bird Printables 

Crimson Topaz Printable
Crimson Topaz (above left)
Chinese Shrike (above right)

Click Here to Purchase these Bird Printables 

Parakeet Printable
Scaly-Breasted Lorikeet (above left)
Red-Shouldered Parakeet (above right)

Click Here to Purchase these Bird Printables 

Swallow Printable
Japanese Crested Swallow (above left)
Pale Headed Rosella (above right)

Click Here to Purchase these Bird Printables 

Babbling Thrush Printable
Black-Crowned Warbler (above left)
Babbling Thrush (above right)

Click Here to Purchase these Bird Printables 

Warbler Printable
Green-Breasted Mango Hummingbird (above left)
Gorget Warbler (above right)

Click Here to Purchase these Bird Printables 

Hummingbird Printable
White Throated Mountaingem (above left)
Azure Crowned Hummingbird (above right)

Click Here to Purchase these Bird Printables 

Woodnymph Printable
Violet-Capped Woodnymph (above left)

Straw-Crested Fly Catcher (above right)

Purchase Your Vintage Bird Prints

Again, you can purchase this entire set for $5 (the price will go back up to $10 next week) here in my shop or directly through the button below.  

Click Here to Purchase these Bird Printables 

How to Print Your Vintage Bird Prints

For your convenience, the following instructions are also included in your pack of printables, as well, after you complete your purchase. 

For JPEG Printables:

  • You will print the JPEG printables (either the 8x10” or 5x7” sizes) just as you would a photo image. 
  • You may upload your JPEGs to your local photo-printing place. If they ask you if you have permission to print the designs, you may show them this page (on your phone should suffice). You have my complete permission to print these bird printables to use for decor and gifts. 

For PDF Printables:

  • PDFs are designed for easy-at-home printing.
  • I recommend that you print onto letter-sized cardstock. White cardstock is perfect, but cream-colored cardstock will give you even more of a vintage-vibe. A lovely linen-colored cardstock would be pretty, too. This is a great set of printables to play around with your paper. Even something with a light texture would be really neat.
  • The 8x10” PDF print will work perfectly printed onto letter-sized cardstock. Simply trim the edges for your frame.
  • The 5x7” PDF prints come two-designs-to-a-page. This is to reduce paper waste. Print one for yourself and one for a friend. The two designs are laid onto a letter-size page. Just print onto your cardstock and trim the two designs. I have included a small hairline outline around each design to make trimming easy on you.
You can purchase this entire set for $5 (the price will go back up to $10 next week) here in my shop or directly through the button below. Or, scroll down to see each and every design that I included. 

Click Here to Purchase these Bird Printables 

Vintage Bird Printables

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