Printable Cards for Teachers to Send | i should be mopping the floor
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Printable Cards for Teachers to Send

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I sent out an email asking readers what they're needing right now (printably speaking, of course). My biggest request was for cards for teachers to send to their students. I was so excited to design these. I included two versions and each design is both in greeting card and postcard format to make it a breeze for you. See these free cards for teachers to send out to their students below. They work awesome for administrators to send to their staff, too...lots of possibilities with these designs.

Printable Cards for Teachers to Send
A Great Big what a lot of kids would sure enjoy from their teacher right about now. And what kid doesn't love an actual piece of mail coming just to them? Even my teenagers still enjoy this. It sounds like lots of teachers are definitely longing to communicate with those kids, too. So, these free printable cards for teachers to send are a great solution. Grab your favorite design and format below.

Printable Cards for Teachers to Send

The designs on these particular cards are pretty simple, but it's the personal message that you write that is the most important (and probably most appreciated, too). When I got request after request for something of this nature, I knew it was a very needed printable. Hoping these help all of the teachers and school staff out there.
Free Printable Cards for Teachers
And as I mentioned above, both of these designs are available in both greeting card and postcard formats. The postcards come two to a page and are a nice way to eliminate envelopes and save a smidge of paper. I have some printing and mailing guidelines on them below.

Free Printable Postcards

Printing and Using the Postcards

I don't do a lot of postcards on here because a lot of time folks want the reverse design included (the space where you write your message). But, because of lots of different printers being used, creating a "flip" design, can be confusing at times for readers to get the desired affect. However, postcards are pretty when it comes to the written these are blank on that side for you.
  • Be sure to print postcards on letter-sized white cardstock. In order to mail these through with US Postal Service, your paper must be between .007" thick, but not more than .016" thick. You can purchase a pack of letter-sized white cardstock here on Amazon. It's where I grab my own cardstock.
  • You'll also want to trim your cards just inside the small border I provide around each postcard on the page.
  • On the blank side of your card, be sure to fill it in as pictured above. 
  • Postcard stamps can be hard to come by these days. But, a regular first class stamp works fine, too. Did you know you can buy stamps here on Amazon? They're a bit pricier, but if you're in a bind and not able to get out, it's an alternative option.

Free Printable Greeting Cards for Teachers

Printing and Using the Greeting Cards

  • Greeting cards work best printed onto letter-sized white cardstock (regular paper is too thin and flimsy for greeting cards). 
  • After you print your card, you'll cut it out just inside the border all around the perimeter of the card.
  • Fold your card in half. I like to use the handle of my scissors along the crease to make it nice and crisp.
  • The greeting cards are sized just like all of my free printable greeting cards, able to fit in a standard-size A6 envelope.

Download these Cards for Teachers to Send Below: 

Teacher Cards to Send

Free Printable Class Cards

More Free Printable Greeting Cards 

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