Free Printable Homeschool Schedule | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Printable Homeschool Schedule

This post for a printable Homeschool Schedule contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Affiliate, I make a small percentage when these links are used, at no additional cost to you.

Today's Homeschool Schedule printable was a request from several readers over the past couple of weeks. I took my original schedule planner from my student printable pack and modified it to a homeschool schedule version (it's basically the same, but sometimes having the correct title helps us all out, visually speaking). This is available in two color options below. It's perfect right now since so many of us are trying out the homeschool ropes for the very first time. 

Homeschool Schedule
If you're like me, you've suddenly turned into an at-home teacher for your kids while we're all inside for a bit. And while my kids are teens and basically doing 99% e-learning, I'm still realizing how desperately they need a schedule to stick with to keep them on track (prior to this, we've definitely run off the rails a few times). The e-learning sites from our schools have been wonderful, but are a bit open-ended on the schedule side of things. Having one of these homeschool schedule prints in front of each of my kids has helped them tremendously. Grab your favorite version below for your own learners.
I wanted to add a caveat that I'm definitely not a homeschooler by nature. So, if this list is way off track for all of you seasoned pros, feel free to let me know in the comments. I just wanted to fulfill a reader-request after several of you emailed and commented.

Free Printable Homeschool Schedule

Honestly, my kids aren't the only ones that need a schedule these days...making one for myself has been ridiculously helpful, as well. It has turned our "surviving" mentality into a "thriving" mentality. For some reason, at least for our household, having a schedule is a game changer.
Printable Homeschool Schedule

How This Homeschool Schedule Works 

This is a very simple and open-ended schedule printable. But, that makes it easier to really own it for yourself or your kiddo. 
  • Please note that these printables are for personal use only. Please do not reproduce with the intention of reselling in any manner (whether digital or printed).
  • Each of the designs is standard letter-size.
  • The schedule prints a bit to the left side of the page, which is ideal for using in a binder.
  • These schedules have four main sections:
    • date/time schedule 
      • The times are listed from 5 am through 10 pm with ample room to write each activity.
    • to-do list 
      • The to-do list section features six check-boxed lines to fill in with things that really need to get done that day. I intentionally listed this as six items. In my own workday, I follow the six-item checklist that I learned about from Shannon Able's of The Simply Luxurious Life. It has worked wonders for me for two years now. The idea is to list the top six items to complete in the day, from greatest importance to least. The items that don't get completed (it happens) get bumped to higher on the list the next day. But, the rule is to only list six...a more manageable goal than 10 or 20 items on a to-do list.  
    • goals
      • This is similar to the to-do list, but not as strict, maybe more along the lines of fun things or neat accomplishments to consider trying. Again, I went with the rule of six, as I mentioned above. 
    • notes
      • I keep a notes page nearby while I'm working and always find it to be helpful. My kids have taken on this idea, too, so I included a section for it here, as well. 
  • This Homeschool Schedule design is available with either orange or pink accents. The main color on both is a dark blue.
  • Print as many as you like, or print this and frame in an 8x10" frame to use with a dry-erase marker over and over. 
    • These are my favorite fine-tip dry erase markers that I buy from Amazon.
  • You can also use my favorite self-laminating sheets (also available on Amazon) to laminate these to last you a while. Again, you'd just use dry erase markers with them. 

Student Planner Printable

Today's homeschool schedule printable is actually the same design as the daily schedule print from my big (and free) Student Planner Printable (pictured below). It's also available in two color options. And you can download all of the other pages in it to coordinate with your homeschool version...they work perfectly together. 

Free Printable Homeschool Planner

Download Your Homeschool Schedule

Find download links for both designs below.
Printable Homeschool Schedules
Homeschool Schedule Printable

Looking for More Printable Schedule Fun?

Free Planner Printables


  1. You have incredible talent and endless generosity! Thank you so much for sharing so many of your prints for free!

    1. Awww, thank you so much for those kind words. You're so very welcome. xoxo

  2. This is cool and will come in handy. Thank You!!

  3. these are AMAZING!!!!!
    saved my life, thank youuuuu
