Free Printable Stationery | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Printable Stationery

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Today's free printable stationery is available in two options: lined or unlined (for those of you who live on the edge). The actual design is filled with watercolor splotches and streaks, coral and cream florals, as well as a hint of gold glitter. Download either of these free printable stationery files below.

Free Printable Stationery
Every year, one of my New Year's resolutions is to be better about old-fashioned correspondence. When my mother passed away, one of the most meaningful things from that time period was a hand written letter from a friend I hadn't seen in a while. It was just kind and sweet and uplifting, as well. It wasn't on a formal sympathy card or anything, but rather her stationery. And yet, it meant the world to me. That act has actually been the inspiration I needed to be better at correspondence. But, rather than run out and buy a lot of pricey cards and stationery, I decided to create today's set of free printable stationery. You can download this for yourself, as well. 

Free Printable Stationery

As I mentioned above, there are both lined and unlined versions of today's stationery design. I would love to say that my penmanship and steadiness-of-hand allows me to use unlined stationery. However, I'm just someone who needs lines in her life. That's part of the reason I created the lined version, actually. Most of the stationery designs I see out there are unlined. While I find them to be so beautiful with only lovely designs and nothing functional interfering, I just end up with messy, cattywompus patterns of writing all over the page. And it honestly makes me cringe a bit to see a lovely letter going all crooked. So, lined are definitely available to those of us who *struggle*.

Free Printable Lined Stationery
I used a fresh coral and cream color palette on these, with lots of evergreen hues mixed in, as well. 

Envelopes for Your Free Printable Stationery

I specifically designed this stationery to work perfectly with the A6 envelopes that I also use for all of my free printable greeting cards. Just fold your note pages in half and they will fit in your envelope.

A6 Kraft Envelopes

Printing and Using Your Stationery

  • You'll be able to download your preferred size of this stationery below.
  • Please note that these downloads are for personal use only. Please do not reproduce these with the intention of reselling them in any manner.
  • Print your stationery onto regular, white, letter-sized (8.5x11") paper (not cardstock, in this instance).
  • Use your NORMAL or DRAFT settings on your printer for this stationery. Since the designs are watercolor in nature, your DRAFT mode *may* create interesting striations to give it a bit of that watercolor authenticity. Plus, it saves you a bit of ink.

Free Printable Floral Stationery
  • Once your stationery is printed, cut it out, just on the inside of the light green perimeter outline (as depicted above by the black dotted line).
  • If you prefer, you can leave your border in place and cut right on the outside of the edge.

Free Printable Watercolor Stationery
  • After writing on your stationery, you can fold it in half and slide it into the A6 envelope.
  • Or, you can even place a piece or two of this written-on stationery (folded in half) inside one of my free printable greeting cards to make your greetings extra special.

Monogrammed Stationery Option

Free Monogrammed Stationery
If you're looking for a more personalized version, be sure to also check out my Free Printable Monogrammed Stationery (pictured above). Every letter is available. 

Download Your Free Printable Stationery

Free Stationery Printables

Free Printable Stationery Designs

More Free Printable Stationery


  1. Kristi, these are just lovely! I remember using stationary, and I do miss that. I loved getting a new stationery set, this reminds me of those days. By the way, do you have a paper preference? Thank you, Tamalita

    1. Thank you so much, Tamalita! I appreciate that...yes, I loved new stationery, too! Such a treat. As different as this is from my normal paper preference, I suggest plain computer or copier paper for this. Hope this helps. xoxo

  2. This is so pretty! It takes me down memory lane when I used to have a pen pal! Your stationary is beautiful! (So are the other things you create!!!) Kristi, thank you for sharing so freely your gifting and talents! You have blessed countless people by doing so! Thanks again, Mary

    1. Hi Mary-- Thank you so much for your kind words. They are so appreciated. And, yes, I had a pen pal, too. My mother actually had one for over 70 years right up until her death. Now, I correspond with her penpal. xoxo

  3. I just love this stationery, especially with the lines. Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much, Wendie. I am so happy you love it. xoxo

  4. This is beautiful Kristi! It seems I never get my Christmas card sent out, and this year I have a goal to make sure they get done! However, I'm not waiting until Christmas, I am going to send Valentine Day cards! So, my question to you is, do you have any plans to make some stationary with a Valentine theme, or even just a heart, so it might be used for everyday??? Thank you for sharing your fantastic creations!!

    1. Thank you so much, Stacy! I do have Valentines stationery coming along later this month. I also have these cards already available here:

  5. Can you put these graphics on recipe sized printable cards? That would be so great!

    1. Hi there! At this time, I am a bit stretched for time and probably can't get to this right away. However, as I mentioned to Stacy's comment above, I do have some Valentine's stationery coming our soon, including card versions. Be sure to check these cards out from last year that may work for you:

  6. If you have a light box, you can put lined paper under the unlined version and then you will have the lines for a guide but the letter you mail won't have the lines. Thia one is reasonably priced.

    1. Such a great idea! Thank you so much for sharing. xoxo

  7. Just wanted to shout a Huge Thank you for the cards, my prayers and thoughts since yesterday have been about "real letters" to people, especially my grandkids who i am distancing from d/t health concerns. God is SOO Good!!! Be Blessed.....

    1. You're so very welcome. Yes, I'm hoping this lost art makes a sweet comeback. xoxo

  8. Dear I should...
    I have enjoyed your cheerful site and have several of your pieces files where I add them when I need them. Thank you for presenting original designs for folks who enjoy no politics, no sex, no hidden messages, just love and good will.
    Blessings, Virginia Bono

    1. Thank you so much, Virginia. I really appreciate you taking the time to let me know that. xoxo

  9. Replies
    1. You are so very welcome! Thank you bunches for stopping by! xoxo
