21 Free Valentine Fonts | i should be mopping the floor
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21 Free Valentine Fonts

These 21 free Valentine fonts will melt your heart and make your Valentine's season all the more LOVE-ly. There are some that are swirly and romantic and some that are playful and full of hearts (literally). You're sure to find a few free Valentine fonts in this list to make your own heart go pitter patter (if you're like me, all free fonts kind of have that effect). Download your favorite free Valentine fonts below.
Free Valentine Fonts

'Tis the season for all things romantic and sweet, right? However, these free Valentine fonts are definitely not just for this heart-filled time of the year. Be sure to utilize some of these pretties the next time you put together a wedding shower invitation or just a darling little love note. Download your faves below.

21 Free Valentine Fonts

Cute Fonts

It probably goes without saying, but I love free fonts, y'all. I mean, really. My computer (that I've only had for a year) already has well over a thousand of them at this very moment. Extreme? Yes. Fun? Ummm...obviously.
And while novelty fonts aren't always my thing, I feel like there is a time and place for them. And there are a few of those mixed in with today's free Valentine fonts. The fact that quite a number of today's fonts have hearts in place of certain characters really makes me smile. There aren't many friends that I can think of that didn't use a heart for an "o" sometime around the junior high years, amiright? And an "i" with a heart dot? Yes, please. Give me allllll the middle school note-passing characteristics, please. Those were the good times. When someone finally creates a textable font where I can dot my "j" or "i" with a heart, then I will be a happy girl.

Let's first get some of the logistics out of the way with these fonts, shall we?

How to Download these Free Valentine Fonts

  • All of these free Valentine fonts listed out for you below are available via DaFont. I've linked each font directly to its download page on their site.
  • Once you click through to their site, you will select the button that says 'download' on the right side of the font's page.

How to Install Fonts
  • Once you have downloaded your font, you'll have to unzip the file.
  • On a PC, right-click to select 'Extract All', and then follow the instructions.
  • On a Mac, double click the zipped file and the file(s) will automatically unzip. Once unzipped you can access the font's folder or just the font on its own.
  • Above, you can see that some fonts come in a folder and some are just on their own. Either manner is fine. If they're in a folder, the font designer is generously giving some extras or providing their Terms of Use.
  • I prefer the .otf or Open Type Format files if they're available, they can be resized and manipulated without compromising quality. But, they're not always included in font downloads and .ttf versions will work, too). As you can see from above, sometimes the font designer will give you both versions.

Installing Your Free Valentine Fonts

  • I've been a loyal Mac user for over 20 years. I honestly couldn't begin to tell you how to install fonts on a PC (sorry!). However, I do recommend this font installing guide for PC users here on Wikihow.
  • To install these fun cursive fonts on a Mac (since this is what I use, I feel more comfortable explaining this), follow my step-by-step instructions below:
    • After you unzipped your file, open the individual folder of the font or just double click on the actual font if it's folder-free. You can see in the image above what I mean.
    • Double click the .ttf or .otf file.

Installing Fonts
  • After double clicking the .ttf or .otf file, a dialog box (pictured above) should automatically populate for you.
  • Click the 'Install Font' button in the lower righthand corner. Your installation should begin automatically (it will only take a few seconds, total).
  • Be sure to check your Mac's Font Book to ensure the just-installed font is in there (they're listed alphabetically). You can begin using your new font immediately in your computer's applications.
  • If you can't find the font you installed within an application, shut down all of your running applications and restart your computer. Relaunch your applications.
  • Sometimes, fonts have a different preface before them (often the designer's initials). If you still can't locate the font, be sure to check your download folder for its full name.

More Free Valentine Fonts

Shabby Chic Fonts
As a purveyor of fontalicious fun on all fronts, I feel like it's my duty to let you know that this isn't my first Valentine font collection. My first collection of free vintage, shabby, and romantic fonts is actually my most visited font collection of all-time. It's a good one (you can see an example of many of the fonts available in it in the above title card). I have more Valentine-related fonts at the end of today's post, as well. Or visit my free fonts page for even more.

21 Free Valentine Fonts

To access each one of these, click on each font name below to be taken to the download page for each individual font. Also, make sure you read over each font designer's terms of use, as most of these fonts are fine for personal use, but may have some rules regarding commercial usage. If some fonts are for demo use only, that is usually okay for personal use. Let me know if you have any questions.
Amore Font 
Broken Heart Font 
Hugs and Kisses Font 
Chasing Hearts Font 
Cupid Font 
Love Letters Font 
Quick Kiss Font 
Love Song 
Love Beat Font 
My Big Heart Font 
Romantic Beach Font 
I Found My Valentine Font 
Burning Heart Font 
Heartbeat Font 
Cupid de Locke Font 
I Love You Forever 
Sailing Heart 
Romantic Couple
Be Mine Font 
Romantic Font
I Love What You Do Font

Romantic Fonts

A Few More Free Font Collections:


  1. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Kristi! I am a font freak -- you just can't have too many fonts, can you? :-)

    1. I am a total font freak, too, Amy! So happy you like them...and no, never too many! xoxo

  2. Love FONTS!!!! Thank you for all the freebies!!!

    1. You're so very welcome! Thank you for stopping by. xoxo

  3. I am crazy about fonts and wallpapers. This article and the blog design was quite therapeutic. Thank you for making me so happy.

    1. What a sweet compliment! I'm so glad you are enjoying the fonts! Thank you for your kind words! Xoxo
