Mrs. Claus Christmas Cookies Printable | i should be mopping the floor
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Mrs. Claus Christmas Cookies Printable

This Mrs. Claus Christmas Cookies Printable contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Affiliate, I make a small portion when these links are used, at no additional cost to you.

I knew a Mrs. Claus Cookie Recipe would be the perfect illustrated recipe printable for the Christmas series. After all, she does have the best cookie recipe around (it's taken her years to perfect it for the big guy). This festive print is perfect for your kitchen or dining area for the holiday season. See what this Mrs. Claus Christmas Cookies printable looks like below. 

Mrs. Claus Christmas Cookies Illustrated Recipe Printable
There are actually two versions of this illustrated recipe printable below. I did one with corners of holly and berries and one without (in case that much "stuff" is a bit cluttered for your taste). You can see both of these illustrated recipe designs below.

Mrs. Claus Christmas Cookies Printable

The most popular printable from our Free Fall Printable Series was, hands down, the original Pumpkin Bread Recipe Illustration Printable. It was so much fun to create and I definitely couldn't stop there. I instantly knew I wanted to create a Christmas-version, too. I toyed around with fruit cake recipes, homemade hot chocolate, eggnogs, and various cookies. But, I had to rely on the queen of the Christmas cookie...Mrs. Claus, herself, to bring us this one. 
Mrs. Claus Christmas Cookies

Above, you can see both versions of this illustrated recipe with and one without the corners of the holly berry vines. Although it's tough to see in these images, about the words "Christmas Cookies" in the red banner, it reads "from the kitchen of Mrs. Claus". So it's a legit north pole original. Well, kind of

The Origin of the Recipe

All kidding aside, and full disclosure...this is not my own recipe for Christmas Cookies. This is, indeed, an actual roll out cookie recipe that I pulled out of my mom's old recipe box, but I honestly do not know the original origins of it (I don't ever recall her making it). To be completely up front, it had the exact amount of ingredients and directions to work well as a recipe illustration. This was purely a logistical situation, y'all.

I know several of you actually baked the recipe from the Pumpkin Bread Printable, but with this one, I have to tell you that I have not made this actual recipe. It is purely for decorative purposes that I selected it. However, it is a legitimate recipe, and you're more than welcome to give it a go. But, if it turns out tasting like cardboard, please don't fuss at me, k?

Recipe Printable
I'm kind of at a loss as to which version of this printable I like better. During the holiday season, I'm definitely a more is more kind of girl. So, the illustration with the holly in the corners may be the one for my personal taste. I took the corners out of the other illustration (pictured above) after having a strong reaction to them. When I was working on this printable, I had it up on my larger desktop computer. I stepped away to grab a cup of tea. When I walked back into the room and quickly glanced at the was, well, a lot happening on the screen. The printable seemed a bit too busy and fussy. So, I made the holly corners more translucent and knocked down their opacity by about 50%, allowing the buffalo check to peek through just a bit. This made the print a lot better in my eyes. But, I know some of you may prefer a print that's a bit less fussy (this is, after all, a very busy design overall). So, the above design has the holly corners completely gone.

Recipe Art
And above, you can see those holly corners in place. Once this piece is framed, the holly is almost just peeking in from the sides. It's designed to "bleed" right off the page.

Printing and Using this Printable

  • This Mrs. Claus Cookies Printable is for personal use only. Please do not recreate it with the intention of reselling it in any manner. 
  • Because of all of the details, I didn't create smaller sizes on this design. It's only available in the 8x10" size (actually, make that 10"x8" since it's a horizontal design). I felt like a lot of the details would get lost in a 4x6" or 5x7" size. It does come in both JPEG and PDF formats.
  • The JPEG can be uploaded to your local photo-printing shop to be printed as an actual photo-style image. The PDF is perfect for at-home printing. 
  • This print works best on white letter-sized cardstock when you're printing at home. It makes the colors so much truer when cardstock is used. 
    • You can buy your own pack of letter-sized white cardstock here on Amazon for a budget-friendly price. 

Download these Printables:

Free Recipe Art

Christmas Baking

More Recipe-Style Printables


  1. This is so cute, I love it!!!!! I also love that you give the option of holly or no holly. Of course I downloaded both! Thank You.

    1. Ha! I love it, Lois. Hope you enjoy both of those. Thanks so much for all of your kind comments...they make my day and are greatly appreciated. xoxo

  2. Love this! Thank you so much! And thank you especially for the Landscape design! This will look so cute in my kitchen.

    1. Thanks so much, Rachelle! Yes, I'm a big fan of landscape prints, myself. Hope you enjoy a wonderful season. xoxo

  3. Oh I adore your recipe printables, and this is so cute! thank you!!

    1. Thank you so much, Tamalita! They're some of my favorites to put together. xoxo

  4. This would make an adorable Christmas card design!

  5. This is a really cute idea! Wondering if you would every consider one that is editable with out own family cookie recipe? I don't have any idea what that involves so hope it's not rude to ask that. I love your printable and your blog. Thanks!

    1. Thank you so much. That is a great idea...with the various graphics and such, not sure I have the capabilities of pulling that off...if it were just wording that could be edited, that would be a bit easier.

  6. Hey Kristi! These recipe printables are adorable! I would love to do a small recipe book for my 7 year old granddaughter who loves to cook! Are you ok with that? Also, do you have any others that I could use to add to the book as well? I found the lemonade one. I love this style and I know she would too!

    1. Hi Shayne-- Yes, I would LOVE that....what a darling idea. I have two others, as well. The Pumpkin Bread:
      And the Cinnamon Supper Cake:
      Hope this helps!
