Free Vintage Christmas Printables | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Vintage Christmas Printables

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These Free Vintage Christmas Printables are truly some of my favorites. I tried to give them as much authenticity as possible, but they probably still have a little bit of that handmade quality, too, which isn't exactly a bad thing. They are layered on a textured design that also incorporates vintage sheet music into the background. See both designs of these free vintage Christmas printables below.

Free Vintage Christmas Printables
I truly go weak in the knees for all things vintage, especially during the holidays. The scenes depicted on today's prints are ones that bring about that sweet nostalgic Christmas feeling. There are two designs available and multiple sizes and formats of each one. Download your free vintage Christmas printables below.

Free Vintage Christmas Printables

From old St. Nicholaus bringing toys and goodies in a sack and basket to sweet winter birds perched atop a snowy scene, I can't get enough of a vintage vibe during Christmas. In my house, we spin my mom's old Christmas records all December long, use her antique ornaments, and bring out sweet decor from family members that have gone on before us. Isn't that part of the charm of the season? Bringing Christmases of the past right into the present, as well? Hoping today's two free vintage Christmas printables bring a bit of that yesteryear charm into your home this season, too.
Vintage Christmas Printables

A Few Notes about the Vintage Printables 

  • These two designs both come in the following size and format options:
    • 8x10" JPEG or PDF
    • 5x7" JPEG or two-to-a-page PDF
    • 4x6" JPEG or two-to-a-page PDF
  • The "grunge" or "dirty" look of these printables is built right into the design. You'll be able to print onto white cardstock and they'll still look aged.
  • Printing onto cream colored cardstock can deepen the antique look of these designs.
  • The phrases on the printables are:
    • Joyous Christmas to You
    • Happy Winter (in the red banner)
  • Both of these designs are for personal use only. You may gift them or use them in non-profit situations only. You may not reproduce them with the intent to resell in any manner (whether digital or physical product).

Winter Bird Printable

Printing Your Vintage Printables

  • Again, these printables work best printed onto letter-sized cardstock. Either white or cream will work for the vintage look (again, the "age" is built right into the design). 
  • The PDF designs are best for printing at home. They remain true to size. 
  • Both the 5x7" and 4x6" PDF designs come with two designs per page to save paper. They are designed to print onto letter-sized cardstock.
  • You can upload your JPEG designs to print at a local photo-type printing place. They print just like a photo.
  • Since the designs are not only vintage, but watercolor, as well, try printing in the "DRAFT" mode on your home printer. It can create some unique striations that will add to the authenticity of these designs. Plus, that's an ink-saver, too.

Download Your Vintage Christmas Printables:

Two Free Vintage Christmas Printables

Free Vintage Christmas Printable Postcards
If you love the look of today's free vintage Christmas printables, you'll love the free printable vintage Christmas postcards that I posted last year (one is pictured above). They are all 4x6" in size and there are six designs, in all. 

Free Vintage Christmas Printable Gift Tags
Along those same lines, I also have the above free printable vintage Christmas tags. They're a fun way to give your gifts a vintage vibe this holiday season. 

Free Vintage Christmas Printable

More Vintage Christmas Printables


  1. Omg!!! I love these vintage printables! They look so authentic. They are truly delightful. Beautiful work,as always. Thank you.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Dawn! I owe you an email! ;) xoxo

  3. My homesick daughter is coming home for Christmas and also loves all things vintage. I'm printing out these and framing them for her room. I love them. She will, too. Thanks very much.

    1. Awww...hoping they make the visit even that much more special. Thank you so much for letting me know! xoxo

  4. I was wrong! These graphics are a miracle! They are beautiful! Thank you thank you thank you!

    1. You're so very welcome! Thank you so much for the kind words. xoxo
