Free Printable Thanksgiving Place Cards | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Printable Thanksgiving Place Cards

This post for printable Thanksgiving place cards contains affiliate links. I make a small portion when these links are used, at no additional cost to you. 

Today's printable Thanksgiving place cards are the perfect addition to your fall tablescapes. I included two options for you: tented cards and single cards to use with little holders. These simple fall watercolor designs will look lovely up and down your tabletop. Grab these printable Thanksgiving place cards below.

Printable Thanksgiving Place Cards
And, if you've been following along with our Fall Printable Series, you know that these place cards coordinate perfectly with yesterday's printable Thanksgiving placemats. They would look lovely displayed together. Or, if you're going with your china and a tablecloth (instead of the placemats), they'd look pretty on their own, as well). You can download either style of these printable Thanksgiving place cards below.

Free Printable Thanksgiving Place Cards

My mom had a set of ceramic place cards (can you even call them cards when they're ceramic?) when I was growing up. They were from Lillian Vernon and we wrote on them with dry erase markers every Thanksgiving. Even as a little kid, she allowed me to be in charge of the place cards and placing everyone where I thought they should sit (and, horrifically witnessing everyone rearranging themselves at their first glance of the cards). I know my kinder-kid-scratch writing on those little ceramic stands was probably not what my mother had in mind when she originally bought them, but it was the highlight of meal prep for me. I'm so glad she gave me that little job all those years ago. I still enjoy using place cards at Thanksgiving every year (much to all of my brothers' chagrin). And, like clockwork, everyone rearranges their cards while I'm busy cooking...even 30 years after that practice began.

Tented Place Cards

Tented Place Cards

Pictured above are the tented versions of these printable Thanksgiving place cards. They're simple to use:
  • Download them further down in this post.
  • Print onto letter-sized white cardstock.
  • Cut out each card around the outer perimeter or purple line.
  • Fold in half and fill in a name.
    • You can do the same name on both sides (so the person opposite them won't forget their name). 
    • Or, write different names on each side of the place card to save paper. Run your cards down the center of the table, one side signifying a guest on one side of the table, and the other side representing the person across from them.
  • Place on the table.

Printable Placemats and Place Cards

Single Place Cards

Pictured above are the single place cards. They are perfect to use with little display stands (I shared mine below). Use them similarly to the tented ones:
  • Download these cards further down in this post.
  • Print onto letter-sized white cardstock.
  • Cut out each card around its outer, hairline perimeter.
  • Write on the front and place in its holder.
  • I often use two cards in the same holder, if I'm short on the table for holders. You can put the person on one side of the table on one of the cards and the person across from them on the other card.
  • Or, use the same two names in the same holder at a dinner party, so guests will have an easy time remembering who they're sitting across from, if they're new to one another (or even not...ha!).

Placemat Printables for Fall

Easy Table Ideas

Printing Place Cards at Home
The above image shows how the print outs for the place cards appear once they're printed out. On the left image, you can see the single place cards, the right side has the tented versions (which should remain connected in the middle, instead of cut out individually). Again, be sure to print these out onto letter-sized white cardstock (regular paper is too thin to use with place cards). Grab a pack of white cardstock here on Amazon for a great price. 

Download Your Printable Thanksgiving Place Cards

Free Thanksgiving Place Cards

Printable Place Cards
You can also use these printable Thanksgiving place cards for menu cards, too. Label your dishes and treats on your buffet so your guests know what they're going for. They'd be sweet tucked into lunch boxes with little notes written on them, as well. There are lots of possibilities for these. 

Thanksgiving Table Decor

More Fall Printables for the Table


  1. seems like I missed this email! these are lovely. thank you.

    1. Thank you, Tamalita. I've been sending them a bit later on Sunday mornings. And yesterday, well...I scheduled the email for the wrong day! HA! Hoping to get back on track this week with the emails. Appreciate your kind words. xoxo

  2. Thank you for these Kristi, they're absolutely gorgeous

    1. Thank you so much for that. It's really appreciated. xoxo

  3. Where did you find the place mats?

    1. Hi Jeanice! I actually designed them! You can find there here: Enjoy! xoxo

  4. These are sooooo beautiful. I came across them by accident but am so excited to use them for our Friendsgiving luncheon. You are certainly quite talented. I was wondering if you had this pattern in a silverware pocket. Thanks, Susan

    1. Hi Susan! Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your kind words! Friendsgivings are SO much fun! It brings my heart joy to hear that these designs will be used during your celebration! I do not have this pattern in a silverware pocket at this time, but you might be able to use the placecard design on top of a solid colored silverware pocket. I hope this helps! Thank you so much! xoxo

  5. Hi Kristi:
    I just wanted to let you know that I just love these and can't wait to use them for our Friendsgiving Feast next week. I know they will be a big hit and make the table look sooo festive. I was wondering if you have this same design as a silverware holder/pocket. Just curious. Thanks're super creative. Susan

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate the kind words. xoxo, kristi

  6. Thank you for making these available for free! I was looking for pretty printable labels that I could use to label a few desserts at an upcoming potluck, and I came across these. I think they will work perfectly! :-)
