Free Acorns to Oaks Printables | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Acorns to Oaks Printables

This post for free Acorns to Oaks Printables contains affiliate links. As an Amazon affiliate, I make a small portion when these links are used, at no additional cost to you. 

Today's printables are simple ones...but sometimes those are the very best kind. These free Acorns to Oaks Printables are not only perfect for the fall, they'll really work all year-round. They'd be darling displayed in kids' spaces, too. Because after all, Tall Oaks from Little Acorns grow.

Acorns to Oaks
Is there anything sweeter than this quote? Tall oaks from little acorns grow. The entire quote also includes: Large streams from little fountains flow. This quote is thought to be a 14th century proverb (source: Oxford Dictionary). But the metaphors in these two lines are just fantastic to me, y'all. I especially love the acorns to oaks line in regard to children and their growth. It's amazing, isn't it? Grab either of these printable designs below.

Free Acorns to Oaks Printables

I wanted to include a large variety of printables in this month's series. Not only in their actual function (we have banners coming, recipe cards went live yesterday, and so many more forms of printables on the way), but in their actual design, as well. While I lean a bit toward a heavier, busier design, in general, I know a lot of you really appreciate a more simplistic design, too. Today's printables are just that. Simple. But sometimes simple is the loveliest of all.
Fall Foliage
I do have a funny side story for you regarding a slight obsession I had last fall. On our daily walks, there was a home down the street that dropped large, intact (a rarity down here) acorns all over the side of the road. I thought they were so pretty with their cute "hats" still in place. 

I started picking up a few and putting them into my pockets on every walk we took. When we got home, I placed them under an old glass cheese dome on a wooden server for a sweet fall display that would hopefully preserve them nicely. 

As Thanksgiving approached, I started collecting even anticipation for hosting the big meal, I wanted my home totally fall-feeling...right down to my authentic fall nature display (which had, by that point, turned into multiple displays). On the morning of Thanksgiving Thursday, I set out several of my filled domes down the middle of one of our tables, as a sweet and natural centerpiece. Upon closer inspection, I realized there were also live grubs crawling all throughout the glass domes. I about died, y'all. Not only had these grubs lived with us for a week or so (safely under glass, thankfully), but they traveled home in my pockets. Needless to say, they were tossed out rather quickly in favor of some simple (non-living) candles. 

Today's acorn printables are guaranteed to be grub free with hats still intact. They're also available in both black and white (it's actually just a strong grey not a pure black) as well as color.

Tall Oaks from Little Acorns Grow

Printing Tips for Your Acorns to Oaks Designs:

  • You'll be able to download your favorite version of this design below.
  • Both of these printables are 8x10" prints. They are laid onto letter-sized pages for easy, at-home printing. Simply print, trim, and frame.
  • These designs are available in both JPEG and PDF formats.
  • These printables look their best printed onto white, letter-sized cardstock, rather than plain printer paper. Often plain printer paper is so thin that the color that is behind the print in a frame will show through, causing the printable to look off-color. Grab a ream of white cardstock here on Amazon.
  • For the black and white version, be sure to set your printer to black and white to save yourself a smidge of ink.
  • For the color version, use your 'normal' or 'best' settings on your printer.
  • Please note that these free printables are for personal use only. If you do own a small shop or online business and would like to carry the printed version of these bookmarks, please purchase a commercial use license here. If you have any questions, see my Terms of Use or drop me an email (my contact information is in the right-hand column).
Low Ink Printable

Places to Display this Printable

While I actually created this design to go with fall decor, this printable actually works well year-round in a variety of child-centered settings:
  • baby nursery
  • daycare decor
  • classroom settings (even middle school or high school!)
  • baby showers (especially woodland themed)

Download Your Printables:

Acorns to Oaks Free Printables

With these printables being a lot more simple than my normal designs, I'd love to get your take on them. Let me know your thoughts in the comments. They're much appreciated.
Fall Acorn Printable

More Free Fall Printables


  1. It's so fun opening up these emails each morning. This acorn printable is so sweet and your grub story made me laugh!! Have a great day, Kristi! :)

    1. Awww...that makes my heart so happy, Dawn! I really appreciate it, sweet friend. And gah...GRUBS! I'll never look at acorns the same again. Thank you so much! xoxo

  2. I love that you share such great prints for us!! I especially love the acorn print and message. As my mom's family
    grew up under oak trees, and each of the 13 kids and my grandparents were so strong. I have the children's book by Max LuCado , THE OAK INSIDE THE ACORN, that I have given to family members. Mema Jeanne, NC

    1. Oh, I love precious! I'll keep an eye out for that book. Thank you so much for your sweet words...they're greatly appreciated. xoxo

  3. Thank you so much for the dark grey and white version. I'd love to see more of those.

    1. Thank you for letting me know that. I always worry it's too simple...but then again, I'm a more is more kinda girl. It helps to know that those designs work well for others (probably most people!). Appreciate the feedback.

  4. My daughter started her very first day of preschool ever this morning at Acorns to Oaks program. When I saw this I wished I had been able to print it out for first day pictures! We'll use it this afternoon instead :)

    xoxo from Austin

    1. Oh, I just love this...sorry we missed it by a few hours! Hoping she had a wonderful first day. I'm a native Austinite, myself...always nice to meet a fellow ATX friend. Have a great rest of your week. xoxo

  5. This simple design is nice. I was surprised that you did not have a large oak tree in the background in a very,very light color so as not to take away from this design. The message does make this a nice design for a child's room.

    1. Thanks so much, Phylis. Yes, simple isn't always my norm, but it's a nice change sometimes. xoxo

  6. I love this little acorn message! And wow grubs omg. Wow. Thank you so much.

    1. Thanks so much, Tamalita! Yeah...grubs were not so fun. ;) xoxo

  7. There is NOTHING that you design that I don't love!! This simple acorn print is great because I have a couple of non-standard sized frames and I can crop this darling little print to fit into one of them without compromising the design. Thanks for all your amazing designs.

    1. Awww...that is much appreciated and so sweet of you to say. I'm so happy you like these simpler ones, too. That's a great idea with the cropping! I may have to do that myself with a square frame I have. Have a great week! xoxo

  8. This is Mema Jeanne again!! I wanted you to know that I printed "Tall oaks from little acorns grow" in the black on a soft green card stock, and then I cut it down to a 5 x7 and put them in a black frame to give to both of my nieces to whom I had given the books by Max Lucado. They will love them!! Again, thank you that you share your talent with others who are not talented.
    Mema Jeanne

    1. Hi Mema Jeanne! You are so sweet! Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words. I hope your nieces love the prints. Cropping and framing them is such a great idea!! What a treasure to have an aunt as sweet and thoughtful as you! Happy fall! xoxo

  9. How do we get one with the buffalo plaid as a back ground?
