Free Student Planner Printables | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Student Planner Printables

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If you have a late elementary school, middle school, or high school student, these free student planner printables are perfect for the upcoming school year. These effective resource pages include 10 printables of schedule pages, calendars, daily planners, goal trackers, to-do lists and more. Download your free planner printables below.

Student Planner Printable
I feel like it's go-time, y'all. My husband has been a high school principal for over 12 years now. AND, both of our kids are now at dad's school. When my husband started at this school, our kids were in preschool and the idea of being a student at dad's campus seemed light years away. But, here we are with not one but two high school students. Having gleaned quite a bit of knowledge over the years via the husband's job, I am super excited to debut my first ever (and they're FREE) Student Planner Printables. I went through my kids' school-issued middle and high school student agendas, my husband's various student planners from over the years, some of my best planners from years' past, and my own knowledge of what works and what doesn't for my kids to come up with (what I consider to be) the ultimate in a student-geared planner printable. Download yours below.

Free Student Planner Printables

I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of a planner nerd, y'all. But here's the real deal: a printable planner is a game changer. Why? Anytime you need another insert, calendar, or daily schedule, it is literally able to be printed at a moment's notice (even from your phone these days). You aren't bound to the set number of sheets you ordered in your pre-printed planner. You have carte blanche to print and organize (or even omit certain parts) of a printable planner. It's everything. And, you can't beat free.
Student Planner Pages
See what I mean? Just print and go.

Ready-to-Go Planner Option

If you'd rather not use a ton of ink to print your planner pages at home, I also have a set of ready-made planners (with all of the pages of the printable options) available on Amazon. 
Best Student Planner
Above, you can see how the same pages are included in an already printed and bound book. It's available in two cover designs, along with hardcover or softcover options. Be sure to watch the video below for more details on it, or click here to read about it in its own blog post.

Purchase the Ready-Made Planner:

Free Printable Version

Student Planner Printables


After several requests from readers, I have now added a black and white version to this set of free printables (pictured above). It's available below with the rest of the download options.

Homework Tracker Printable

Included in this Student Planner Printable Set:

All of these free printables are available in either combination of blue and orange or blue and pink (your pick!). And now black and white, too. A few of the pages are simply in blue that coordinate with both the pink and orange options. Again, pick and choose which prints work best for your family. Or, feel free to use all of them. As you go over the planner pages with your child, be sure to offer guidance with what you think works best for them when utilizing these. These are wonderful to help instill good time management skills in and out of the classroom.

  • Blank Calendar Pages

    • These monthly calendars can be customized for a nice overview of each month (be sure to print the entire year at once). They're super simple and can be customized for Sunday or Monday weekly starts.

  • Weekly Schedule Printables

    • Have your student customize these schedule printables with their daily class and activity schedule. They're perfect for either traditional or block scheduling.
    • As you can see in the image above, you can even add times to the left of the boxes, if desired.

  • Daily Schedule Printables

    • These daily planner printables are the biggie...the one you'll need a print of for every school day (easy to do with your home printer). It is broken down into hourly slots from 5am-10pm with additional areas for daily to-do lists, daily goals, and notes. They can be filled in with different subjects, activities, and appointments. There should be plenty of space for alllll of the info.

  • Assignment Trackers

    • These are perfect for the larger-scale assignments, as well as to keep track of their schoolwork, overall.

  • Homework Trackers

    • These are for weekly homework assignments. If you want to simplify things a bit, you can omit the assignment trackers and just use the homework ones, instead.

  • Upcoming Tests and Quizzes Trackers

    • These are similar to the homework and assignment printables, but geared for testing. There is even space to include what needs to be studied.

  • Checklist Printables
    • I absolutely love instilling an affinity to set goals. I think these list-specific printables will certainly help with that. The following are included:
      • To-Do List
      • Weekly Goals
      • Monthly Goals
      • Semester Goals

Daily Schedule Printable

Using Your Planner Printables

  • You can download the printables you choose to include in your planner below the following two images.
  • Print these onto regular paper using your home printer.
  • To customize your printables before printing, you can open your word processing program. Add the printables to your document as images or "pictures" and anchor them to the page as a background image (you may have to select that you want to add type on top of the image). Then you can customize and print. Personally, pen to paper is more fun to me, but I totally understand that many folks like to customize on their computers.
  • I created a slightly offset printable with each sheet...the left margin is larger for hole punching. Use a standard three-hole punch with these to keep them in a binder. 
  • My kids carry those larger, fabric binders (they come with a shoulder strap) to all of their classes. They also keep all of their homework and assignments in these binders. I designed this student planner printable set to be kept inside a binder like that, since they're the go-to for most students these days. However, a traditional three-ring binder would work, too.

Customizing Your Student's Planner

Customizing Student Planners
It's also fun to customize these printables using washi tape, adhesive tabs, sticky notes, stickers and more. My kids use the adhesive tabs as a bookmark of sorts, since they're easily removed/replaced. Have fun with it and let your student make their planner their own...they're more likely to take ownership and use it that way.

Planner Color Options

Daily Schedule Student Planner Printable
You can see the three color options available for this student planner printable above, as well as listed out below:
  • Hot Pink and Navy Blue
  • Orange and Navy Blue
  • NEW! Black and White

Download Your Printables:

Printable planners

Looking for More Planner Fun?


  1. These printables and printer recommendation couldn't have come at a better time! We are gearing up for back to school and a new printer is at the top of our list! I love the chic color and design!

    1. Thank you so much, Gina! I appreciate that. Yes, the chic color is my fave.

    2. Thank you so much for your planner actually being free. I am financially strapped right now but really needed this resource. I will continue to support your business and thank you so much again.

  2. Ohhh gelato. I'm diggin' that color and that name.

  3. Replies
    1. You are SO welcome! I hope they have been as helpful for you and yours as they have for us! <3

  4. THANK YOU for the downloads. I was wondering how I was going to be able to stay organized with four kids home from school (10th grade, 7th grade, 4th grade and 1st grade). These will help so much.

    1. Hi Debra! I hope these printables will be helpful for you! I know this is such a weird and difficult time for us all. I'm happy to have something that might make things a bit easier! May God bless and keep you all! xoxo

  5. Hello Kristi, thank you so much for these forms. I am a college student and have been trying to figure out how to organize myself with everything that is going on. This will help so much. Thank you again, and stay safe!

    1. Oh, I am so happy to hear that. Thank you so much for letting me know. Take care. xoxo

  6. These are great! Because of everything that's going on, both of my teenagers are having to do school remotely and keeping track of everything they have to do has got MY head spinning. I printed out several of your planning pages and am going to try to use them to keep us all organized. Thank you, and be well!

    1. Thank you so much for letting me know, Lisa! I have two teenagers, too, and we're in the same boat. Stay well. xoxo

  7. Replies
    1. You're so welcome...I'm so glad you like it. xoxo

  8. Thank you for sharing your work! These become much more necessary with Distance Learning.

    1. You're so welcome! Hope your school year starts off well. xoxo

  9. As a high school teacher (freshmen), organization is soooo important. Thanks for making something mature and with large enough boxes to actually write in them!

    1. Thank you so much for that, Theresa. I really appreciate that...especially from someone in the field. Hoping you have a wonderful school year. xoxo

  10. These are amazing! I tried changing it from a pdf to a googledoc so I can fill it out online and it would not convert. Are these files not able to convert?

    Thanks for your help!

    1. Drop me an email and I can convert on my end if you're still having issues. Thanks!

  11. Thank you so much ! I shared this with my friends cuz its really helpful .

  12. heyy...i am so happy with ur work...i am from india and i loved the sheets and my all friends asked me about these sheets..they r amazing thank u so so kristi

  13. Thank you so much! I just found this today after realizing my child needs help managing her time, projects, and due dates.

    1. Hi Lisa! You are so very welcome! I hope you find these printables helpful! xoxo

  14. You're very welcome! Thank you for stopping by. xoxo

  15. Thank you so much for this! I'm printing for both my kids for this school year.

    1. Appreciate that. Hope your family has a wonderful school year. xoxo
