Free Printable Picture Memory Games | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Printable Picture Memory Games

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Our Fun and Games series is almost over. But, I couldn't let it end without a couple of free printable Picture Memory Games. These are animal themed with adorable little friends on each and every card. These are perfect for at-home fun or in the classroom. Download these picture memory games below.

Free Animal Printable Picture Memory Games
There are actually two versions of this Animal Memory game below. You can use just one sheet of cards for the easier version. And then for a more challenging game, you can add in the second sheet. It's an overall good game for all ages, especially preschoolers. And the polka dotted backing is totally optional. You can just print the cards on one side of your card stock to save some ink. No fancy backing required. There is also an optional Ocean Animals Matching Game available, as well. Download both of these picture memory games, along with all of the other items below.

Animal Picture Memory Games

These sweet little critters on this game are seriously the cutest. Pretty sure the smiling pig is my absolute favorite. But, the elephant kind of has my heart, too. 

Fun memory games like these are perfect for the whole family.
Animal Matching Game
These two games are just like the original Memory Game we all played years ago, there is just an easy and difficult version available today. I have listed out the instructions below, as well as included a printable copy, too, for easy game-play reference.

Ocean Matching Game
I also decided to make an even BIGGER version of the matching game with sea life creatures (pictured above). It's a larger set of cards and offers more of a challenge. While the Animals Memory Game has free download links below, the Ocean Matching Game is available here in my shop. This larger version is great for memory skills for all ages. Not only are these entertaining, but it's "learning fun", too!

Ocean Matching Game

The Sea Life Memory Game includes:

  • 24 pairs of ocean animals (48 cards total)
    • You can vary how many cards you put into play for game difficulty.
  • green polka dot backing design (optional)
  • printable instructions

Grab it this Sea Life Memory Game in my shop here for $2.99 or, through the button below. The Animal Memory Game is available for free download further down in this post.

Click to Purchase the Sea Life Matching Game for $2.99

Animal Memory Game

How to Print and Use this Fun Game:

  • Download this game below.
  • Make sure to print your cards onto white-lettersized cardstock (regular paper is too flimsy for these, they'll hold up much better on cardstock).
  • If printing the back design on your cards (again, this is optional and will use up a bit of ink), just print out your cards, first. Then, flip the cardstock over that you've printed your cards onto. On the other side of the cardstock, print the back design (just reinsert into your printer). It is not a directional design on back, so it's just a simple flip over to print on the other side of the cardstock.
  • Cut each card out and play the game (instructions on game play below, including a printable version).

Printable Memory Game
I often find it easier to cut these kinds of printables on my paper trimmer. It makes quick work of it. You can grab a similar paper trimmer here on Amazon. They're inexpensive and really helpful.

Printable Memory Games

Instructions for these Games:

  1. After printing cards, cut them all out (for the second, more challenging game, print out and cut the second sheet of cards, too).
  2. Mix up all of the cards.
  3. Lay the cards in rows, face down.
  4. Players take turns flipping over two cards at a time.
  5. If the two cards match, player can keep them and take another turn immediately. 
  6. If the cards do not match, they are turned back over and the next player takes a turn.
  7. Be sure to keep cards in the same spots throughout the duration of the game.
  8. Try to remember where each picture is, and be mindful of this when other players take their turns. Watch carefully.
  9. The game is over when all cards are matched.
  10. The player with the most matches wins.
A printable copy of these instructions is available for download below, as well.

Matching Games

Download these Picture Memory Games:

Printable Picture Memory Games

Looking for More Visual Memory Games?

Not sure how to Download or Print your Printables?

Be sure to watch through my complete video tutorial below. It covers how to both download and print your printables on either a Mac or a PC. There are instructions to print at home or upload to a local print shop. If you still have questions, see my complete How to Print a Printable tutorial, as well.


  1. Can't wait to use these in my PreK class!

    1. What a great idea!! Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope you and your students enjoy these! <3
