Free Summer Bucket List Printable | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Summer Bucket List Printable

This post for a Summer Bucket List Printable contains affiliate links. I make a small portion when these links are used, at no additional cost to you. 

School is (almost) out and we're all cheering for summertime (whoop, whoop!). I love the idea of a fun Summer Bucket List Printable to make a few goals for the season. There are actually four versions of this free printable available below for you. Two of them are colorable for kids to join in the fun (or grown ups!). Download your favorite Summer Bucket List Printable below.

Summer Bucket List Printable
I decided to make both family and individual versions of this bucket list. My kids actually enjoy setting their own goals for this kind of thing, so I wanted to celebrate that a bit. You can easily have each family member make their own list of summer goals, as well as put together a fun and inclusive family summer bucket list. These are awesome to keep front and center on your refrigerator to refer to all season long. Again, grab your favorite summer bucket list printable below (they're free!).

Free Summer Bucket List Printable

Summer, summer, summertime...we're ready for YOU! My kids still have three more days of school, but after that, we are celebrating the upcoming season in full-on summer mode.

Today's Summer Bucket List Printable is different than most in that it has lines for you to fill in with your own ideas for summertime. Most of the existing ones I found had a set list of items for a bucket list. But, I know we're all a bit different, so I left these printables a little more open-ended. 

Each printable has 15 lines for you to fill in. Print more than one if your list is a bit lengthier. 
Coloring Summer Bucket List

All four of these Summer Bucket List Printable downloads are available below. But first, be sure to check out a few ideas you can add to your own list once you print it out and fill it in. It's a great list of idea-starters to get you going on your own list.

Summer Bucket List Ideas

  • Dine al fresco.
  • Swim at a lake.
  • Go to a parade.
  • Finish a jigsaw puzzle.
  • Go to a splash pad.
  • Picnic in a park.
  • Go camping.
  • Set a goal to read a certain number of books.
  • Visit a beach.
  • Go to the zoo.
  • Visit an aquarium.
  • Make homemade play-dough.
  • Make s'mores.
  • Make homemade lemonade.
  • Attend a baseball game.
  • Go to a museum.
  • Throw frisbees in the park.
  • Have a water balloon fight.
  • Catch fireflies (and release them!).
  • Attend a library story time.
  • Go fishing.
  • Bake cookies.
  • Have a Random Acts of Kindness Day.
  • Visit family members.
  • Sleep under the stars for a night.
  • Watch a fireworks show.
  • Play miniature golf.
  • Make homemade popsicles.
  • Volunteer at the animal shelter.
  • Fly a kite at the park.
  • Ride bikes on a hike and bike trail.
  • Shop at a farmer's market.
  • Go on a scavenger hunt.
  • Attend a drive-in movie.
  • Make homemade ice cream.
  • Go ice skating at a mall.
  • Eat snow cones.
  • Visit an amusement park.
  • Invite friends over for dinner.
  • Plant flowers.
  • Run though the sprinklers.
  • Make a pillow fort.
  • Camp in the backyard.
  • Grill out.
Summer Bucket List Printables

Download Your Free Summer Bucket List Printable:

Printing and Using Your Summer Bucket List Printable:

  • Download your summer bucket list printable above.
  • If printing the full color print, you can use either the draft or normal settings on your printer. The watercolor designs work well with either of these settings and they can add to the authenticity of the watercolor itself by often creating slight striations when printing (especially in draft mode).
  • If printing the colorable design, be sure to set your printer to its black and white setting, to save a little ink.
  • Print onto white cardstock for the best results. Your printable will stay in a lot better shape for the entire summer if on cardstock rather than regular paper. 
  • These printables were designed to fit into an 8x10" frame, if you want to display it all season long. Feel free to frame yours and then use fine tipped dry erase markers on the glass to check off your list as your goals for the summertime are completed.

Need Help with Downloading or Printing Your Summer Bucket List Printable?

If you're new to printables or if you have any issues with downloading or printing, be sure to watch my complete video tutorial below that covers how to download and print your printables on either a Mac and a PC...on your home printer or even uploaded to your local print shop. Still have questions? See my complete tutorial on How to Print a Printable.

Summer Bucket List
What's on YOUR Summer Bucket List?

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