100 Mother's Day Coupon Ideas | i should be mopping the floor
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100 Mother's Day Coupon Ideas

These 100 Mother's Day Coupon Ideas are perfect for kids of all ages. These are simply idea-starters that you can use to fill in all of those fun coupons you'll be giving mom on Mother's Day. From breakfast in bed to washing her car, mom's going to really love all of these sweet sentiments.

Check out all of these Mother's Day Coupon Ideas below, as well as some links to some of my favorite printable Mother's Day coupons, too.

Mother's Day Coupon Ideas
When we were at my in-law's home last month, my husband pointed to something on their refrigerator and kind of chuckled. He was pointing out that a coupon his younger brother had given his mom was about to expire. The coupon was given way back in the 70s when the kids were little. It was for something along the lines of endless hugs. It was precious and sweet. And...expired in 40 years. I just adore that my mother-in-law saved it all this time, packing it up and moving it multiple times. And there it still was (nearly) 40 years later, under a magnet on the fridge. We did have to text my brother-in-law to let him know he needed to make a new coupon since this old one was on the brink of expiration. Clearly, moms love the classic Mother's Day coupon gift. Below, you'll find 100 Mother's Day Coupon Ideas to fill in the blank spots on your coupons. 

100 Mother's Day Coupon Ideas

I've sorted the below Mother's Day Coupon Ideas into several different categories to make them easier to utilize, for all ages and all budgets. I did a bit of surveying on this one, so it's not all from me, y'all! These are legit ideas that will melt mom's heart (and give her a bit of a break!). Only the tried and true ones made the list, y'all (wink). 

Mother's Day Coupons

Mother's Day Coupon Ideas for Preschoolers to Use 

  • free hugs, anytime
  • a drawing made by me
  • a self-portrait made by me
  • snuggles
  • unlimited kisses
  • an ice cream or fro-yo date
  • all of the toys being picked up by me
  • sweeping the floor
  • watering the plants
  • sorting the laundry
  • light dusting in the house
  • a day of no complaining
  • an afternoon together at the park
  • one chore/task of your choice
  • wildflowers picked by me

Mother's Day Coupon Ideas for Older Kids to Use

  • a day of no bickering
  • a device-free day
  • a video game-free day
  • weeding the flower beds
  • mulching the flower beds
  • tending the garden
  • mowing the front yard
  • mowing the back yard
  • trimming trees/shrubbery
  • sweeping the sidewalk
  • spraying off the driveway
  • one week free of dish duty
  • unloading the dishwasher
  • walking the family pet
  • feeding the family pet
  • the entire house vacuumed
  • a cleaned out garage
  • cleaning the bathroom(s)
  • one task of your choice
  • my bed made for a week without having to be asked
  • a cup of coffee or tea brought to you in bed
  • a homemade dessert made by me
  • my room stays clean for a week
  • a coffee date (just me and you!)
  • an ice cream or fro-yo date (just me and you!)
  • a dinner date (just me and you!)
  • an evening of playing games together

No-Cost Mother's Day Coupon Ideas

  • a foot rub
  • movie night at home (you pick the movie)
  • a family day of service to those in need
  • a day of no arguing between siblings (applies to all ages)
  • an afternoon all to yourself
  • a back rub
  • one week free of laundry duty
  • a shoulder massage
  • an uninterrupted nap
  • uninterrupted exercise time
  • your sheets washed and dried for you (and put back on the bed!)
  • a complete house cleaning by the kids/family
  • your bed made for a week by a family member
  • dad gets kids up and ready for the day
  • dad packs the kids' lunches (or older kids pack younger kids' lunches)
  • the chore of your choice
  • an uninterrupted bubble bath
  • a day in your pajamas
  • a trip to the library by yourself
  • a family walk
  • a family bike ride
  • an hour of uninterrupted reading time for you
  • family bike riding for an afternoon

Budget-Friendly Mother's Day Coupon Ideas

  • a cup of coffee from your favorite spot
  • a cup of hot tea from your favorite place
  • a car wash from your kids/family
  • breakfast in bed
  • a new tree planted in your honor
  • dinner outside made by your kids/family
  • an ice cream sundae
  • a family day of Random Acts of Kindness to others
  • a family trip to the museum of your choice
  • a picnic in the park prepared by your kids/family
  • your favorite treat prepared by your kids/family
  • the family cleans out the refrigerator
  • the family cleans out the pantry
  • lunch prepared by your kids/family
  • a manicure by the kids/family
  • a pedicure by the kids/family
  • a family member does the grocery shopping for the week
  • a chocolate treat
  • a new book

Indulgent Mother's Day Coupon Ideas

  • a family afternoon or evening out to the movies (you choose the flick!)
  • date-night with dad
  • one-hour massage at your favorite place
  • going to pick out a new piece of jewelry
  • a family day to a theme park
  • pedicure at your favorite place
  • manicure at your favorite place
  • hair-styling at your favorite place
  • a full day at the spa
  • a family outing to a sporting event of your choice
  • a weekend trip to the destination of your choice
  • a nice dinner out at the restaurant of your choice
  • a clothing shopping trip on your own
  • a bath products shopping spree
  • a professional house cleaning
  • Sunday brunch out at the restaurant of your choice
  • mom's choice

Printable Mother's Day Coupons

Free Printable Mother's Day Coupons

100 Mother's Day Coupon Ideas
Happy Mother's Day, friends.

Mom's Day Printables


  1. Thank you so much! I didn't know what to do for Mother's Day and this saved me! I loved the idea of coupons for Mother's Day!

    1. So happy I could help. Thank you so much for stopping by. xoxo

  2. Thanks sooo much! I was thinking of doing something like this for my mom’s birthday and you had the best ideas!!! Thanks!!!😃

    1. You're so welcome, Sydney! Thank you for stopping by. xoxo

  3. Wow these are really good coupons it is almost my mom's birthday and i am going to make her one

  4. how about some Christmas ones

    1. Hi there! You can absolutely print these and use them as Christmas gifts! I'm sure any mama would enjoy getting them just about any time of the year, lol! Take care! <3

  5. Thank you so much for this! It's coming up on Xmas time and I still hadn't got my mom a present! This saved me big time! There's only one problem though...My dad is worried that I will make him look bad! Well, there's always next year!

    1. What a great Christmas gift idea! I hope she enjoyed these! That is so funny about your day, lol! I hope you are all well and had a very merry Christmas and a wonderful new year!

  6. Wow thanks so so much! I had the coupon idea but not the right things to put on it! That fixed that!

    1. I am so glad these were helpful to you! Thank you bunches for stopping by! xoxo

  7. Thanks for these ideas its almost mothers day needed some ideas for my coupons.

  8. Thanks for your help I really appreciate it ❤ I had no ideas in my head till I came to you Thank you ❤

    1. You're very welcome! Thank you so much for stopping by. xoxo

  9. Awesome list for all ages!! My mom will love this

  10. Great coupons i'm sooooo using these Ur the best 😉

  11. These are very helpful and useful thanks
