Six Printable Acting Quotes | i should be mopping the floor
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Six Printable Acting Quotes

These Six Printable Acting Quotes were designed for you by my 12-year old son, Jonathan. He's taking over the place today and selling these prints to raise money for some pretty awesome things (details below). If you love acting, theater, the fine arts, or just want to support this great kiddo, I'd love for you to check out these acting quotes that he's made into printables for you. These would be fabulous to hang in dressing rooms, theater classrooms, backstage, or kids' spaces, in general...they're super inspirational. Grab these six printable acting quotes below. 

Acting Quotes
Each of these acting quotes come on both 8x10" and 5x7" printables (you can download either or both sizes). When you purchase these, you get all six designs in both of those sizes. And, all of the proceeds of these printables go to help Jonathan with the multiple acting programs he is attending from summertime through the fall (more details below on that).

You can purchase these here in my shop or directly through the button below. And you can see all of the designs below, as well.
Click here to purchase these six printables.

Meet Our Actor

We always joked that our Jonathan was a bit on the dramatic side, we never dreamed he'd take us so seriously on that one! All kidding aside, below is Jonathan, our 12-year old son. He is a budding actor who adores bringing characters to life through acting, singing, and dancing. He's been on the stage in community theater productions, dance recitals, piano recitals, voice recitals, and last summer, the highlight of his performances: a production of Singing in the Rain in New York City with one of the programs he's involved in.

Acting Printables
(Jonathan pictured above as Curly in Peter Pan.)
More performance photos are at the end of this post.

Theater Printables

This kiddo is definitely driven. A few weeks ago, he announced the summer and fall line up of acting programs, performances, and camps he would like to attend. Since several of them are actually spread out all over the country (several are back in NYC), he volunteered to help raise funds for some of these. And today, we're rolling out his set of six printable acting quotes to do just that (he even created his very own watermark for about learning Photoshop on the fly!). This pack of printables is his main fundraiser and we hope you'll consider helping him out. The entire pack of prints is $5 and available here in the shop or directly through the button below. You can check out all of the individual acting quotes below, along with as the giveaway we're doing with this fundraiser. 
Click here to purchase these six printables.

Entering the Giveaway

My mom heart wants these printables to sell like crazy for our kiddo. Not just to help him raise the funds, but because I saw how hard he worked on this set. He, literally, poured his heart and soul into these printable acting quotes. And even had to start over from scratch at one point (after we realized we had a potential copyright issue on our hands). But, truly, as a mom...I want him to succeed. If you purchase his printables (do that here), you will be automatically entered to win this True Wish Charm Bangle from my favorite jewelry company, Alex and Ani. You can select gold or silver. The giveaway ends and the winner will be emailed on Tuesday, April 16th. 

Alex and Ani Giveaway

Again, it's an automatic entry when your set of printables is purchased. I have my settings configured that each purchaser's email goes into the drawing automatically. Purchase these printables here or through the button below.

Printable Acting Quotes

You can see all of Jonathan's printable designs below. Again, you can download either or both of the 8x10" and 5x7" designs for your printing convenience. Thank you again for your support. 
You are a Star
You are a Star

Break a Leg
Break a Leg

Raise the Curtain
Raise the Curtain

You're An Actor
You've Got This
You're An Actor

The Show Must Go On
The Show Must Go On

Take a Bow
Take a Bow
Click here to purchase these six printables.

And if acting quotes are not your thing, we totally understand. I'm giving the proceeds for all printable sales TODAY to Jonathan for his acting programs. You can see all of my Premium Printables here.

Here's a bit more about what Jonathan is raising funds for:

Jonathan fell in love with the stage early on. He started taking Hip Hop Dance lessons almost five years ago. Several of the kids at his dance studio mentioned they were also involved with the local theater. We went and saw his friend in Shrek, the Musical, and this kid instantly loved the idea of musical theater. We started voice lessons to prepare him for the possibility of future auditions.

Mary Poppins Kite Scene
In April of 2016, his voice teacher told him that Mary Poppins the Musical was coming to the local theater. They immediately started working on a piece for him to use for auditions. Jonathan got his first callback...and then, his first part. He went on to play little Michael Banks in the production. It was an incredible experience for our entire family.

Mary Poppins Cast
The dance and voice lessons paid off in this fun musical. You can see our Michael Banks above in shorts and knee socks (a look I can't seem to get him to repeat outside of the theater). Incidentally, his voice teacher also starred in the show as his mother! She's pictured on the front row, on the left. 

Singing In the Rain for Kids
Last summer, Jonathan participated in a week-long program in New York City called Camp Broadway. He was a part of Singing in the Rain for the program's final production. He is pictured above, in the center, smiling and holding the striped umbrella. In this particular camp, he was able to learn from actual Broadway actors and be a part of a production in New York City. 

Peter Pan Community Play
Another one of his favorites? His role of Curly from the Lost Boys in Peter Pan (pictured above wearing the animal print vest). This was another local production our local theater put on and was super enjoyable.

Acting Printables

This summer, Jonathan has some ambitious goals and plans for his dancing and acting. The week after school is out, he heads to New York (without us this time...eek!) for a few days of Broadway fun and learning with his school's theater and AVID programs. His dance recital is the following week. This year, to really narrow in on dance techniques for musicals, he has taken classes in ballet, tap/jazz (a combined class), as well as his original love, Hip Hop. The following month, he'll head back up to NYC (with us this time) for his second year in Camp Broadway. His other plans include three other Camp Broadway programs/productions that will be put on in both summertime and fall. He is also attending a church camp that specializes in music and production.

We hope you'll consider supporting our budding actor with this purchase of his printables here in the shop or through the button below. And you can grab any of the printables mentioned below today to support him, as well.

Click here to purchase these six printables.

More Printables to Support Jonathan

Again, today only, I'll be giving all proceeds from all of my printable sales to Jonathan's fund raising. Some of my more popular printables include:

Free Acting Printables


  1. My goodness you are so so talented on so many levels Great job Thanks for sharing those awesome photos too

    1. Can't thank you enough for your kind words, Arlene. Thank you so much for stopping by to support my son! xoxo

  2. WOW...looks very exciting! Good for you Jonathan! (break a leg)

    1. Thank you so much!! So kind of you to stop by and leave a sweet note of encouragement. xoxo

  3. Great Job, Jonathan!! These are awesome!! Keep up the great work and perhaps we will be seeing you on Broadway!!

    1. Aww...thanks so much! That's definitely his big-picture goal. Appreciate you stopping by and leaving sweet words of encouragement! xoxo

  4. These look so great, Jonathan!! I’m so honored to be a part of your “story”. I have no doubt you will wow them in these camps you’ll be attending!

    1. Thank you so much, sweet Carlie! You've been a part of it since the very, very beginning! Appreciate you and your sweet family so much.

  5. I am sure you are very proud of him! Best of luck with the fundraiser. Break a leg Johnathan!

    1. Thank you so much...definitely a proud mama! Appreciate your kind words of encouragement. xoxo

  6. Well done, Jonathan! My late brother was awarded his Masters in Theater posthumously from USC-LA and always loved theater. John would have loved your prints. Keep up the good work. May God bless you as your use your gifts for His glory.

    1. Thank you so much, Grace! That is so appreciated. Our family has a lot of USC ties, as well...what a small world. Sounds like your brother was a very talented guy. Appreciate you stopping by and sharing that with us. xoxo

  7. They are beautiful! Best wishes on your future career plans!! ❤

    1. Thank you so much, Heather! Very sweet of you. xoxox

  8. Well Done Jonathan, looks amazing

    1. Thank you so much for these kind words, Nasreen! xoxo

  9. Hello, Jonathan!! You are one talented guy! Love the printables and wish you much success in the future! My son, Ian, was only 7 when he played young Scrooge in the classic Scrooge. I helped with the major production backstage and enjoyed it almost as much as he did! - Karen

    1. Karen-- I agree, being a theater mom is definitely a BLAST! Thank you so much for stopping by today. Appreciate your kind words.

  10. Hi Jonathan! This touches my heart so much as my daughter is studying Musical theatre in college right now! We are going up to see her in her musical this weekend and cannot wait! Musical theatre has brought our family so much joy! I wish you the very best!!

    1. Dawn, I LOVE that! I didn't realize she was majoring in Musical and I are kindred spirits for sure, my friend. Hoping you have a wonderful trip this weekend. Thank you so much for your kind words. xoxo

  11. These printable are great!!! The best of luck with your acting ... and have fun!!

    1. Thank you so much!! Appreciate your kind words. xoxo

  12. Great Job Jonathan! Break a leg!

  13. Wow, he did a wonderful job. I could take some lessons from him!!!

  14. Oh my goodness your son, Jonathan, certainly has some wonderful talent there. I wish him all the very best in his ventures. You must be so proud of him.....Hugs Lynne from OZ. xo

  15. Wow!!! That’s awesome Johnathan! You must be very proud of him!!! Thanks for posting the pics and writing about his adventures I really enjoyed them 😀
