2019 Birds and Blooms Printable Calendar | i should be mopping the floor
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2019 Birds and Blooms Printable Calendar

The first 2019 printable calendar rolls out today! This Watercolor Birds and Blooms Printable Calendar is filled with lovely floral motifs and bird friends on each and every month. And there's a printable calendar at-a-glance included as a fun bonus, too.

2019 Printable Calendar
This printable calendar is probably one of my favorites, ever. I have more coming this month, but there is something about watercolor birds that kind of captures my heart. I designed this calendar using a larger, boxed calendar, so you can use it for light pencil-in planning, when needed.

Or see each month's design below.

2019 Printable Calendar 

I love a nice printable calendar, too. This one is designed to be displayed inside an 8x10" frame. Just pop in your new one every month. The colors are all vibrant and saturated...sure to make you smile!

Or see each month's design below. 
Printable Calendar At A Glance
Above, you can see the bonus calendar-at-a-glance. I keep mine inside the cabinet door to refer to quickly. It's also an 8x10" print, perfect to frame, if you prefer. Each of the printables also has a light polka dot background to anchor all of the designs.

Birds and Blooms Calendar

See each of the monthly designs included in this set below.

January Bird Calendar

February Bird Calendar

March Bird Calendar

April Bird Calendar

May Bird Calendar

June Bird Calendar

July Bird Calendar

August Bird Calendar

September Bird Calendar

October Bird Calendar

November Bird Calendar

December Bird Calendar

Looking for More Printable Calendars?

Watercolor Printable Calendar

See all of my other Premium Printables below.


  1. ABSOLUTELY beautiful! Thank you for your genuirosity with your time and talents! God bless you.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Bev. Appreciate you stopping by.

  2. Hi! I love the birds and blooms calendar & was so excited to see the price dropped to $5! However, I've tried at least 5 time to pay through Paypal & it hasn't been processed. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks.

    1. Hi Cindy! I am so sorry to hear that! I'll check on here on my end and make sure everything is set up correctly. Thank you so much for letting me know!

    2. Hi Cindy--
      If you can drop me an email, I will just send it to you at no cost. I apologize for this. ishouldbemoppingthefloor@gmail.com. Thank you so much. xoxo

  3. Love the birds and blooms calendar. The detail is incredible and the price even better. Thank you for your hard work!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I hope you enjoy the calendar! <3

  4. Thank you so much for this beautiful calendar. Are you going to offer this again for 2020?

    1. Hi Sharon! You are so welcome! I will have all new calendars for 2020 in December. Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter for the release date. Thank you so much for stopping by! I'm so glad to know you are enjoying the 2019 calendar! Xoxo
