Gold and White Snow Tree | i should be mopping the floor
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Gold and White Snow Tree

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This little gold and white "snow tree" was created in memory of my mother, Marian Elizabeth, who passed away in June. These are all of her gold ornaments and adornments that I've watched her use for years hanging on this snow tree of mine. See all of its details below, along with lots of Christmas ideas from my talented friends.

Gold and White Snow Tree
After my previous "fireplace tree" wimped out last year, I  bought an overly flocked number...that very much resembles what I'm calling a snow tree. Mom would've loved it. Every so often she'd give up her "they're so messy" rule and splurge on a flocked tree in the lot...and usually they'd flock it right in front of us. See how this sweet little gold and white snow tree (filled with loads of memories) came together below.

Christmas Ideas

Again, this is an inspirational holiday blog hop. Be sure to check out all of my friends' ideas at the end of this post. They're all super festive and dreamy, y'all.

Christmas Ideas

Our Gold and White Snow Tree

I use a smaller tree in this space...I like one that fits on the corner of our fireplace hearth, up off of the floor. The ornaments are pretty packed on there...but I'm really a more is more kind of girl. My parents always had a tall tree, so I definitely was condensing these ornaments onto a lot less branches.

Small Flocked Christmas Tree
Incidentally, I actually ordered this snow tree on Amazon here. It's a 4' prelit tree that is a bit more rustic and real-looking (the branches are sporadic for that authentic look). It did leave a bit of flock on the floor after assembly, but nothing I wasn't prepared for.

Christmas Memories
While the above tree is a bit blocked by our fantastic early nineties attire, this is me and my parents in front of one of mom's flocked trees (with her signature angel on top that you'll see on my tree today). We had, literally, moved into that home pictured above just a couple of weeks before this photo was taken on Christmas Day, 1991. Mom wasn't going to let a big move keep us from the typical Christmas fun and decor. That tree was set up before most of the boxes were unpacked. 
A big thank you to my niece, Amber, for providing me with this photo at just the right time (literally a few days ago, this number showed up in my inbox).

Gold Ornaments

After her own brother passed away in the mid-eighties, my mom inherited all of his gold ornaments. She added to that collection over the years...always sticking to her gold look. 
Danbury Mint Ornaments
Her favorites were several sets of gold ornaments that she ordered from The Danbury Mint (remember them?). We are currently moving my dad into our home with us (his home is now under contract, so life is a bit wild right now). The first boxes he brought over were all of their Christmas decor. I wanted to make sure lots of their stuff was incorporated into our Christmas decor this year, to make him feel at home. I think it's helping my heart this first Christmas without mom, too. When I pulled out these maroon boxes filled with her favorites, I was transported right back to my youth. She mixed her gold ornaments with clear glass ones and lots of white crocheted snowflakes, too.

Crocheted Angel
And of course, her handmade, crocheted (and heavily starched) angel is on top of our snow tree. I have vivid memories of placing this angel atop our family tree every year. I nestled her into a gold bow, using ribbon from mom's Christmas boxes. Mom's rule was that the angel always had to be placed on one of the tree's lights so she glowed. 

Gold Christmas Ornaments
All of mom's ornaments are still in beautiful condition. This box was always a favorite of mine. One year, I put a Hershey's Kiss in it. I forgot about it and it was found the following year. I wasn't allowed to open that stinkin' gold box after that mess again...ha!

Hot Air Balloon Ornament
The hot air balloon is also a favorite...the details in these ornaments are really amazing. I mixed a few of my little white ornaments and glittery pinecones here and there, too...for added interest.

Mid Century Modern Christmas Living Room
Since this tree is basically a part of the fireplace, I carried the gold and white look onto the mantel, as well. Mom's gold strands of beads were so plentiful that they worked well as swag on the mantel, too. I also used a couple of white feather boas (from Amazon here) on this mantel. They were a bit messy, though, initially (it looked like a bird molted in my living room). But now that they're in place, I really like them. I grabbed the gold and white nutcrackers half off at JC Penney's the other day. I tucked in a few pine cones, too, for interest. The antique gold mirror was actually just purchased for our bathroom renovation. That will begin the second week in December...hoping it's finished after Christmas so I can keep this mirror here. Actually, no...I'd gladly give it up for a finished bathroom.

Christmas Living Room
Last year, this room was a lot more playful for the Christmas season (you can see it here). But, using my mom's decor, I wanted it to reflect her tastes a bit more. I'm really happy with how it turned out. It feels like she's right here with us. 

Gold Christmas Decor

Gold Nutcrackers

Feather Throw Pillows

Gold and Brass Christmas Decor

Gold and White Christmas Tree

Now it's time to see all the Christmas ideas from my talented blogger friends. Below is the tour lineup for this week. Be sure to visit everyone for wonderful Christmas ideas for your whole house. The links for each topic are below the images.

Monday - Christmas Mantel Ideas:

Christmas Mantel Ideas

Tuesday - Christmas Tablescape Ideas:

Christmas Tablescape Ideas

Wednesday - Christmas DIY/Craft Ideas:

Christmas Craft Ideas

Thursday - Christmas Tree Ideas:

Christmas Tree Ideas

Friday - Christmas Recipes

Christmas Recipes
Domestically Speaking // Inspiration for Moms // Foodie Chicks Rule // Nourish and Nestle // Jenna Kate at Home (not pictured)

Holiday Ideas
Are you as inspired as I am? Hoping you love all of these festive ideas. And thank you so much for stopping by to see our snow tree. I'm learning that filling our house full of memories is a great way to keep my mom's spirit with us through the holidays and always

Vintage Gold Christmas Tree
Merry Christmas, my friends.


  1. What a beautiful tree and wonderful tribute to your mom. I'm sure your dad will love seeing it every day. Her ornaments are classic and look perfect on that pretty flocked tree. Thanks for the backstory too. I loved reading it. Have a great day! ~ Angie

    1. Thank you so much, Angie! I really appreciate you organizing this hop...such a wonderful experience all around. Merry Christmas to you and yours. xoxo

  2. Beautiful! My mom passed away in July so I completely understand how hard this Christmas will be for you. My siblings and I split up her ornaments so I don't have a whole tree dedicated to her but it's been sentimental hanging her things (many of which she made when I was young) on our tree.

    1. Dori, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, as well. Hoping your Christmas is full of sweet memories of her for you and your family. Thank you so much. xoxo

  3. Such a beautiful tribute to your mom. The entire room looks stunning, thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you so very much for those sweet words, Rachelle! xoxo

  4. Such a beautiful tree, and loving story. God bless you.

    1. Thank you so much, Ema! It's much appreciated. xoxo

  5. Kristi,
    Thanks so very much for sharing all of these. Your Christmas Decor is wonderful. Your mom would have approved. What a blessing it is for your father to be in your home. The Lord Jesus would be pleased. Keep looking to Jesus. He is the Reason for the season.

    1. Thank you so much,'re so kind. Yes, He IS the reason for sure! Merry Christmas to you! xoxo

  6. Your gold tree is so pretty against your white brick! How special to have a tree in memory of your mom! It will be a bittersweet Christmas, I'm sure. Fun to hop with you!

    1. Thank you so much, Lora. Your kind words are so appreciated. xoxo

  7. What a beautiful tree and a loving tribute to your mom. I know it made your dad's heart happy to see familiar decorations on this tree. I will be thinking about you and your family this Christmas. I know it will be hard without your mom.

    1. Thank you so much for that, Paula. So sweet of you! Appreciate your kind words and thoughts. Merry Christmas! xoxo

  8. Kristi, Your living room and fireplace/mantel/wall are my favorite out of all of the bloggers/instagramers I see. It just always speaks to me and I can picture myself curled up in there. Your gold/white theme in here is perfection...what a sweet, sweet idea <3 Dawn

    1. Oh, Dawn! You always say the sweetest things and warm my heart so much. I'd love to hang out in real life and share a cup of coffee (and make cute tassels all day long, right?). Appreciate you so much, sweet friend. xoxo

  9. Such a beautiful tree, Kristi and a beautiful tribute to your mom.

    1. Thank you so much, my friend. Merry Christmas to you! xoxo

  10. I love this tree in memory of your mom Kristi! I'll bet looking at each lovingly saved ornament brings back so many sweet memories! Merry Christmas to you!

  11. I always love the combo of white and gold! So pretty!!!

  12. How wonderful for you to have your mom's beautiful ornaments. I am sure it will mean a lot to your dad that you want him to feel at home. Blessings to you!

  13. What a wonderful way to remember your Mom. I hope your tree fills you with sweet memories all month.
