25 Jesse Tree Ornaments | i should be mopping the floor
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25 Jesse Tree Ornaments

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Last Christmas, I threw a Jesse Tree Ornaments party with 24 friends. We created and exchanged ornaments with one another to create lifelong scripture traditions for our own families surrounding the Advent season. Today, I'm sharing all of the Jesse Tree Ornaments from our exchange, so you can get ideas and inspiration for your own Jesse Tree exchange.
 Jesse Tree Ornaments
A Jesse Tree is an ancient Christmas tradition. Jesse Trees are used to help tell the story of the Jesus and His lineage from creation to His birth. The scripture that Jesse Trees are based on is Isaiah 11:1-4:

"A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a branch will bear fruit. The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him-- the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD-- and he will delight in the fear of the LORD. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears; but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth."

See below how all of these beautiful Jesse Tree Ornaments can come together to create a meaningful Advent tradition for your family, year after year.

Jesse Tree Ornaments

I'm actually creating a Jesse Tree series this week. The series will include today's Jesse Tree Ornaments, a guide on throwing a Jesse Tree ornament exchange party, and then free printables to use alongside your Jesse Tree tradition.
Gorgeous Jesse Tree Ornaments
Today's Jesse Tree Ornaments post has been in my head since long before I threw my party last year. I actually attended my first Jesse Tree party several years back...I immediately fell in love with the tradition. But what rang true several years ago still rang true today...there are not a lot of ideas and resources out there for the actual creating of the Jesse Tree Ornaments. I did gather a few on this Pinterest board here that you can follow, but other than that...it was a bit tough finding ideas. Although, sometimes that really brings out the creativity!

The basic idea of the exchange is that 25 friends come together to exchange all of their handmade ornaments with one another. A few weeks prior to the party, each guest is assigned (or signs up for) their day/scripture for the exchange. They must then create 25 ornaments (all the exact same) surrounding their day/scripture. They bring their 25 ornaments to the party and exchange with others who have been working hard on their own ornaments, as well. At the end of the event, everyone goes home with all 25 (different) ornaments to use the entire Advent season on their own Jesse Tree. There is a bit more to the party, but I will explain that later this week. And there is no crafty experience necessary: ornaments can be super simple. It's all about the love that goes into each one.

For today, I want to share all of these gorgeous handmade Jesse Tree Ornaments. Please note that I did not create these (just one was mine). But, I will do my best to give simple guidelines on recreating each ornament below. Each day/ornament corresponds with an assigned scripture that I list with the ornament. I will make the printables for these available later this week. But, you can grab my older Jesse Tree printables here, in the meantime.

Ideas for Jesse Tree Ornaments: 

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 1
DAY ONE: The Alpha & Omega (Revelation 1:8)
This was a sweet and simple painted ornament with embellishments. I found a similar ornament-shaped chipboard like the above one here on Amazon.

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 2
DAY TWO: The Father, Son, & Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19) 
Well, true confessions: this was mine. However, I totally redid it for today's post because I hated the actual one I made for the exchange (I'm so sorry to all who had to take mine home last year...and use it again year after year...blargh). I ended up recreating it exactly like my mason jar lid ornament here. You can download the printable insert for this here.

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 3
DAY THREE: Love (John 15:17)
Oh, I love this one from my sweet friend, Cassie (no pun intended). I found some similar burlap hearts that you can embellish here on Amazon.

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 4
DAY FOUR: Creation (Genesis 1:1)
This sweet hand-painted world ornament was made by my friend, Pam. Love its simplicity. Find similar (predrilled) wooden slice ornaments to paint here on Amazon.

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 5
DAY FIVE: We Believe (1 Thessalonians 4:14)
This felt star with the metal Believe is perfect for the verse it represents. 

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 6
DAY SIX: Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1)
Kim's ornament is one of my favorites...I love the Bethlehem skyline she incorporated into this one. It looks like the base of this ornament is the chipboard shape (found here) that I mentioned earlier.

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 7
DAY SEVEN: A Sign (Isaiah 7:14)
Another gorgeous hand-painted wooden slice ornament, this one from my friend, Patricia. Find similar (predrilled) wooden slice ornaments to paint here on Amazon.

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 8
DAY EIGHT: In God, I trust (Psalm 56:4)
I thought this one was so clever...nails and a penny. And the twisted wire hanger is so perfect, too...all of the metals blend perfectly together.

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 9
DAY NINE: Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14)
Love the neat hexagon tile used to create this one. It looks like it was finished with decoupage medium over the image.

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 10
DAY TEN: Mary (Matthew 1:18)
The Mary ornament was a crowd-favorite that night at our party. She was made by my dear friend, Gina (who, FYI, actually works behind the scenes here at I Should Be Mopping the Floor). The base of this ornament is an old-fashioned clothespin (so clever!). 

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 11
DAY ELEVEN: Joseph (Matthew 1:24)
What a great ornament for Joseph and his skills. Simple stained popsicle stick were glued together and embellished here. 

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 12
DAY TWELVE: A Manger (Luke 2:7)
Loving the manger silhouette on top of a wooden slice ornament. You can find stickers or vinyl of this silhouette in craft stores. Find similar (predrilled) wooden slice ornaments to use here on Amazon.

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 13
DAY THIRTEEN: No room in the inn (Luke 2:7)
Carla created the perfect ornament for this verse. Incidentally, in the previous Jesse Tree Ornament exchange I attended, the person with Day Thirteen made a similar sign that said "No Vacancy". It's an interesting verse to create and ornament for, no doubt.

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 14
DAY FOURTEEN: Shepherds (Luke 2:18)
My friend, Katy, created the perfect shepherd out of a cork base, felt, pipe cleaner, and googly eyes. Katy's sister, Jill, invited me to my very first Jesse Tree Ornament Exchange...and she, too, created an adorable shepherd. Loving that these sisters chose the same verse...several years a part.  

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 15
DAY FIFTEEN: Angel (Luke 2:9-10)
Oh my heck. This ornament was the show-stopper and most chatted about of the evening. The gorgeous paper quilling from my friend, Jennifer, is breathtaking, y'all. I can't begin to know how to do this...but it is stunning. Jennifer is also a talented food blogger here.

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 16
DAY SIXTEEN: Baby (Luke 2: 11-12)
Everyone's favorite verse has a sweet little baby ornament from my friend, Karla. A little felt, paint, ribbon, and peg doll come together for a sweet little Jesus.

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 17
DAY SEVENTEEN: Heart (Luke 2: 18-19)
A lovely wooden heart from Barb was perfect for this verse. I've purchased wooden hearts like this one here on Amazon. 

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 18
DAY EIGHTEEN: Magi (Matthew 2:1-2)
Loving the rustic wooden slice on this Magi ornament from my friend, Melissa. She even added the perfect hanger, too.

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 19
DAY NINETEEN: Star (Matthew 2:2)
This lovely crocheted star was made by Jennifer's sister, June (I think handmade talent runs in the family!). Loving the yarn she chose here with flecks of sparkle throughout.

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 20
DAY TWENTY: Worship (Matthew 2:11)
Another gorgeous hand-painted ornament...loving the colors and the intricacy of the silhouette made by Amanda. And the gold corded hanger is the perfect touch.

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 21
DAY TWENTY-ONE: Gifts (Matthew 2:11)
These sweet burlap-wrapped gifts make the perfect ornament for this particular verse and day.

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 22
DAY TWENTY-TWO: Nazarene (Matthew 2:23)
My friend, Bonnie, texted me throughout her process of creating these gorgeous ornaments. She copied maps from her Bible to decoupage onto an ornament form. Isn't it neat? She chose this verse since she's a member of the Nazarene church (love that!).

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 23
DAY TWENTY-THREE: Light of the World (John 8:12)
A great map of a part of the world for this one...perfect from my friend, Heather. Find similar (predrilled) wooden slice ornaments to use here on Amazon.

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 24
DAY TWENTY-FOUR: God gave his Son (John 3:16)
Such a great ornament from Shel for this particular day of the tradition. I've seen wooden crosses like these at the craft stores. 

Jesse Tree Ornament Day 25
DAY TWENTY-FIVE: God’s Powerful Word (The Bible)
I love Amanda's take on this one...and y'all, she used cinnamon sticks on the scroll ends (perfect for the holidays). This one would be so fun to craft.

Jesse Tree Ornament Labels
I wanted to also share how some of our participants labeled their ornaments (above). Our main requirement was to have the number of your day on the ornament somewhere...so the recipient could hang it up on the appropriate day. Loving that some friends even added their names...it's so special to my family to pull these ornaments out, year after year, and see who crafted each one.  

Jesse Tree Printables
Be sure to pop by on Friday for the free printables that are specifically designed to be used with your Jesse Tree Ornaments.

Jesse Tree Party
Later this week, I will also be sharing how to throw a Jesse Tree party of your own. Above is some of our set up from last year's party.  

Jesse Tree Ornament Ideas

Looking for More Jesse Tree Ornaments?

  • You can see the original ornaments from the first Jesse Tree exchange I attended here.
  • Follow my Jesse Tree Ornament ideas Pinterest board here.

Jesse Tree

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  1. Love this! Can't wait to see what else you share about your Jesse Tree event!

  2. Cute ideas! I'd decoupage a copy of the Light of the World painting for the 23rd day. I tried to copy a picture to put here but it wouldn't work.

    1. That's such a lovely idea, Penelope. Thank you so much for sharing. xoxo

  3. I have never heard of a Jesse Tree before, but looking into this post, it's such a neat idea!


  4. I haven't heard of a Jesse Tree or the tradition, but I love it! I would love to do this at our church! Thank you so much!

    1. Hi Carol! I think this would be such a fun and special tradition to share with your church family! The ornaments are so special, and it's such a wonderful way to share the Christmas story with our children and loved ones! Thank you bunches for stopping by! xoxo
