Free Printable Chore Chart for Kids | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Printable Chore Chart for Kids

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Free Printable Chore Chart posts are always popular here on I Should Be Mopping the Floor...I think this is an area we all need help in. This post is also a part of our month-long organizing series. Have you put any of the printables into action in your home, yet? We have a few more goodies to roll out in the next week. But today is dedicated to these Free Printable Chore Charts for Kids (and honestly, grown ups can totally use these, too). 

Two Free Printable Chore Chart Designs
I hesitated to write that this free printable chore chart post is for kids only...because, again, I think all of us could really benefit from a good chore chart (any other visual people out there?). Grab your favorite chore chart design (or both) below.

Getting Organized in the New Year

Free Printable Chore Chart for Kids

These chore charts are ALWAYS a good idea to get everyone in the house in on the organizing fun. You can download both versions below. 

How to Use a Printable Chore Chart:

Each of these is sized to print onto letter-sized paper. They work great on a clipboard, or trim them to fit in an 8x10 frame to use with a dry erase marker. Or better yet? Laminate your chore chart for the long term. I like to have prints like these professionally laminated at my local print shop. It's a bit more expensive (usually $3-$5), but they are ridiculously durable and will last for years.

Download your choice of Chore Chart below:

Blue Chore Chart

Polka Dotted Chore Chart

Two Chore Chart Designs

More Printable Chore Chart Choices:

I love a good printable, but I know my designs may not be for everyone. Good thing there is a blogpsphere of talented designers out there, huh? Below are some of my other favorite printable chore chart designs from my friends.

I have some previous chore chart designs from years past that you might enjoy, too:

I have been extending the organizational series into my weekly freebies for email subscribers (each of those free prints goes out on Saturday morning). If you'd like to get in on that, CLICK HERE. If you want to sign up for both of my subscriptions on that page, my Saturday Newsletter friends are getting free Valentine printables all month long.

Keep up with the entire month-long series (as well as past organizational printables) below:

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