Fabric Travel Tissue Holder | i should be mopping the floor
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Fabric Travel Tissue Holder

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This Fabric Travel Tissue Holder is my all-time my favorite thing to sew. It makes a wonderful gift and is tidier than the traditional plastic travel tissue holder (mine always collect debris and get crumply my handbag). I made these with a fun back-to-school look, so they are perfect teacher and friend gifts as school starts back up.
Fabric Travel Tissue Holder | The easiest sewing project for beginners...makes the perfect gift!
My kids start school Monday...it kind of feels like we're the last district to be starting school this year. But, the summer has been really great...and nice and long, too. I've shared lots of fun back-to-school teacher gifts lately, but this fabric travel tissue holder is definitely one of my favorites. See its complete tutorial below.

I've always enjoyed making these, and when I had leftover fabric from the teacher supply bags I made here, I went ahead and made these to coordinate. So our teachers are actually getting double gifties this year...because it's always good to get in their good graces straight out of the gate, right?

Fabric Travel Tissue Holder

I've always enjoyed making these, and when I had leftover fabric from the teacher supply bags I made here, I went ahead and made these tissue holders to coordinate. So our teachers are actually getting double gifties this year...because it's always good to get in their good graces straight out of the gate, right?

Fabric Travel Tissue Holder | The easiest sewing project for beginners...makes the perfect gift!

Fabrics Used

It's so fun to pair two fabrics together for these...and create a "school-ish" theme since that's the season we're in. The two fabrics I used for these are becoming my go-to fabrics for all things back-to-school. 

How to Make this Tissue Holder

Fabric Travel Tissue Holder | The easiest sewing project for beginners...makes the perfect gift!


  • You'll start with two rectangles of fabric (the larger one is the liner or trim fabric). 
    • The trim fabric measures 8.5" x 6". 
    • The outer fabric rectangle measures 7" x 6". 
  • Pins are completely optional (I honestly don't use them on these since they're a fairly small project). 
  • Grab some coordinating thread, too.
  • You'll also need the standard sewing items:
    • sewing machine
    • scissors
    • iron/ironing board
  • Don't forget the travel tissue packets. Grab a set of them here on Amazon.

Fabric Travel Tissue Holder | The easiest sewing project for beginners...makes the perfect gift!


  • Lay the rectangles right sides together and lined up on one of the short ends.
  • Use a basic stitch and sew up one of the sides (use a backstitch on both ends). See the above photo.
Fabric Travel Tissue Holder | The easiest sewing project for beginners...makes the perfect gift!
  • Pull the outer fabric over to the other side to meet up those ends of fabric.

Fabric Travel Tissue Holder | The easiest sewing project for beginners...makes the perfect gift!
  • Sew up that side with the basic stitch, too. 
Fabric Travel Tissue Holder | The easiest sewing project for beginners...makes the perfect gift!
  • Since the sides aren't even, there's that little roll, but you're about to turn it right side out and it will all work out. 

Fabric Travel Tissue Holder | The easiest sewing project for beginners...makes the perfect gift!
  • Turn right side out and line it up to where the extra lining fabric is on both sides.
Fabric Travel Tissue Holder | The easiest sewing project for beginners...makes the perfect gift!
  • Iron this out evenly, so your lining fabric is on both sides (pictured above).

Fabric Travel Tissue Holder | The easiest sewing project for beginners...makes the perfect gift!
  • Fold these two sides in half to meet in the middle, overlapping about 1/8". 

Fabric Travel Tissue Holder | The easiest sewing project for beginners...makes the perfect gift!
  • Try to make both sides as even as possible.
Fabric Travel Tissue Holder | The easiest sewing project for beginners...makes the perfect gift!
  • Do a simple basic stitch on the two short ends to close the fabric "flaps". 
  • I did a little back and forth stitch over the openings (see above), since it will be the most used part of the fabric travel tissue holder.

Fabric Travel Tissue Holder | The easiest sewing project for beginners...makes the perfect gift!
  • Use a zigzag stitch or a serger on each end so the fabric stays tidy.

Fabric Travel Tissue Holder | The easiest sewing project for beginners...makes the perfect gift!
  • Turn it inside out and press to make it all neat and tidy. 

Fabric Travel Tissue Holder | The easiest sewing project for beginners...makes the perfect gift!
Grab a travel tissue package to place inside. Years ago, these tissue packs all had perforated seams down the middle...these days, they have plastic flaps that make it tough to use with the fabric tissue holders. So, I kind of figured a simple work around for this lil' situation (below).

Fabric Travel Tissue Holder | The easiest sewing project for beginners...makes the perfect gift!
  • I used an X-Acto knife and cut a slit on the backside of the tissue pack.
  • Then just insert the tissue pack and you're good to go.

Fabric Travel Tissue Holder | The easiest sewing project for beginners...makes the perfect gift!
Aren't they adorable? I really love this pattern combo of fabrics.

Fabric Travel Tissue Holder | The easiest sewing project for beginners...makes the perfect gift!
I created a fun coordinating printable if you want to gift these to teachers, too.
Fabric Travel Tissue Holder | The easiest sewing project for beginners...makes the perfect gift!

Fabric Travel Tissue Holder | The easiest sewing project for beginners...makes the perfect gift!
Again, these Fabric Travel Tissue Holders coordinate with the DIY Lined Zipper Pouches I posted earlier this month here.

Fabric Travel Tissue Holder | The easiest sewing project for beginners...makes the perfect gift!
God bless YOU on a wonderful school year!

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