Crossbody Water Bottle Holder | i should be mopping the floor
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Crossbody Water Bottle Holder

This Crossbody Water Bottle Holder post and its shop have been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #PureLife40pk #CollectiveBias

I loved this Crossbody Water Bottle Holder so much after I made it for my son, I made one for myself, too. They've proven to be fantastic for holding our H20 during our activities and even just driveway play.
Crossbody Water Bottle Holder | Make this fun and simple bottle holder to keep everyone hydrated! Great for theme park-wear, long walks, and all of the times when you need a bottle of water all the time!
My son has used his new Crossbody Water Bottle Holder so much, I had to see how fun it was. So, I made one for myself and use it on my walks (and plan to use it on our trip to see that big mouse in Florida this summer). It's a wonderful way to keep water on your person and not get dehydrated while in the midst of activities (and the Texas heat if you live in our part of the world). See how easy this was to make below (and check out a special deal I'm sharing on Nestlé® Pure Life® Water from Sam's Club, too).

Crossbody Water Bottle Holder | Make this fun and simple bottle holder to keep everyone hydrated! Great for theme park-wear, long walks, and all of the times when you need a bottle of water all the time!
When we moved into this home a year ago, one thing that was an instant hit with our kids (and their friends and neighborhood chums, too) was the extra long driveway. They stay on that thing nine months of the year (yay for Texas weather!) on their scooters, bikes, skates, and, well, feet. While I always keep our garage refrigerator stocked with a case of Nestlé Pure Life® Water, sometimes the kids need a nudge to remember to actually grab a bottle in the midst of their fun. Wearing a Crossbody Water Bottle Holder makes sure they keep their water with them at all times...and makes it easy to take a sip and not miss out on any of the action.

Crossbody Water Bottle Holder | Make this fun and simple bottle holder to keep everyone hydrated! Great for theme park-wear, long walks, and all of the times when you need a bottle of water all the time!
Theses cases of Nestlé Pure Life® Water at Sam's Club are a great deal, y'all. While they're normally 35 bottles to a pack, these cases are now filled with 40! We are getting a nice value by getting five more bottles of water for the same price as the smaller pack. Nestlé Pure Life provides pure, delicious-tasting water. Every drop of Nestlé Pure Life is filtered through a 12-step quality process. To make sure it tastes great, the water is enhanced with a unique blend of minerals.

Crossbody Water Bottle Holder | Make this fun and simple bottle holder to keep everyone hydrated! Great for theme park-wear, long walks, and all of the times when you need a bottle of water all the time!
These Crossbody Water Bottle Holder bags are perfect to hold our bottles of Nestlé Pure Life® Water. I ended up going an extra step and quilting the bags to provide a bit of insulation, as well. The quilted factor also protects clothing from condensation. 

Crossbody Water Bottle Holder | Make this fun and simple bottle holder to keep everyone hydrated! Great for theme park-wear, long walks, and all of the times when you need a bottle of water all the time!
There are just a few supplies for this one:
  • fabric for water bottle (I used two patterns for mine, but just one for my son's)
  • felt for quilting (this project requires such little filler for the amount of quilting, so felt is a bit more cost effective than a roll of batting)
    • I just purchase the felt rectangles for $.10 each at the craft store
  • Polypropylene Webbing for the strap (you can order this online or find it at craft stores...many crafters use it for key fob creations) 
  • Sewing notions including thread, straight pins, measuring tape, etc.
  • You'll need your trusty sewing machine, too
  • Nestlé Pure Life® Water bottle for measuring
Crossbody Water Bottle Holder | Make this fun and simple bottle holder to keep everyone hydrated! Great for theme park-wear, long walks, and all of the times when you need a bottle of water all the time!
After measuring your bottle, cut your fabric accordingly. I'll be showing you today how I did the water bottle holder with two different patterns of fabric. You can easily modify for the one patterned holder, as well...just double the amount of your one fabric.

I cut each fabric piece to 10"x8" (this has a bit of seam allowance, and also allows for the felt insert for quilting). The felt is trimmed about 1/4" shorter than the two fabric pieces (truly, the felt rectangles are *almost* the correct size, as is).

Crossbody Water Bottle Holder | Make this fun and simple bottle holder to keep everyone hydrated! Great for theme park-wear, long walks, and all of the times when you need a bottle of water all the time!
Put your two fabric pieces right sides together and sew with a quarter-inch seam allowance on one side. Open your two pieces and iron the seam open. Add the felt piece into this "sandwich" with the long edge of it against the seam and close both pieces of fabric around the felt (with the correct sides out).

Crossbody Water Bottle Holder | Make this fun and simple bottle holder to keep everyone hydrated! Great for theme park-wear, long walks, and all of the times when you need a bottle of water all the time!
The seam between the fabrics becomes the top edge of the water bottle holder. I kind of cheater-quilted this, but it works just as well. I just stitched every quarter inch across the long side of the fabric and felt "sandwich". I did the edge seam just a bit closer to the edge than the other quilting seams...I wanted a really tight, clean edge and stitching a bit closer to the edge allowed for that.

Crossbody Water Bottle Holder | Make this fun and simple bottle holder to keep everyone hydrated! Great for theme park-wear, long walks, and all of the times when you need a bottle of water all the time!
Once the entire rectangle is quilted, fold it in half the long way (with your outer fabric on the're essentially turning it inside out). Sew up the outside and sew the bottom closed. I just did the same basic stitch on both the side and bottom...with just a bit of back stitching at each end to keep the stitching in place. They're both about a half an inch in from the raw edges.

Crossbody Water Bottle Holder | Make this fun and simple bottle holder to keep everyone hydrated! Great for theme park-wear, long walks, and all of the times when you need a bottle of water all the time!
Fold the bottom up 3 cm. Stitch an inch on each side of the folds (as depicted with the orange dotted lines on the above photo).

Crossbody Water Bottle Holder | Make this fun and simple bottle holder to keep everyone hydrated! Great for theme park-wear, long walks, and all of the times when you need a bottle of water all the time!
Turn the holder right side out and make sure your water bottle fits inside.

Crossbody Water Bottle Holder | Make this fun and simple bottle holder to keep everyone hydrated! Great for theme park-wear, long walks, and all of the times when you need a bottle of water all the time!
Do a quick fit of the water bottle holder on its user to see how long to make the strap (length is total preference here). Cut the strap from the webbing, accordingly. Carefully use a lighter or match to singe the raw cut edges of the webbing and keep it from fraying. Turn the holder inside out again and attach your strap with straight pins to two of the sides across from one another (I did one of my ends on the seam of the holder). Sew two stitches on each end of the strap (I do my stitches horizontally at the top edge of the water bottle holder about an inch down into the holder, on the bottom of the webbing). Repeat the stitches on the other end of the strap.

Crossbody Water Bottle Holder | Make this fun and simple bottle holder to keep everyone hydrated! Great for theme park-wear, long walks, and all of the times when you need a bottle of water all the time!
Now the water bottle holder is ready to go...just turn it right side out and insert a bottle of Nestlé Pure Life® Water. Everyone is ready for a day of well-hydrated FUN!

Crossbody Water Bottle Holder | Make this fun and simple bottle holder to keep everyone hydrated! Great for theme park-wear, long walks, and all of the times when you need a bottle of water all the time!
We always keep plenty of Nestlé Pure Life® Water on hand...especially as we head into the dog days of summer in the Texas heat.  It's so easy to grab and go...and put into a crossbody water bottle holder to keep at hand all the time. Love making sure we're all hydrated!

Crossbody Water Bottle Holder | Make this fun and simple bottle holder to keep everyone hydrated! Great for theme park-wear, long walks, and all of the times when you need a bottle of water all the time!
Available in select Sam's Club stores, ask your Club Manager about getting Nestlé Pure Life Water in your store if it's unavailable.

Crossbody Water Bottle Holder | Make this fun and simple bottle holder to keep everyone hydrated! Great for theme park-wear, long walks, and all of the times when you need a bottle of water all the time!
Happy outside-play season, y'all!


  1. This is such a good DIY. I will have to make one for my daughter to use while hiking this summer. #client

  2. Great idea! I could make these for my nieces and nephews :) Thanks for sharing with us at Funtastic Friday! Pinning
