Upcycled Easter Door Decor | i should be mopping the floor
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Upcycled Easter Door Decor

This Upcycled Easter Door Decor is one of the easiest thangs I've ever put together, y'all.
It's also a part of the Thrifty Style Team series this month.

Upcycled Easter Door Decor | Thrift store finds can make the perfect seasonal decor! This post is filled with lots of thrift store Easter ideas.
Every month, I'm fully aware that my monthly Thrifty Style Team series is coming...and *usually* I get behind and have to scramble to create something for the series (honestly, I do my best creating when I'm rushed, but it's still nice to actually be prepared every now and then). This month, I actually got it together. I grabbed the outer part of this wreath at a thrift store well before Valentine's day...and knew exactly what to use it for (don't you love it when that happens?). So, believe it or not...I was actually prepared this month! I have to say, this is probably the simplest tutorial I've ever done...it's like one step, y'all. Check it out below...along with lots of fun projects from my bloggy friends.

Upcycled Easter Door Decor | Thrift store finds can make the perfect seasonal decor! This post is filled with lots of thrift store Easter ideas.

Upcycled Easter Door Decor | Thrift store finds can make the perfect seasonal decor! This post is filled with lots of thrift store Easter ideas.
I purchased the metal part of the wreath at local charity gift store that I frequent. They had all of their Easter items out well before Valentines, so that worked out great for me (I'm in the middle of a self-imposed-no-spending-on-crafts-or-decor-month...glad I grabbed this last month!). I had the yellow wreath on hand, already. I purchased it on clearance right after Easter, last year at Big Lots (five bucks...yeehaw!). I loved that the yellow polka dots on the metal piece perfectly coordinated with the flowers in the wreath. It's also got a little rusted patina on the edges of the egg! 

Upcycled Easter Door Decor | Thrift store finds can make the perfect seasonal decor! This post is filled with lots of thrift store Easter ideas.
Seriously, I didn't do anything fancy here...I simply put the metal egg on top of the wreath and tied it together with some twine. No cutting or gluing or anything

Upcycled Easter Door Decor | Thrift store finds can make the perfect seasonal decor! This post is filled with lots of thrift store Easter ideas.
The twine I tied the two items together with worked as the hanger for the entire piece, too.

Upcycled Easter Door Decor | Thrift store finds can make the perfect seasonal decor! This post is filled with lots of thrift store Easter ideas.
It turned out so bright and cheery!
Don't you just love what you can stumble onto in a thrift store?
Below are a couple of my other Easter thrift store finds.

Upcycled Easter Door Decor | Thrift store finds can make the perfect seasonal decor! This post is filled with lots of thrift store Easter ideas.
I found, what I affectionately call, my "bag o' bunnies" at a Goodwill a few years back. It was a gallon-sized Ziploc bag filled to the brim with miniature, ceramic, white Easter bunnies for like a buck. Ever since then, I seem to spot little, white, ceramic bunnies at lots of thrift stores. They're always like a quarter a piece. Some have paint on their eyes and ears, but I've often just spray painted them glossy white to keep them all consistent (or even just left them, if it's subtle). 

Upcycled Easter Door Decor | Thrift store finds can make the perfect seasonal decor! This post is filled with lots of thrift store Easter ideas.
I actually filled them in all throughout my built-in shelves. Bunnies everywhere!

Upcycled Easter Door Decor | Thrift store finds can make the perfect seasonal decor! This post is filled with lots of thrift store Easter ideas.
One of my other favorite thrift store finds was a bag of ceramic eggs at the Salvation Army...for fifty cents! These are heavy ceramic eggs, too...and each one is a different pattern and color. I buried them in a little moss here on my pedestal in the entryway.

Do you hunt for holiday decor at thrift stores, too?

Be sure to check out my friends' fun thrifty ideas, below, too.

Upcycled Easter Door Decor | Thrift store finds can make the perfect seasonal decor! This post is filled with lots of thrift store Easter ideas.


  1. I love it! I do think I could make a giant egg, and I might just add that to my to-do list.

  2. I love your upcycled Easter decor! That wreath looks so sweet. Well done!

  3. I love the wreath and the polka dots....this is the cutest Easter door decor ever and I definitely know the feeling of being ready for once...it happened to me....once ;)

  4. I love this design. I can see it hanging on my front door, and neighbors stopping in to tell me how beautiful it is. Thanks you!

  5. sometimes the stuff that is the easiest to assemble are the things that we enjoy the most. Be careful, i think the bunnies are multiplying!

  6. Kristi,
    Will be keeping you, your Dad, and all your family in my prayers. May God bless you and keep you.

  7. Super cute! I love quick and easy projects like this!
