Free Printable Watercolor To Do List | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Printable Watercolor To Do List

This printable to do list is made up of everyone's favorite thing: watercolor flowers AND a new version with a pretty pink ribbon! These freebies are perfect to write down all of the tasks for your day or week (heck...maybe even goals for a year, y'all!). Grab these Free Printable Watercolor To Do Lists below and start checkin' some boxes off so they can become your TA DA lists!

Free Printable To Do List
About a year ago, I was knee-deep in designing organizational printables for my book (including a to do list or ten!). As stated in the contract with my publisher, I had a 12-month period where I could not design any organizational prints outside of the book (that was torture, y'all!). Now that my book and the contractual agreement regarding the prints are both finished up, I am super excited to be designing free organizational printables here on the blog again. Not going to lie...organizational prints are (literally) my bread and butter for the first part of the new year (I had to get a bit creative last year). And a good to do list is always fun to design...I'm delighted to be back in my wheelhouse, designing what I love the most.

Free Printable Watercolor To Do List:

The watercolor cornered flowers on the original to do list are so fun and happy, friends. Their colors are soft and feminine, yet, anyone can certainly put this to do list to good use. 

Free Printable To Do List
Above is a brand new version of this to do list (a tiny bit less ink heavy!). It's for all of your preppy enthusiasts that love a good bow!

How to Use a Printable To Do List:

  • While printing a new to do list out on the daily is an option, it's really not the most budget-friendly, green, or practical. I like to laminate my to do list and use it with a dry erase marker (and stick it under a magnet on the refrigerator). I have mine laminated at my local print shop (it's a bit pricier, but worth it). Professional lamination means your piece will last for years. 
  • You could also frame your to do list in an 8x10" frame and use dry erase on the glass as another option. 
  • Whatever manner you choose, just putting your to do list into daily practice and making a habit of it is the key. And hey, if you need a little boost, write a lil' somethin' down that you already did just to get the thrill of the cross off (I won't tell, pinky promise).

Free Printable To Do List

Grab yours and put it into practice today:

Simple To Do List Printable

More To Do List Printables:

Can't get enough printable to do lists? The blogosphere is such a great source for these kind of printables. Check out these to do list printables from some of my blogging friends:

And I have a couple of other to do list printables in different designs that you may enjoy, too:

Framed To Do List Printable
Happy Organizing, y'all!

Not sure how to Print a Printable?

You can check out my complete video tutorial below covering how to print printables (from this blog or others) on either a Mac or a PC...on your home printer or even uploaded to your local print shop. If you have additional questions, please refer to my thorough, step-by-step post here on printing your printables. It includes budget-friendly, at-home printer ideas, too.


  1. Hooray! and Congratulations! I love the watercolor collection and just bought my calendar, have downloaded the annual calendar and to do list. I can make my own checklist but they are never attractive. And your checkout process is so FUN! What darling graphics!

    1. Oh thank you SO much, Celia!! I really appreciate that. And happy 2017 to you and yours!! <3

  2. Thanks for the perfect addition to my planner for 2017. I love making lists each day and then checking off those things I've completed.....even if it is a tiny thing. I may need one sheet for the various areas of my life and responsibilities....Home, Church/Spiritual, Family, Me....Thanks again, so pretty!

    1. I'm so glad you like it, Sylvia!! Thank you so much! Happy new year to you and yours!!

  3. So cute! To do lists always make me feel more productive. Now it can be cute too! Thanks Kristi.

  4. Thank you so much I did have a question I see the book is available on kindle? Does that mean there is a way to print from that app? Is there a preview of what is in the tear off pages. Just a list mind you not photos I know you worked hard to publish this I appreciate your hard work as I do not have the computer skills to do such amazing work

    1. Thank you so much, Ramona. Sooooo...I honestly am waiting on my publisher to figure out the Kindle printing situation. I know they're on it. I truly didn't even realize it would be available on Kindle when the process started. But if you bought the Kindle kind, then you would have to print the entire thing...which somewhat defeats the purpose. The price of the book is just slightly higher than the Kindle version and you get everything already printed (100 prints) would save a TON on ink! I have some preview photos in this post right here:

  5. Kristi,
    I just want to say Happy New Year to you and tell you that you have changed my life! Subscribing to your newsletter has turned me on to DIY and so many other happy things for me and my home. I will be 70 years old in three weeks. I only wish I had found a muse like you earlier! Thanks and much happiness to you and your sweet family.

  6. Love the watercolour collection!! So pretty!!

  7. This is so pretty Kristi! I love it. Thanks for linking up to The Creative Exchange. We will be featuring your project this week.

  8. Thank you for the beautiful printable! I must have a "TO DO" list and this one is very pretty!

  9. I really wanted to try your idea and print this beautiful to do list. However, there were so many ads popping up all over your page I could not do anything. I would no more than close one out and another popped up. I never could get to the link to print it. ��

    1. Hi Erin! I'm so sorry to hear there was a problem with printing. I'm not having an issue with pop-ups on my end. Are you on a mobile device, perhaps? If you are able, try opening the site from a laptop or desktop to see if that helps. Thank you so much for letting me know. I'll be sure to look into this!

  10. Thank you Kristi!!! I LOVE all of your stuff!

    1. Thank you SO much! You're sweet words really brightened by day! xoxo

  11. Hi Kristi! Is your book available for print or just kindle? Did I miss the link to purchase it? I love your designs so much. Thanks!!! ~ Amanda

    1. Hi Amanda! Here is a link where it can be purchased on Kindle or in print! Thank you so much for your sweet words!
