Free Tune My Heart Printables | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Tune My Heart Printables

These Free Scripture Printables (from the Come Thy Fount hymn) were inspired by Tuesday's post. I thought it would be fun to create this art in a way that more people could enjoy...although, I'm not opposed to inviting you all over to stare at my Sharpie art using this hymn. ;)
This is available in both an 8x10 and an 11x14 print (which is why I keep referring to them in the plural

Free Scripture Printables | Tune My Heart... | Available in both 8x10 and 11x14 for instant download
I explained on Tuesday why I love this particular hymn's words in the art piece I made for over the piano. I know not everyone has the time or want-to to create a full art piece (just us crazies, right?), so I thought I'd make it into two 8x10 and one 11x14 for today's freebies.

Free Scripture Printables | Tune My Heart... | Available in both 8x10 and 11x14 for instant download
I also decided to keep it super simple with just black and white...I wanted the typography and wording to really stand out on their own. That and...I'm here to save you some printer ink, yo. If you decide to print the larger 11x14 printable, you can easily upload it to your favorite printing place (I like Staples or FedEx Office...they have same day pick up and are less than a $1 a print). Click below to grab either one of the sizes. 

Free Scripture Printables | Tune My Heart... | Available in both 8x10 and 11x14 for instant download


  1. Merciful heavens! The Lord is prompting you to create the perfect downloads for the day's needs. Thank you SO much!

  2. Thank you so much for this printable. I love this hymn. I have an idea that I am using it for. I have blogged about it and linked the print to you. I hope you come over and check it out!

  3. My Mom and I really love this hymn! Thank for this printane!

  4. Thank you, love this, Thought I was subscribed
