China Cabinet Styling Ideas | i should be mopping the floor
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China Cabinet Styling Ideas

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I've been working on some china cabinet styling ideas in my own dining room and thought I would share them here, too. From traditional, to modern, there are endless possibilities for displaying dishes and serving ware. 

How to Style Your China Cabinet
One of the rooms I've been piddling in lately is our dining room. We're having guests over this weekend...since we've officially been moved in for over two months, I thought it was way past time to load the dishes in my china cabinets. Having guests is a fabulous excuse to get things done, right?

China Cabinet Styling Ideas

I am usually pretty symmetrical with my hutch and all of its contents...but, I thought it would be fun to mix it up a bit. I'm also sharing inspiration from several friends who have some lovely china displays over on their blogs, as well.

Styling Transferware Dishes

My Personal China Cabinet Ideas

I have two identical china cabinets that were passed down to me from my late uncle. They also have a credenza that goes in between them, but that piece is at my brother's home. So, I display them each on their own. These hutches have leaded glass that my uncle put in himself...they're really quite special because of all the love he put into them. Since they have a small ledge for dishes to rest in "display mode", I've always used these in a very symmetrical fashion, with all six plates (side-by-side) on display and a few of the other place setting pieces below them. 

I decided to do something completely different this time, as you can see above. By displaying the dishes in stacks, I can have more of my dishes in the cabinets. And as a self-proclaimed dish junkie, you can see how this is a necessity. I have four sets of china, y'all...a bit ridiculous, I know. But, I'm always on the hunt for more (gulp!). This cabinet above has my transferware sets in it.
My biggest goal here was to keep two "columns" of items on display and nothing in the middle.

PLEASE NOTE: Although my shelves are glass, these cabinets were custom-designed by my uncle to be heavy-duty dish holders. They've withstood the weight of stacks and stacks of plates for over 50 years now!

White Dishes in China Cabinet
In my other cabinet, I did my other two sets of china, along with my chargers and a couple of serving pieces, as well. While this gives the cabinets a more casual feel (more butler's pantry-ish to me), I kind of wanted that vibe.

English Transferware

This has given a whole new life to these dishes...I was never able to display this many sets at a time. I only have a four settings of my blue and white dishes that my late aunt left I never felt like I could display them since these hutches are designed to display six sets each. Now, they're out where I can enjoy them every time I pass by.

Yellow Wheat Dishes
My yellow "wheat" dishes are kind of fun and kitschy. These came from another uncle.
I feel like I come by my complete passion for dishes naturally...obviously many family members loved dishes, too.

Waterford Crystal

I think overall, my crystal pieces are my favorite. These also belonged to my uncle, who made these hutches, as I mentioned above. I can remember clinking them with the adults' glasses as a little girl around the dinner table at a holiday meal or Sunday dinner. I would have my very own bottle of sparkling cider to toast everyone with. I'm so hesitant to actually use these because they mean so much to me and I'd have a tough time if anything happened to them. My mom had these for years before they were passed down to me. She used them regularly, unlike my big chicken self. I was telling her how careful I was with them and how I was scared to use them. She laughed and told me that Uncle Butch used to run them through the dishwasher...and um, well, Waterford isn't exactly dishwasher-friendly, y'all, so they've definitely been put through the wringer. But these glasses just hold so many fond memories.
Amazingly, my Uncle Butch may have been more of a dish junkie than I am. This was only half of his collection (I have 30 of these glasses...gah!). Upon his death, my mother split the collection with two of his good friends so they'd have something special to remember him by.

Heritage Hall Dishes

You probably aren't here to read my endless dish stories...but just one more! ;) These Heritage Hall dishes were from some good friends of ours in Abilene, as well as a family member who passed away. Our friends increased this collection as both wedding and 10th anniversary presents to us, after they learned of my love for them (they own a great antique shop in Abilene, if you're ever in that area). These are the dishes I use the most, by far.

Leaded Glass Doors

I'm happy I kept the "split" in the middle of my china works out perfectly when the doors are closed.

I thought it would be even more fun to share how some of my fellow bloggers have displayed their dishes, too. Check out more china cabinet fun below.

More China Cabinet Styling Ideas

White China Cabinet Ideas

Simple China Cabinet Ideas

Green China Cabinet
Farmhouse China Cabinet Ideas

Dear Lillie China Cabinet

Built-In China Cabinet

Blue and White Dishes

Grainsack China Cabinet

How to Display Dishes
How do you like to display your dishes?


  1. I have a word of warning about the glass shelves. My mom had a glass shelved china cabinet and although she did not change them for seasons after a few years of the plates being on the shelves the glass bent and broke breaking all her china and glasses. So be careful when you stack them like you did. They are not made to with stand that much weight.

    1. Thanks so much. My uncle actually engineered these with very thick glass for the purpose of holding a lot of weight. They've lasted over 50 years now!

  2. These are all great ideas! I always struggle with how to style my china cabinet since I don's own any "fine china" I am always on the lookout for pieces at thrift stores and flea markets though!

    1. Thanks so much, Mary. Those are my favorite places to find the BEST dishes! xoxo

  3. So many choices! I really don't store "a China set" in mine but my collection of teapots and cups.

  4. Well now, I guess I never thought about "stylin" the china hutch, I have just placed things where I flt thy fit. Now I have a whole new way of looking at my placement, so many great ideas that would be wonderful to share on #OMHGFF!! Hope you can find your way over, I dont like placing links. Pinned

    Have a great weekend!!

    1. Hi Karren! Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm glad this could offer you a bit of inspiration for your space! <3

  5. Thank you! Great ideas and inspirations. I have two sets of China and a large cabinet. They are very different, one being pastel and the other bright red trim. So I think I will try one set up where you can see the pattern and the other set stacked. With the crystal on the sides. thanks for your help

    1. Hi Mary! That sounds like a fantastic idea! I'm sure it will look fabulous! Thanks so much for stopping by! <3
