20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts | i should be mopping the floor
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20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely. 

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely.
Handwritten brush fonts are all the rage right now. I have to be honest...this is a trend I adamantly resisted for a long while. I was the design editor of my high school newspaper in the mid-90s. We had about seven fonts at our disposal for laying out The Edition in good ol' Pagemaker. (Any other design nerds out there remember Pagemaker? I learned it when it was Aldus Pagemaker...in its pre-Adobe days, y'all. CRAZY.) One of those fonts at our disposal was Brush Script. I loathed Brush Script. Everyone else loved it. And overused the heehaw out of it. It wasn't pretty. I would spend way more time than any teenager should changing headline fonts before we put the paper to bed each month. I couldn't handle even a smidge of that bulky, over-used, "hand-written" font (those bunny quotes are purposeful, y'all). Thus began my 20-year hate of all things brush-fontish.

Obviously, things have changed a bit. These current marker-looking fonts are now uber cool and actually designed quite nicely to work with. I love to mix and match them...like a scripty one with an all-caps makes my heart pitter-patter. Brushish fonts have found their way into my life, y'all. I probably need to go buy apology gifts to my high school newspaper staff for thinking their taste in fonts was total junk.
I've rounded up over 20 of my favorite handwritten brush fonts below. Download your faves and have a handwritten blast.

Handwritten Brush Fonts

Just click on the name of the fonts you'd like to download. Each font has its own terms of use by each designer...be sure to be mindful of those. Most are for personal use only.

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely.

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely.

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely.

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely.

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely.

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely.

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely.

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely.

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely.

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely.

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely.

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely.

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely.

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely.

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely.

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely.

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely.

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely.

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely.

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely.

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely.

These 20+ Free Handwritten Brush Fonts are perfect for just about anything. Use them for printables, framable quotes & art, vinyl, crafts, and more. They're so swirly, twirly, and just plain lovely.


  1. This made me laugh. I have been a graphic designer for 20 years and I do remember Aldus Pagemaker....or as we referred to it then "Ragemaker"! Ha. Spent the better part of a year pushing the changeover to Quark Xpress. Also, I share your feelings about Brush Script but these fonts are lovely, thanks!

    1. LOL! The "Ragemaker" sounds about right, Julie! That is too funny! Thank you bunches for stopping by!

  2. So happy that I found this!!! Thanks a bunch!!

    1. Yay! I'm happy you're happy! I hope you get lots of fun use out of these, Cassie! Thank you for stopping by!

  3. I am glad you didn't resist sharing these fonts! I am so excited for a couple of them.

    1. I'm so happy to hear you found a couple that you like, Kati! Enjoy!

  4. This is so cool! Thank you for sharing!

    1. You're so welcome, Morgan! I hope you have fun trying out some new fonts!

  5. So many of these I've never seen! Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Hey Lydia! I'm glad you are finding some fresh new fonts from this list! Thank you bunches for stopping by!

  6. You are amazing! Thank you so much for all of you posts!
