Free Christmas Tree Chalk Printable & Amazon Gift Card Giveaway | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Christmas Tree Chalk Printable & Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

This Free Christmas Tree Chalk Printable is available for download below.
We're also got a $25 Amazon Card Giveaway for you, too.

This free Christmas Tree Chalk Printable is a fun addition to your holiday decor. It's an 8x10 chalkboard print (just print onto regular paper and the chalkboard background is already built in). Grab one for yourself below. 
The day is getting closer, but I couldn't resist another Christmas printable. I actually had a little help with this one. The line drawing came from a piece of artwork from GraphicStock on my free download period with them. Click here to grab your own free downloads.

As you can see, I used this Christmas Tree drawing from GraphicStock...I just changed the colors and pulled it onto a chalkboard background (also from GraphicStock). Then, in Photoshop, I duplicated the tree layer and gave the one in the "back" a motion blur and then an opacity of 30%. It gives a slightly chalky ghost image in the background. I also added the word JOY and the star on top...because I think trees need stars. ;)

When you download this, just print onto regular paper...that chalkboard is built right into the design. If you'd like more information on creating your own chalkboards, see my tutorial here. And be sure to grab a free chalkboard background at GraphicStock, too:
These backgrounds are awesome for making the popular chalkboard printables.

This post is also a fun giveaway, sponsored by GraphicStock. 
Here's how to enter:
2. Sign up for your free trial then find your favorite graphic, illustration, or photo.
3. Come back here and leave a comment telling me your fave!

Oh, and don't forget to cancel your membership after your trial. 

Let me know if you have any other chalkboard printable questions I can help you with in the comments section. Happy holidays and happy printing!


  1. I am the worst at remembering to cancel memberships after free periods! I won't tell you how much money I spent on these type things before I gave up on them altogether. This does look like an interesting one and that is a pretty graphic you have there-but I think that since I am now semi retired and living on a fixed income-I will pass.

  2. I really love the chalkboard look! Thanks for the free printables on this. I think it will look great in a frame.

  3. That is such a beautiful chalkboard print. I am going to print it out and frame it.

    Michelle F.

  4. That's so cute! Can you believe I'm still not decorating? I keep adding more festive fun!

  5. Turned out real nice! I didn't realize their membership allowed for redistribution - will have to check them out!

  6. I love it, it would be nice for me because Christmas is coming.
