Back to School Cleaning Routines and Free Printable Chore Chart | i should be mopping the floor
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Back to School Cleaning Routines and Free Printable Chore Chart

Now that the kids are off and running, our back to school cleaning routines are starting to take shape. I've also got a fun, fall-colored free printable chore chart for you to download below.
Back to School Cleaning Routines and Free Printable Chore Chart
I don't know about you guys, but my house takes a beating over the lazy, hazy, crazy days. With kids home, and swimming, and playing...things get dirty. But on the flip side of that, they are home to help with clean up. Now that school is back in session, we're working on our back to school cleaning routines so everything can run smoothly again and the house can stay a bit tidier.

Back to School Cleaning Routines and Free Printable Chore Chart
But first, I have to tell you about this AWESOMENESS! Bounty wants to give FIFTY of my readers their very own set of paper towels (one with Dawn, and one regular roll) AND their own duo towel holder to keep both items nice and handy on the countertop. If you are one of the first fifty to leave a comment and fill in the simple form below, a set of this fabulousness will be en route to you. Just leave a comment telling me what your back to school cleaning routines include!

We really love the NEW Bounty with many great uses! Just wet and use anywhere you've got a mess that needs a little extra something for cleaning. You'll end up with 4X cleaner surfaces.

Back to School Cleaning Routines and Free Printable Chore Chart
One of the chores my kids help with, now that school has started, is keeping their lunch boxes clean. Is it just me or do lunch boxes get so icky, y'all? I mean, honestly. I have one kiddo that brings his trash home with him (including open yogurt containers). Ay-yi-yi. We chat about it endlessly. happens. These boxes also seem to always get left on the playground (overnight at times). By the end of the year our boxes look like they've been run over by a semi. Hoping this year we can keep them a lot tidier a lot longer. I'm loving having the kids wipe them out with the Bounty with Dawn. They come our so clean and shiny.

Back to School Cleaning Routines and Free Printable Chore Chart
They're also great for wiping down counters, appliances, and so much more.
They'll even help with the dishes.

Back to School Cleaning Routines and Free Printable Chore Chart
Oh, and dry erase gets taken off perfectly with these babies.

Back to School Cleaning Routines and Free Printable Chore Chart
My older son is actually super responsible about his chores. He takes a lot of pride in them...goodness, his bed is made before I'm even out of mine most mornings. Now that school is started, one of our biggies is keeping a good routine (which he does well with...little brother is definitely working at it). After school, we have a snack, do homework, get our chores done, and then practice piano. The rule is always no television, playing, or devices until everything is complete. This can be met with some grumbles at times, but it keeps things running smoothly. 
Saturday mornings, we try to do a couple of chores as well, before our day gets may be something as simple as putting some clothes away, but I like to make sure we get a few things accomplished before we start the weekend's activities.

Back to School Cleaning Routines and Free Printable Chore Chart
I love using chore charts. I've published several sets in the past. I thought it would be fun to create one in fallish colors for this time of the year. We just write in our tasks and check them off as we go. We now do a set rate of allowance once a week. As long as *most* of the boxes are checked, we're good for payday. ;)

Download yours below.
Back to School Cleaning Routines and Free Printable Chore Chart

Now, be sure to leave a comment and receive your own set of paper towels and the duo towel holder. The first FIFTY to let me know their back to school cleaning routines will receive this gift!
Back to School Cleaning Routines and Free Printable Chore Chart

UPDATED: LIMIT REACHED...thank you to all who signed up to receive their free towel holder and Bounty Paper Towels! Find Bounty with Dawn at a store near you.


  1. I LOVE back to school. I clean the kitchen in the morning and it stays that way ALL DAY LONG!! :)

  2. I have been dying to try these!!! During the week it is mostly spot clean around the house.... Deep clean on the weekends.. all the hustle and bustle!!! EEK!

  3. Make Beds, and Dirty Laundry left behind start a load if needed lay out that nights dinner take care of any cleaning that needs done Asap before i head out the door for work

  4. I'm trying to enforce a new back-to-school cleaning routine of everything has a place as soon as the they enter the door and lunch bags are emptied and cleaned immediately {nothing is grosser than finding a lunch bag filled with scrap food after a long weekend!!}. We're still working on it and I'm crossing my fingers they will learn how much it helps Mom to clean the counter after making their lunch, which they would probably fight to do with the new Bounty papertowels! :)

  5. My kids have to make beds, wipe bathroom counters, feed animals, and scoop the poop (cause I hate doing it)

    1. This is really Michelle Chaney...not sure how I am loged on as my husband!

  6. Love this! I use your printable charts every week :) The meal plan printable is my favorite, so these paper towels would come in handy!

    1. I don't have kids yet, but my morning routine is to pack mine and my husband's lunches, clean the kitchen and make the bed. :)

  7. On Sunday night, we set out clothes for each day of the week. We also set all all clothing and equipment needed for that week's sports/activities. This helps cut down on our morning stress!

  8. We love Bounty around here and have been anxious to try the new ones with Dawn!

  9. Your printables are always so cute! My daughter is too young for back to school but I have "Clean Sheet Sunday" every Sunday. Other than that, my cleaning schedule is a free-for-all ;)

  10. No more kids at home so I am the one left to make a list for. But it sure helps me to have a list. There's just something about checking off a job completed!

  11. Thanks for the opportunity to try the new paper towel. The regular one comes in handy too.

  12. This is great! I have been looking for something to help Kiki keep her chores organized.

  13. Love your printables, they are always functional and cute! Now that I have a couple days a week without kiddos, I can get a better handle on household chores. Mondays are big days for me, because we make a mess all weekend and I can have time repair the mess! It also sets the tone for the rest of the week if we start off organized, laundry done ect...

    1. This is actually Fran Mays not Guy, forgot he's signed in not me!

  14. I clean baseboards, window sills and screens and organize our closets. Spring cleaning in the fall!

  15. Thanks for the Chance to try these out!! We need to start prepping for putting our house up for sale :)

  16. I'm excited about bounty with dawn, makes cleaning so easy!

  17. Looking forward to trying these - love the chore chart and your kids are adorable. Btw, YES lunch boxes get NASTY.

  18. I throw 1 load of laundry in every morning, and I make the beds. After that, I feel like I conquered the world!!! lol Thanks Kristi, this is so fun!!

  19. It's great to help my kids get their rooms spruced up for the new school year. I firmly believe that an orderly home makes everyone feel better and more productive!

  20. so excited to try these. Make beds, load laundry, load breakfast dishes and give the downstirs bathroom a swipe...

    1. Hi Suzie-- I'm not seeing your info on the response page for the form above. If you could fill that out so we'll have your address to get you everything, that would be great. THANKS!

  21. Cute Chore chart! Lunchboxes are my kryptonite!!

  22. Destinee Joiner
    We do a clothes purge and baseboards as a back to school cleaning out. Laundry and dishes done daily or we dont have any activities on the weekend.

  23. I love the idea of Dawn being in the Bounty towels! Will definitely add cleaning out the lunchbox with these as one of Miles' chores. We have him do chores first thing when he gets off the bus, then it's homework and playtime. Love the chore chart as well! 😊

  24. Purge clothes, toys, closets and get systems set up for school--homework station, chore charts, family calendar.

  25. I try to wash a load of clothes everyday and have the kids help with daily chores.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. We're still trying to get back into the flow. We try to get the house/bedrooms clean over the weekend and then work to maintain during the week... kiddos do dishes, trash and floors daily to keep it decent.

  28. I'm a teacher, so my back to school cleaning includes making sure everything in the house is in order because the beginning of the school year is crazy busy! I purge clothing items, organize the bathroom so I have everything I need to get ready, and stock the pantry for lunches. And most importantly, I make sure I'm stocked up on dish and laundry detergent so everything is always ready to go!

  29. This is an area where the kids will help, but I always have to ask. My older kids will start laundry and take out trash. I would like for them to start just a quick swish and swipe in the bathroom everyday.

  30. for back to school - my kiddos need to step it up and help with dinner and make their beds! i try to keep it fun for them though (name is Mary Ramsey in the form)

  31. Love this chore chart. This will help my girls and I to get organized and keep our house cleaned. Thank you so much.

  32. my back to school routine involves stripping their beds and washing everything including curtains. I also like to settle back into a scheduled weekly menu.

  33. This is a great chore chart. and I love the idea of a dual paper towel holder! I'm about to be a single mom so I need all the help I can get!

  34. My husband and I have flexible work schedules during the school year, which allows one of us to be home 3-4 days a week. So, whoever is at home tackles the chores/cooking for the day. Then we split up a few responsibilities such as yard work, dishes, and laundry. Works well for us during the school year!

  35. Dawn IN a towel??? SO awesome!!! And love the chore to get the kids to DO it

    1. Oh...and so many things for back to school, the main one keeping the kitchen counters clear.

  36. I put dawn on a paper towel to clean my pots and pans.That way they don't get scratched, so this will be great!

    1. A routine of mine is making my bed when I get up, that way I won't sleep longer! I always have everything ready the night before.

  37. Intrigued by the Dawn IN the Bounty! Would love to try it

  38. I never heard of dawn in the towels either! I'll be sure to add that to the back to school cleaning routine. What a generous giveaway- 50 people? Awesome! ~Daniellex at gmail dot com~ Danielle T

  39. Look forward to trying these! Seems like a clever idea.

  40. I love to drop the kiddo's off at school and come home and put the music on and start the cleaning. Once the cleaning is done, then it's me time. I don't feel guilty about doing what I want to do weather it's crafting, reading, or just kicking back.

  41. My children are grown so I don't really need a back to school routine although there are still adjustments as summer ends. Right now, our routines are disrupted by our 12 week old puppy. We're using lots of paper towels as we work on potty training for the puppy.

  42. getting everything ready the night before- clothes, backpacks, lunches, homework

  43. I also enlist my kids to help with even the littlest things! Putting groceries away, collecting trash, recycling, cleaning's a family affair!

  44. I have a chalkboard that I write of their chores on when they get home. One of their chores is to draw a Popsicle stick from the cup. I write different chores on the sticks. They choose one chore to do every day after school.
