Free Printable Monthly Bill Pay Checklist | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Printable Monthly Bill Pay Checklist

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This Free Printable Monthly Bill Pay Checklist is a must-have for anyone working to keep their finances in check (that's all of us, right?). There are three design options to choose from, too. Print one out to help you stay on top of your monthly bills and payments. Grab your favorite version of this Bill Pay Checklist below.
Monthly Bill Pay Checklist
This monthly bills checklist is a great way to keep track of every single bill you have to pay, especially those recurring ones. Its simple design is easy for anyone to implement. Download your preferred design below.

Free Printable Monthly Bill Pay Checklist

Let's face it, we're all busy people and we're trying to make life as simple as possible. But, some things are, well, bill paying. It's definitely not an item we can ever skip, no matter how busy we happen to be. Whether you're working to pay off debt, or just keep up with your regular utility and mortgage payments, these three versions of this monthly bills checklist are perfect to have on hand. I'm sharing some clever ways to reuse them month after, too.  
Free Printable Monthly Bill Pay Checklist
You're certainly welcome to print out your bill pay checklist every month (sometimes a new, fresh print is a nice welcome), but you can also reuse the same sheet over and over with a couple of ideas, below. 

Home Binder Printables

This checklist is perfect to add in with my free Home Binder Printables. If you're not familiar with home binder systems and how they work, I have two sets of free Home Binder Printables that will explain everything. We have used our system for years to manage our own household. See both of my sets below:

Why Use a Monthly Bill Pay Checklist?

  • Accountability is my biggest reason for using a checklist. I have to visibly account for everything I pay, which is mentally helpful, month after month.
  • Another reason is illness or death. I know this is an uncomfortable topic, but after recently settling my dad's estate, this sort of thing is incredibly valuable. Before my dad passed away, he and I sat down and wrote down all of his accounts (sadly, we were aware his death was coming). If I hadn't had that list after he died, I would have been completely lost in an already difficult time. Even if death is not a reason, be sure another person in your household or family knows your finances (for the most part) and how they should handle things in case of emergency (you never know if you'll end up in a hospital for a length of's always good to be prepared).
  • These checklists are great to refer to month after month, to make sure nothing is forgotten. 
Bill Pay Checklist
Above is an up-close, detailed look at this printable. 

How to Use a Monthly Bill Pay Checklist:

  • Start by jotting down all of your monthly accounts and bills in the left hand column of the checklist. 
    • For me, I like to organize them by due date. I usually do this by sorting my physical bills in a stack, earliest due on top.
    • I will add a small scrap of paper with the names of our paperless bills into the mix, in their appropriate order, as well. 
  • Once you start paying these bills, be sure to note their due dates and amount paid in the appropriate columns. 
  • If there is a remaining balance on a bill, add that in, as well (sometimes just seeing it in writing can be helpful with the will to pay it off). Plus, it's nice to see that balance get smaller and smaller.
  • Then be sure to check off the paid column.

How to Reuse this Print Over and Over

Self-Adhesive Laminating Sheets

As you can see from above, I like to laminate our monthly bill pay checklist with self-adhesive laminating sheets (there is no machine required for these) to use over and over with dry erase markers.
  • Grab self-laminating sheets here on Amazon.
  • I then add my checklist to my home binder (laminated) so I can reuse it every month (just punch holes in it). 
  • If you'd prefer, you can attach self-stick magnets to your laminated checklist checklist and attach it to your refrigerator to keep it front and center (and reminding you daily of what needs to be paid!). Grab the self-stick magnets here on Amazon.
  • Or, if you'd like a more decorative approach, these printables will also work inside of an 8x10 frame. Using the glass of the frame means you can also use these over and over with dry erase markers. 
  • Grab my favorite set of fine tip dry erase markers here on Amazon. The fine tip is so nice to use with checklists like these. 

Download the Monthly Bills Checklist Below

Click on your favorite design below the following image to download yours. These are available in colorful dots, stripes, and triangles. FYI: the dots have been the most popular with readers. 
Free Printable Monthly Bill Pay Checklists

Free Monthly Bill Pay Checklist Printables

More Free Organizational Printables

  • My Free Student Planner Printable is a HUGE free printable pack that has everything to get your 6th-12th grade kids completely organized and owning their learning. I've had a lot of really great feedback from other parents on this set of prints...and they're all free!
  • Another good set is my Free Blank Calendar Pages. These printables are a colorful and clever way to organize each and every month. 
  • Need help organizing meals? My free printable Meal Planners are gingham and FUN for keeping up with daily dinners and such.
  • The free printables from this Medical Binder from Thirty Handmade Days are super helpful. 
  • And this free printable Cleaning Checklist from Dear Crissy is another must-download. 
  • Passion for Savings has a really great printable Daily Schedule, as well. 


  1. I am trying to print out this bill payment page and I cant find the link anywhere. Could you direct me in the right direction?

    1. Hi Jennifer! If you scroll about 1/2 down the page, you'll see three thumbnail sized images of the printables. (Just under "Click below on your favorite design to download your Free Printable Monthly Bill Payment Checklist.") Click on the thumbnail of the printable of your choice, and you will be taken to another page to download and print. I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any trouble! Thank you bunches for stopping by! xoxo

  2. Would love these without the lines so I can add a text box with typed lists of monthly bills.

    1. That's a great idea, Dee...I'll try to work on that next week. Thanks! xoxo
