Free Expense Tracker Printable | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Expense Tracker Printable

This post for a free expense tracker printable contains affiliate links. I make a small portion when these links are used, at no additional cost to you.

This Free Expense Tracker Printable is available in both daily and weekly versions. And each of those versions has three designs to choose from. These are a smart, yet simple, way to start tracking every dollar you spend. Whether you're new to budgeting or it's old hat, these prints are perfect to integrate into your lifestyle and budget. Download your favorite free expense tracker printable below.
Free Expense Tracker Printable

Whether you're a long-time budgeter or brand new to the scene of monetary planning, this Free Expense Tracker Printable is a great way to track all of your expenses. Tracking expenses always makes me raise my eyebrows at how much I can really spend without actually thinking about's a great way to keep myself in check. Download your favorite version and design below.

Free Expense Tracker Printable

Have you checked out all of the organizational awesomeness we've been working on this month? This Free Expense Tracker Printable is designed to coordinate with all of the printables in our Home Binder printables series. They also work wonderfully with magnets on your refrigerator to keep front and center. Be sure to laminate yours with the self-laminating sheets below, to keep them safe and make them re-usble with dry erase markers. Print once and use over and over.
Expense Tracker Printable

This design of this free Expense Tracker Printable is super simple...that's just kind of how I roll. Because, let's face it, if it's not super simple, it usually doesn't last very long for me. But, this is a great way to write every little amount that is spent down in black and white. I included both weekly and daily versions for you. I honestly don't spend every single day (although, when I was out in the working world and going to lunch every day and all that, I probably did). But right now, the weekly one works for me. But, hey, I totally get that so many of us will need a daily version. This is great for even all of the little expenses I tend to forget (Amazon Prime always gets me!).

Self-Laminating Your Expense Tracker Printable

I'm a laminating nut, but I don't use any special equipment. A fellow mom showed me the following method over ten years ago and it still works like a charm.
Expense Tracker

Supplies for Self-Laminating:

  • expense tracker printable
    • Download it here or below (there are more specific download links below).
  • regular paper for printing
    • Print your tracker onto regular paper. While I'm normally advising cardstock for most of my printables, if you're laminating anything, it needs to be on regular printer or copier paper. Laminating cardstock can result in air bubbles and poor overall outcome due to its thickness.
  • Avery Self-Adhesive Laminating Sheets (9"x12")
  • coin-style adhesive magnets (optional, but wonderful for adhering your laminated expense tracker printable to your refrigerator)
  • fine-tipped dry erase markers

Follow the instructions on the self-laminating sheets to laminate your printables. Then attach your magnets to the back of your tracker (I sometimes use a few more magnets than the instructions advise, just to make sure it's not going anywhere). Again, if you prefer, you can also keep this expense tracker printable in your Home Binder, instead of laminating and using on the refrigerator. You can also laminate, hole punch, and still use in your binder, but utilizing the dry erase markers so you can use it over and over without having to reprint.

Download the Daily Expense Tracker Printable:

Daily Expense Tracker Printable

Download the Daily Expense Tracker Printable:

Weekly Expense Tracker Printable

Expense Tracking Printables

Looking for More Organization Printables?

Need Help with Downloading or Printing?

Be sure to watch my complete video tutorial below covering how to download and print your printables. It has instructions for either a Mac or a PC. You can print on your home printer or even upload to your local print shop. If you have any additional questions, be sure to refer to my thorough, step-by-step post on downloading and printing printables. It includes budget-friendly, at-home printer recommendations, too.

Finance Printables


  1. Hi, I love your free printables and came across your Weekly Expense Tracker, never considered recording weekly which gives you a cleaner way of reviewing your expenses, however, I noticed that you had date twice and not AMOUNT, do you think you'll ever put out another one to include categories: Date, Amount, Description, Type (meaning Cash, Debit, Credit, Check). Thanks!

    1. Hi Shahnee! I apologize for the inconvenience. I have completely updated all six printables and added the AMOUNT instead of date. I do have the other option in the plans for the future. Thank you so much for stopping by! xoxo
