Kitchen Cleaning Routines & Printable Cleaning Checklist | i should be mopping the floor
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Kitchen Cleaning Routines & Printable Cleaning Checklist

Today, we're chatting about kitchen cleaning routines: what works and what doesn't.
I'm also sharing a free printable cleaning checklist for your kitchen cleaning. It is the first in a series of cleaning checklists that I'm posting all spring. AND, I have a FUN new product from Bounty to tell you makes some of these routines a lot more enjoyable!

Kitchen Cleaning Routines & Free Printable Cleaning Checklist
Do you stick to a routine to keep your house tidy? I've found, over the years, that this is the best way to keep myself on track. Check out some of my methods below.

Kitchen Cleaning Routines & Free Printable Cleaning Checklist
The first thing I want to tell you about is this super cool new product from Bounty. NEW Bounty with Dawn is a must-have in a kitchen for messes in pots and pans or on countertops, stovetops, glass, granite, stainless steel and mirrors. You’ve never seen anything like this from a paper towel. Bounty has been America’s #1 paper towel for a long time, and now they are taking paper towel innovation to a whole new level with Bounty with Dawn!

New Bounty with Dawn is changing the way I clean. Like a dishcloth, Bounty stays intact while I clean. And even better, the mess washes right out so I can finish the job with one sheet.

Kitchen Cleaning Routines & Free Printable Cleaning Checklist
I keep my Bounty with Dawn next to my sink, cozied up to my regular roll of Bounty Paper Towels. They're the perfect pair {wink!}. 

Kitchen Cleaning Routines & Free Printable Cleaning Checklist
I just wet it to activate the Dawn. If I'm going to be cleaning my dishes or pots or pans, I simply wet it fully and clean. I can also rinse it out and keep cleaning {it truly works just like a dish cloth}. 
Kitchen Cleaning Routines & Free Printable Cleaning Checklist

If I'm going to be cleaning a mirror, my glass cooktop, or other shiny surfaces, when wetting the towel to activate the Dawn detergent, I leave the sheet under running water for a few extra seconds and thoroughly squeeze out the excess water before starting to clean.

Kitchen Cleaning Routines & Free Printable Cleaning Checklist
It also smells really good {I live for good scents}. There's something about the smell of Dawn Dish Soap that is nostalgic to me...reminds me of my mom doing dishes when I was a kid.

Kitchen Cleaning Routines & Free Printable Cleaning Checklist
I've started using the new Bounty with Dawn sheet lasts a long time. 

Here's some other simple tips to keep the kitchen tidy and clean on a daily basis:

  •  Cleaning the dishes {or running the dishwasher} on a daily basis. I used to have issues with this...if we had eaten out, there wouldn't be enough dishes for me to justify running the dishwasher. Now, I just make peace with running it on the energy-water saving setting and do it {or even do them by hand}. It makes it so much easier in the morning to just empty the dishwasher and have it ready for me to fill throughout the day as I need to. 
  • Clear all clutter out on a daily basis. This one is key to me. My kids bring home mountains of papers. Between that and the mail...and all the random paper scraps, the clutter will build fast if I don't stay on top of it {and it always ends up in the kitchen}. Before I go to bed, I sort all of that {a lot of it goes straight to recycling/trash} and put it away. 
  • Surface wiping. My kids are now old enough to do this one {yay!}. But wiping counters, tables, the appliances we use daily, and other surfaces goes a long way. I can easily use my new Bounty with Dawn for these tasks. If surfaces don't get wiped, they're even stickier and harder to clean the following day.
  • Sweeping/Spot Mopping. Yeah, yeah...I know...mopping. I've truly come leaps and bounds since naming this blog four years ago, y'all. I do mop {well, for the most part...I am human.}. And spot mopping is something that is manageable for my kids, too. Plus, they love to use the cordless sweeper vac. And I don't do a big mop on these daily routines...they just use a Bounty with Dawn cloth to get up noticeable spots on the floor.
  • Take out the trash. Another goodie for my kids! We keep our trash in the pantry. So, even if it's not full, it will no doubt make my pantry smell like garlic or something equally potent if it's not taken out on a daily basis.
  • Set out fresh linens. There's seriously nothing worse than a smelly dish cloth or towel. I've honestly replaced my kitchen wash cloths with the Bounty with Dawn. But, I do set out a clean towel every night before I go to bed. Because who wants to dry their hands on yesterday's crusty pizza towel? ;)
These are just the biggies on the daily kitchen cleaning routine in our home. You can see below what is done on a weekly basis to keep things in tip-top shape {ish} around here. Be sure to download your own free printable kitchen cleaning checklist below.  

Kitchen Cleaning Routines & Free Printable Cleaning Checklist

Kitchen Cleaning Routines & Free Printable Cleaning Checklist
Kitchen Cleaning Routines & Free Printable Cleaning Checklist
What kinds of things do you do to keep your own kitchen tidy on a regular basis? 
And who is ready to give the new Bounty with Dawn a spin? It's so cool, y'all!

I was compensated for this post as a member of the Bounty Quicker Picker Upper Crew. All opinions stated are my own. 

Kitchen Cleaning Routines & Free Printable Cleaning Checklist


  1. Oh! Those Bounty paper towels are a dream come true!! Dish sponges have been giving me the heebie jeebies lately, especially when my family leaves them in the sink and then pours out their food on top of them. :(

    1. Aren't they wonderful?! Complete game changer when it comes to cleaning!! Thanks so much for stopping by!

    2. Teach you family not to pour food on them. Let them dry out. Put them in the microwave to kill germs. I can't belive I'm rading this in 2015. Is this the fifties all over again? Consume, consume, consume!?

  2. That is a great printable. I am totally going to use that :)

    1. Thank you! I hope you find it as helpful and handy as I do!

  3. I love that printable. I think it would keep me organized.

    Michelle F.

    1. Thank you, Michelle! I have found checklists to be SO helpful when it comes to keeping up with the kitchen chores! (Especially when the kiddos are helping!)

  4. I would be lost with out my to do list! I have daily things that the kids and I do and then on Saturday's are our "deep clean" days. Makes our week go much more smoothly with those lists and routines.

    1. Yes! They are so incredibly helpful! Thank you bunches for stopping by!

  5. Ok-when did this come out and how come I have not spotted it yet? I definitely want to try these. Maybe I will ask the manager of the store where I shop where they are hiding it!

    1. LOL! They are brand new, Miki! They will be on shelves VERY soon---if they aren't already!

  6. Ha! Great idea for Bounty and Dawn to team up! Maybe now I will actually clean my kitchen as often as I should! LOL

    1. LOL! It's a dream team combination for sure, Kristin!

  7. Could have totally used this today! Not only did I run out of paper towels, I could have used this great checklist for our cleaning routine today. Saving it for another time since spring cleaning is coming up and the house needs a good makeover. Thanks!

    1. I hope you enjoy both the new paper towels and printable! Thank you bunches for stopping by!

  8. Bounty WITH Dawn? Why haven't I seen these before? That's pretty nifty.
    Thanks for the great printable too. That will help keep me on track. =0)

    1. They are brand-spanking new--but will be on the shelves very soon--if not already! You are so welcome for the printable! I hope you find it as useful as I do! :)

  9. What a great checklist! I need to be better about clearing the clutter and doing the dishes in a timely manner!

    1. Thank you, Emily! Don't we all?! Sometimes just having a little reminder posted helps to keep us on track!

  10. That's cook! I use washable dishrags for my dishes, but I love this for surfaces that always get dirty like countertops! This is great!

    1. Yes! They are perfect for counters! They would be great to take along while traveling too! Thanks for stopping by, Heather!

  11. I am ready for my kids to be old enough to help clean!

    1. Start them early, Melanie! I try to get my two involved as often as possible--Luckily they are still young enough to consider it fun, lol!

  12. Your kitchen is lovely! I'm also loving this product and your printable. I am kind of obsessed with cleaning products so I can't wait to try this.

    1. Why thank you, Layne! These are really great! I love the ease of use and the fact that I can toss it when I am finished! No more stinky towels in the sink, lol!

  13. Such a cute and awesome printable!

  14. We run the dishwasher a LOT around here and the dishes still seem to back up! Too many kids! Love the printable though, great reminder to keep the kitchen clean.

  15. Replies
    1. Lol! It's all yours, Yvonne! Pop it in a frame and use a dry erase marker to make it reusable!

  16. I really need one of those checklists. I think it would motivate me more and make me more accountable.

    1. I have found it really helpful, Mistee! Sometimes we get so overwhelmed or tired...things just get inadvertently overlooked! (It's also great if you have a spouse looking for a way to help out around the house!) ;)

  17. Hi Kristi! I had no idea Bounty with Dawn Paper Towels existed. Brilliant! I also love your printables- thanks!

    1. Hi Amy! Complete game changer--right?! Thank you bunches for stopping by!

  18. Oh my gosh your kitchen is too cute! I always (only) use Bountry but had no idea they had them with dish soup. The cleaning checklist is great too.

    1. They are brand new and will be on the shelves very soon--if not already! They are GREAT! Thank you bunches for stopping by!

  19. OK, this is something I TOTALLY need, thanks for the checklist!

  20. I had no idea this new version was available. This may come in very, very handy!

    1. Yes! They are brand new--and wonderful! You will love them, Liz! Thank you for stopping by!

  21. I really like your lists and priority of your chores you do. I usually use a sponge - but this type of paper towel is something I will definitely need to check into.

    1. I love that you can use them and toss them! Thank you bunches for stopping by!

  22. I love having a checklist! Makes things so much easier!

    1. Yes! They really do help to keep you on track! Thanks for stopping by!

  23. Oh my god!! I need these! This is the coolest paper towel ever! I can't wait to find these in the stores.

    1. Aren't they awesome?! Complete game changer when it comes to cleaning! I even keep a few tucked away in a zip-lock bag for when I am on the go! Thanks for stopping by, Stephanie!

  24. What? How have I not seen these yet?! I am completely OCD about having a clean kitchen - and I love this idea sooooo much more than sponges!! I'll be looking for them on my next shopping trip for sure!

    1. They are brand new--but will be on the shelves VERY soon--if not already! They are so great! I am NOT a fan of germs or these were perfect for my kitchen/home! Thanks for stopping by, Jamie!

  25. So amazingly wasteful and ecologically unconscious. If you're going to run your dishwasher every day, why not run your sponge along with it? (now THAT's a tip)

    Just a thinly disguised social media-placed ad for Bounty with Dawn.

    1. I was hoping someone else would notice the waste issue and comment! In addition, taking out the trash every day is a waste of plastic trash bags. Compost your organic waste, and I throw meat waste (bones, etc.) in the freezer until trash day. This helps cut down on the smell from the trash. I also think putting out fresh linens daily is wasteful (leads to washing more often). I keep a towel out for drying hands, and another for drying clean dishes. With only two people in our house, we run the dishwasher every 3-4 days. That's also when I put the hand towel in the laundry and rotate the dish-drying towel (assumed to be clean) to be the hand-drying towel. And if you don't want a stinky washcloth, rinse it, wring it, and hang it up to dry.

    2. Now THOSE are some really good tips. This comment section was cracking me up and I had to keep reading to see if there were any REAL comments! I do like your idea about freezing waste that might get smelly and tossing it on trash day. We bought a quantity of microfibre clothes and I use those for cleaning in place of paper towels. We go through one roll of paper towels in 6-8 months. Thanks for your comment!

    3. The stench of self-righteousness from these 3 posters is incredible. We wll make our choices. With 5 kids, the number of washcloths we had to go through was incredible, lots of laundry. And yes, we composted, recycled, made my own cleaning products, etc. So we make our own choices.

  26. Thanks for sharing spring cleaning checklist. Although it is a daunting task but you made it possible for all of us by making this checklist.

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  27. These sound perfect! I use paper towels to wipe up everything and with a 2 year old and a teenager these would come in handy. Thanks for sharing.

  28. LOUSY AD and these shills aren't even real people

  29. Cute printable and I think your kitchen curtains are sweet and fun.

  30. Thank you for the printable. Its adorable.

  31. I'm not able to get the printable to download.

    1. The server I use for printables is down this morning....hoping it's back up ASAP!
