i should be mopping the floor: February 2014
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A Little Help with Weight Loss

This post has been written as a review for Deborah's Collection. 
All opinions are mine and 100% accurate. I keep it real. ;)

Excited to tell you all about a neat new product that's assisting me in my weight loss efforts! Alongside my Weight Watchers routines, I'm also using this Green Coffee Bean Slimming Gel from Deborah's Collection.

This is the first weight loss post to date. Crazy intimidating...I'm all about paint and fabric and projects. Showing all of me...not so much. BUT, I really want to share my weight loss journey with all of you sweet friends in the hopes that if you struggle in this area as well, you may find some inspiration, tips and ideas to incorporate into your own life. We're in it together!

I Love You More than Coffee...{but please don't make me prove it}

Who loves a good cup of coffee? {I know I do!}
Seattle's Best Coffee has a great announcement for you...
and I've got a free coffee printable for you, as well!

Loving someone more than coffee...now those are strong words! But hey, let's not get carried away...please don't make us prove it! This free printable is available below. First, I wanted to tell you about some new yumminess from Seattle's Best Coffee.

How to Age Terra Cotta

Below is a basic tutorial for how to age terra cotta. 
Perfect to give new pots a little character!

It's almost time to get started with spring planting! This is a fun way to give brand new terra cotta pots a bit of age and patina. They look like they've been sitting in the garden for ages! Check out the tutorial below>>>

Five Tips for Functional, Decorative Kitchen Vignettes

Hey y'all! Brett from Being-Bianca here and I'm so pleased to be back with you to share five kitchen tips that are ever so functional and decorative, to boot!

DIY Spring Paper Flower Wreath

This DIY Spring Paper Flower Wreath is the
perfect way to welcome in the sunshine and warmer temperatures.

I wanted something a little different for a spring wreath this year. I'm really happy with the way this DIY Spring Paper Flower Wreath turned out! I can't decide if the colors or patterns are my favorite. 

Here's how I did it>>>

Inspiration Monday | Inspired by Yummy Soups

Woohoo! It's an end of the month #InspirationMonday party...you know what that means! We have a guest hostess AND a giveaway!We're so happy you are joining us today.
This week, your links are seen simultaneously on all SIX blogs at the same time, all you need to do is link up to ONE of our sites.

And if you're linking up via our guest hostess, Meaningful Mama, WELCOME! And of course a big HELLO to all of our regular party friends, too! You know we love ya!

He is Risen Free Printable

This He is Risen Free Printable is
the perfect addition to your Easter decor.

Easter is one of my favorite times of year...for many reasons. Celebrating renewal, springtime and of course, the resurrection. This free chalkboard printable is hanging over my stove this year. I hope you can find a place in your home for it as well. 

Two sizes available below.

**The laurel leaves on this printable were from the We Lived Happily Ever After blog.***

Skinny Turkey Taco Soup

This Skinny Turkey Taco Soup is the perfect way to warm up...
even when you're watching your waistline.

This soup is my lighter version of my mom's tried and true "Can Can" soup. It's basically ground turkey with a lot of canned items {very easy for those weeknight meals}. If you're trying to watch your sodium intake, look for the no-salt-added canned items. You can also rinse your beans and add a bit of chicken broth to make up for the lost juices. Recipe below>>>

Veggie Flatbread with Cilantro Lime Dressing

This Veggie Flatbread with Cilantro Lime Dressing is 
from contributor Claire, from A Little Claireification. Looks delicious!

Veggie Flatbread with Cilantro Lime Dressing by ALittleClaireification.com #recipe #vegetarian #flatbread

Hi again, my fellow "I Should Be Mopping..." readers! It's me Claire from from A Little CLAIREification here to bring you another delicious and easy recipe.

Mom's Hello Dollies

Nobody can hold a candle to my mom's Hello Dollies
They're unbelievably fantastic!

My mom has made Hello Dollies for as long as I can remember. Some people call them "Magic Bars" or "Coconut Bars", but in my house, it's a Hello Dolly.

The Old Rugged Cross Hymn Printable

This post for The Old Rugged Cross Hymn Printable contains affiliate links. I make a small portion when these links are used, at no additional cost to you.

This Old Rugged Cross Hymn Printable is near and dear to my heart. These are the lyrics to one of my favorite hymns that has always been uplifting to me. There are several sizes of the Old Rugged Cross Hymn Printable available for you below. For personal use only.

The Old Rugged Cross Hymn Printable
The Old Rugged Cross is such a beautiful hymn. I wanted to capture it in a different style of printable...something more personal, handwritten, and with a sketched quality to it. The Old Rugged Cross Hymn Printable is perfect to display year-round or even during the upcoming Easter season.

Organizing Kids' Medicines

Organizing kids' medicines helps combat the middle-of-the-night search.
Here's some simple tips on creating a tidy space for the essentials. 

Five Home Decor Tips to Beat The Winter Blues from Heather

Heather here from Southern State of Mind
This winter has been a cold one, even for us down here in Atlanta. 

I go through the same thing every year. 

As summer draws to an end, I can't wait until fall. 
And then when the leaves begin to change, 
I can't wait until the holidays. 

Then, it's January. Ugh.
Then February. Blah.
Spring, spring, spring- where are you? 
Can I get an amen?

Well, the groundhog has spoken and winter isn't going anywhere soon, so I thought I'd share 5 ways I beat the winter blues in my home>>>

Delicious Breakfast for Under 300 Calories

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Jimmy Dean, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #BreakfastDelight  http://cmp.ly/3/8vNxcO

Food is what motivates me out of bed every morning. And this delicious breakfast for under 300 calories always puts a smile on my sleepy face!
When this campaign came across my email, I was ECSTATIC! Y'all, I've been eating these low calorie Jimmy Dean Delights since I started my weight loss journey back in September. So, working with Jimmy Dean on this one was right up my alley! I truly love these breakfasts. I have a freezer full of them and I can't believe how yummy they are for how few calories they have.

Free Printable Chalkboard Valentines

These free printable chalkboard Valentines are 
a fun twist on the usual classroom cards.

If you've waited to {almost} the last minute {like I TOTALLY have}, then I've got you covered. These free printable chalkboard valentines are fun and different...and a great way to spread heart day greetings! Download below.

DIY Minecraft Tumblers & Silhouette Designer Edition Promotion

These DIY Minecraft Tumblers were a cinch to create with my new
Silhouette Designer Edition software.

Little man is celebrating the big SEVEN with a Minecraft sleepover with his closest buddies in a few weeks. I put together some simple tumblers with the "Creeper" character on them as take-home favors. 

Decorating with Photo Banners

I'm having a BLAST over at my friend, Kristen's place today! I'm sharing fun ways to incorporate photo banners in your everyday decor {with some free printable ones, too}.

Click here to stop by and say hi! 
I've got a free downloadable banner and more over there!

Neglect your chores like me and don't miss a thing:

Free Printable Photo Banner

This free printable photo banner is the perfect way to display wedding photos. Or use it at a wedding with engagement or candid photos of the happy couple!

My husband and I had, what we refer to as, a "semi-elopement". We gathered our parents and siblings and just got hitched. Bada bing bada boom. On our way to the chapel, we dropped 200 announcements in the mail saying "We eloped! For details, come to a celebration party next month." And that was that.

DIY Polaroid Display

This simple DIY Polaroid Display is an easy family photo display.

These type of displays are pretty popular these days. I thought I'd put my own spin on it using faux Polaroids {or, hey, let's call them fauxlaroids to be cute, shall we?}. Wink.

Cinnamon & Sugar Pull Apart Loaf

Get ready for your house to smell ahhhh-mazing when this baby is in the oven!

Today, I'm guest posting over on the Rhodes Bake-N-Serv blog and sharing the recipe for this seriously yummy Cinnamon & Sugar Pull Apart Loaf. Check it out here.

Neglect your chores like me and don't miss a thing:

{Punny Fruit} Free Printable Valentines

These {Punny Fruit} Free Printable Valentines
 are perfect for classroom friends!

Heehee...they're punny. Get it? I'm super excited about these cuties. They're perfect for kids' valentine pass outs...or even for your co-workers! Download yours below.