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Christmas Home Tour

Welcome! Today, I'm sharing my
Christmas Home Tour. Step inside and say hello!

Christmas Home Tour | Vintage and Handmade Holiday Ideas and DIY Projects
It's been a few years since I've done a Christmas tour of our home. But, I love peeking into others' homes to see how they live and how they do holidays, too. So, I thought I'd post mine again! Check out the festive fun below.

Christmas Home Tour | Vintage and Handmade Holiday Ideas and DIY Projects
I scaled back a lot this year. In my post earlier this week {here}, I chatted about how I've been trying really hard to keep a tidy home all the time these days. I put out less decor because it's a bit more manageable for me {and easier to keep clean}. Plus, I made myself get it all out in one day instead of dragging it out over a week {or more} and picking at it like in years past. So, once I was done {y'all, my village didn't even make the cut...gulp}, back up to the attic the leftovers went. And I'm really not too sad about it.

Christmas Home Tour | Vintage and Handmade Holiday Ideas and DIY Projects
Just a simple little display on my entryway table.

Christmas Home Tour | Vintage and Handmade Holiday Ideas and DIY Projects
On the other side of our entry hall is our Jesse Tree which we add to every day of December. You can read about that tradition here

Christmas Home Tour | Vintage and Handmade Holiday Ideas and DIY Projects
Our entry way leads straight into the living room...
which is the main place I add Christmas decor to.

Christmas Home Tour | Vintage and Handmade Holiday Ideas and DIY Projects
One of my favorite things is my poinsettia inside the vintage milk crate over the TV.
I almost threw it's an old silk plant of my mom's {everything my mom is done with ends up at my house at some point or another}. I cut off the basket handle, wrapped it in burlap and stuck it in my milk crate. My mom saw it recently and asked where I bought it. I think she wants it back now {wink}.

Christmas Home Tour | Vintage and Handmade Holiday Ideas and DIY Projects
This is our seventh year to use this same tree, but we sure love it. We've never been able to find another with just the right shape like this one has. And we've always put it in the exact same spot every year. We've added to it and changed out the ribbons and doodads over the years...but it's still our same, well-loved tree.

Christmas Home Tour | Vintage and Handmade Holiday Ideas and DIY Projects
This year, I did a burlap and burlap/chevron ribbon throughout it. I'm a bit different in that I run my ribbon vertically on my tree {I think horizontal is the norm}. I stole this idea from a good friend years ago {thanks, Melanie!} and having been doing it ever since. I think it's also easier to actually get it onto the tree this way, too.

Christmas Home Tour | Vintage and Handmade Holiday Ideas and DIY Projects
I have a bunch of Santa ornaments...the glass blown ones are my fave!

Christmas Home Tour | Vintage and Handmade Holiday Ideas and DIY Projects
At the base of the tree, I have my parents' vintage Christmas record collection and a few other fun things, too. The Santa sack is from my mother-in-law.

Christmas Home Tour | Vintage and Handmade Holiday Ideas and DIY Projects
One of my absolute favorite pieces of decor is my vintage sign on the mantel. I gave a complete tutorial on how I created this one a year ago. You can find that here.

Christmas Home Tour | Vintage and Handmade Holiday Ideas and DIY Projects
We also have a few of our framed Christmas cards from years past scattered throughout the house during the holidays, too. 

Christmas Home Tour | Vintage and Handmade Holiday Ideas and DIY Projects
And on top of the piano is a collection of all of our Santa photos from every year.

Christmas Home Tour | Vintage and Handmade Holiday Ideas and DIY Projects
Over in my dining room is my mom's vintage ceramic nativity.
I hung my Joy to the World sign over it.
I created this as a free printable last year here

Christmas Home Tour | Vintage and Handmade Holiday Ideas and DIY Projects
I simplified my dining table decor this year, too. I found the snowflakes at HobLob. 

One of my favorite Christmas decorations isn't an actual decoration, but rather a collection. Every year, my mom gives me a new piece to add to my Spode Christmas dishes. She buys them the day after Christmas and then saves them until the following year to give to me {I act surprised every year..."how did you know I love these?!?" And, of course, she plays right along}. One year, on December 27th, she came to my house with two big boxes of Christmas Spode. She had scored eight place settings that morning for half off..."I really don't have a place to store these, so you're getting next year's dishes early". I laughed about that one! But the next year, she said it felt odd not wrapping my piece of Spode, so she also bought me the butter dish that year, too! Filling the cabinet with these dishes means the holidays have arrived. Since my mom has gotten older and doesn't entertain like she used to, she gave me all of her Christmas Spode, too. It's raining Christmas dishes up in're all invited over to eat off of them sometime!

Christmas Home Tour | Vintage and Handmade Holiday Ideas and DIY Projects
I've showed this area already this season in another post...but this is the buffet in my kitchen all decked out for the holidays. I found those little plates this year at Target...aren't they so kitschy fun?

Christmas Home Tour | Vintage and Handmade Holiday Ideas and DIY Projects
I replaced the glasses with my favorite peppermint chevron mugs...I had completely forgotten about these cuties when I put the buffet together this year. My husband and a good friend both gave me some of these last year. Do they know me or what?!?

Christmas Home Tour | Vintage and Handmade Holiday Ideas and DIY Projects
My shelf over my microwave is pretty simple...a few vintage things and garland.
You can grab this free monogram printable here.

Christmas Home Tour | Vintage and Handmade Holiday Ideas and DIY Projects
This miniature Santa mug belonged to my late uncle. It just makes me smile.
I bleached some trees from the Dollar Tree to keep the look vintage.

Christmas Home Tour | Vintage and Handmade Holiday Ideas and DIY Projects
So happy you stopped by.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.


  1. Your home is beautiful! I love your tree and all the holiday decorations!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Heather!! Hope you and your super cute family are having a great holiday! :)

  2. Kristi, THANK YOU for showing your Holiday happy home! I do lust for the huge Christmas Tree sign. You do such an excellent job and I remember the pumpkin patch sign too. Love both! Using your mom's nativity, incorporating old and new or newer is just as it should be. All looks happy. I want the Hob Lob Snowflakes. I don't remember seeing those. Was it this year you purchased?

    1. Thank you bunches for stopping by, Linda! You are too sweet...I'm so honored that you remember all of my crazy sign-making fiascos! :) And yes, those snowflakes were there this year...they were only $10 each! I had found them on an end-cap in my store! Merry Christmas!!

  3. Beautiful!!! I love your sign above your mantle!! Whole house is decorated so beautiful!!

    1. Thank you so much, Crystal. That is too sweet of you!! Hope you're having a fabulous holiday season! xoxo

  4. Amazing Christmas home! Beautiful adorn. Thank you very much. Have a magical holidays :)
    Domestic cleaners Mitcham

    1. Thank you so much, Alexandra! I hope you and yours are having a wonderful and magical holiday season as well!

  5. Beautiful home tour my dear friend. You have a beautiful home, and family. Your tree is GORGEOUS. Merry Christmas, and looking forward to working together in 2015! XO

    1. Thank you so much, Julie! You are too sweet! Merry Christmas to you and yours too! 2015 is going to be GREAT!

  6. Loved your Christmas Home tour Kristi, you are so talented. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to y'all.

    1. Thank you so much, Shelia! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours as well! <3

  7. Wow Kristi, it looks so beautiful! I love all the pretty decorations and the Christmas dishes too. That sounds like an awesome tradition that you and your mom have =) I have room now to store a set of Christmas dishes so maybe I'll start a collection for myself. I've been really slow at getting my house decorated this year but I've been working on it and will be posting some pictures soon.


    1. Thank you so much, Tania! Doing bits of decorating at a time can help you keep from becoming totally overwhelmed with it all! I cannot wait to see your Christmas pictures! I hope you are having a very merry Christmas!

  8. Oh it's so beautiful Kristi - I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Gina! You are too sweet! Merry Christmas!

  9. Gorgeous! I love the mix of vintage and new. Merry Christmas!
