Downton Abbey and World Market= PERFECTION | i should be mopping the floor
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Downton Abbey and World Market= PERFECTION

Can you believe it? It's almost time for my FAVORITE show {ever}, Downton Abbey, to bring us another amazing season. Cost Plus World Market is getting us all ready for the fun with their exclusive Downton Abbey sweepstakes and merchandise!

 Y'all, I'm so ready to see my Downton Abbey peeps again, I can hardly stand it. As we all eagerly anticipate Season Five {if you're reading this from across the pond and already know things...this is a no-spoiler zone. We don't want to know quite yet!}. Check out the AMAZING goodies and FANTASTIC sweepstakes Cost Plus World Market has put together for us for both Black Friday and December {I'M GIDDY!!}. Details below.

Let's first chat about the awesomeness that is Black Friday at World Market. Y'all, their exclusive partnership with Downton Abbey is bringing us some amazing goodies...I can't WAIT to get my hands on one of those tea cups {or three...I may go every day! Seriously. How could I not?} 
Starting Friday, November 28th {Black Friday}, through Sunday, November 30th, Cost Plus World Market will be giving away an Exclusive Downton Abbey Tea Cup in Gift Box to the first 100 in-store customers. And guys, there's a brand spanking new design every day. I die. There is no purchase necessary, and you must be 18 years old. Only one tea cup per person. Click here for details.
Also happening that weekend {seriously, what is a weekend?} 11/28-11/30, Cost Plus World Market is giving away Exclusive Downton Abbey Tote Bags as a gift with a $20 in-store purchase. New design each day. Available while supplies last. Click here for details.

AND, starting this past weekend, Cost Plus World Market stores are officially selling Downton Abbey products that are exclusive to Cost Plus World Market. You guys {squeal!!}, I saw these over the weekend {and bought a few} and they are AMAZING. Some of my favorites include the Downton Abbey Teapot, the Downton Abbey 2-Tier Serving Stand {LOVE}, and the thing I will wear religiously for the next few months: the Downton Abbey Mrs. Patmore Apron. There's so much more, too, including some fantastic stocking stuffers for every DA have to go check it all out!! And all of it is absolutely exquisite. Pinkies up,'s time to get fancy! To check out ALL of the goodies, click here. It's perfect for all of your holiday entertaining, too!

And, the thing that has me the most excited {you know, next to Mrs. Patmore's apron}, is the Cost Plus Downton Abbey Sweepstakes. From November 22nd through December 26th, you could win a Dream Trip to London that is fit for royalty.

The Grand Prize Package: Trip for 2 to London, England (hotel & accommodations), Private Tour of Highclere Castle, a visit to the set of Downton Abbey and a $1,000 World Market gift card. {if you win this, I'd be your best friend for life if you'd take me as your plus one...winks!}.
There are also three first prizes of $500 World Market Gift Cards {think of all of the Downton Abbey Merchandise you could buy...swoon!}.

Annnnd...there's an AWESOME chance for YOU to be apart of the fun, too! On Sunday, December 7th let's all participate in the #DoTheDownton event by posting photos of ourselves to win prizes. Just show off how YOU Do the Downton. Click here for more details.

Is anyone else as excited about Downton's return as me? I've been pining away all year to know what in the ding dang happened to Edith's beau. I'm. So. Ready. Pinkies up, y'all.

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