DIY Snack Dishes from Being-Bianca | i should be mopping the floor
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DIY Snack Dishes from Being-Bianca

Hey, hey y'all!  It's Brett from Being-Bianca and I'm back again this month with another easy DIY. These DIY Snack Dishes are perfection. Make some for yourself below!

DIY Snack Dishes | Simple DIY Project that's Perfect for Entertaining
I just love to entertain; big gathering, small gathering, a few name it. I'm southern and it's just in my blood, I suppose :).
On a recent wandering excursion through my local Ikea, I spotted these serving bowls for the great price of $2.99 a piece. (((seriously, my Starbucks addiction costs me more for a single coffee!)))  My wheels started spinning and before I knew it; there were 4 in my cart!  They are small in size, so perfect for individual service pieces ... OR ... a cute little snack dish, perfect for a small crowd! See how they're made below>>>

Making the snack dishes was a fairly easy process. 

In addition to the bowls, you will need :
  • Bowls - you got that part already, right?  I used these from Ikea.
  • Craft paint and a small paint brush
  • A stencil OR a vinyl applique (like those from a Silhouette or Cricut machine)
The easy steps I followed to make are ...
1. Begin by washing the bowls and removing the retail tag.  (getting that goopy sticker off is the hardest part of this entire project!) 
2. While I adore my friends at Ikea, I didn't want a big "Ikea 365" logo staring at me.  So, I used craft paint in a shiny gold color to cover the bottom.  I know, I know...does EVERYTHING I touch turn gold (LOL)?  Answer...yes!  Flip the bowl upside down and begin by tracing the perimeter of the bottom.  On these bowls, there was a small lip and I just traced inside it. Fear not ...the first coat is not all that thick and you can easily wipe any stray paint away.
3. Continue to paint the entire base.  Let first coat dry. Note, this will need a few coats so it's ok if it isn't solid yet! 
4. Once the first coat is dry, trace back over the area with 2-3 more coats. Dry between each. For my bowls, I wanted a bit of a textured finish on the bottom, so I simply blotted the paint with my brush in a pouncing action (like if you were stenciling) on the final coat. The output was a texture that looked like grasscloth...perfecto!

DIY Snack Dishes | Simple DIY Project that's Perfect for Entertaining  
5. Follow my easy steps to make craft paint adhere better and last longer over here if you worry about those sorts of things :). 6.  At this point, either apply your stencil or vinyl decal.  If you decide to paint using a stencil on the inside of the snack dish, you would simply follow instructions like the steps above.  For my dishes, I used a Silhouette machine to create vinyl decals for "sweet" and "salty".  When using vinyl, just measure the interior of the bowl to ensure that your decal is smaller than the flat bottom of the bowl. And just like that ... you have a cute little accessory for your next gathering.  My sweet dish is ready for a handful of chocolate candy and the salty one ... maybe roasted almonds ... YUM!

DIY Snack Dishes | Simple DIY Project that's Perfect for Entertaining  
Y'all stop on by Being Bianca and say hello!  If this project looks up your ally, check out my No Sew Faux Roman Shade or my Easy Coastal Sconce

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