The Year of the Yard: Side Yard Progress | i should be mopping the floor
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The Year of the Yard: Side Yard Progress

We're continuing with the progress we've made in our little side yard yard. We've had to make a big plan change, but I'm actually really excited about where we're headed.

As I mentioned in the first post of this series, we're embarking on several outdoor projects this summer. Our first one is in full swing and is occurring in the side yard of our home. Check out our original plans here. We're using a lot of great Spectracide products in our revamping yard. They give us more bang for the buck! Check out the progress below>>>

As I mentioned in the previous post, we're in need of a place to store our garbage can, while somewhat concealing its garbage-canniness from the road view {because, quite frankly, it's gross}. 

We started prepping by laying out the area. We covered the grass we wanted to save with some thin boards we had on hand. You can also use cardboard for this step.
And then we started the grass removal process with the above two products from Spectracide. Both the Weed and Grass Killer and Weed & Grass Foaming Edger do similar things. The larger, Weed and Grass Killer is for use on patios, walkways and flowerbeds. It is a non-selective herbicide that will kill any vegetation contacted. It enters plants through the leaves and moves down to the roots. This will ensure that the entire plant is eliminated. We used our boards that we laid out to avoid direct spray or drift onto the rest of our lawn. This product has no soil activity and thus will not affect nearby untreated plants. 

We sprayed the edge, against the house with the edging foamer.

The rest of it we covered with the Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer. 

We let it sit, undisturbed, for two days and came back to this! Perfection. 

I used the rake to break up the dead grass and pull most of it out.
That little white PVC pipe above is the main reason we've altered our plans since we started this project. That pipe encases the wiring for our sprinkler system. If we were to have done the small patio walkway, like we originally planned, if we were to ever have an issue with our sprinklers and their wiring, we would have had to dig up part of the patio to get to it. So, we had to come up with something that, if necessary, could be easily moved. We've already started on a cool "portable mini deck" to hold the large garbage can, as well as a lattice pony wall to hide it. I can't wait to show you that entire project {along with a complete tutorial} in next week's yard series post. 

I was also intrigued to try out some other new-to-us Spectracide products. The Immunox 3-in-1 will be perfect in our front and back gardens. It is formulated to kill insects, prevent and cure diseases and fertilize, all in one step. It is also tested and endorsed by the American Rose Society {and we have six rose bushes in the backyard that are constantly being attacked by aphids...this will be perfect for them}. And The Immonox Fungus Plus Insect will be awesome for both of our lawns...which are typically attacked by grubs halfway through the summertime.  

We also tried the Spectracide Bug Stop. We've never done our own exterminating or preventing, so I'm curious to see how this far so good! And the product was really easy to use. It's a multi-purpose insecticide formulated to protect your home from invading pests both indoors and outdoors .'s a sneak peek at our project that is going in here {almost done}! I can't wait to show you the finished space with a full tutorial next week.

Whether you've started your spring yard work or still need inspiration, get to the Spectracide Facebook page for more tips and savings! Click here for their coupons and get your yard summerfied!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Spectracide. The opinions and text are all mine.

Neglect your chores like me and don't miss a thing:

1 comment:

  1. Did you know there's a product on the market that you can use to cover the ground in an area where you do not want weeds or grass to grow? It is comes in a black roll and you just cut it to the dimensions you want. You lay it on the ground and cover it with soil/stone/mulch or whatever you choose. It saves you from using those yucky chemicals. If they destroy anything growing in two days, they can't be safe for use around pets and children. Save the planet. Say NO to chemicals.
