Over 50 Free Summer Fonts | i should be mopping the floor
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Over 50 Free Summer Fonts

I've rounded up over 50 free summer fonts for you to use this time of year! 
They're perfect for all of your printables, invitations and decorative pieces. 

Are you a font-aholic like me? I can't get enough. I started my love of fontage when I was the editor of my high school newspaper in the early nineties {we were the #6 high school paper in the nation...BOO-YAH!}. Not that I'm reliving my "glory" days, but yes...my love of all things typography is an old one. Check out my favorite fonts to use this summer below {direct download links are below each image}.

Please note: when you go to download these, be sure to see what the terms and conditions each font artist has required of each font.

I also thought it would be fun to throw out a few of my favorite font mixing tips. One thing that always works like a charm is mixing opposite fonts. Here's a few examples of that>>>

Also, consider mixing fonts that have a more industrial, vintage look with a light and playful modern font. And serif fonts pair beautifully with sans-serif ones {an easy way to distinguish between the two is that serif fonts have "feet" and sans serif fonts are the ones "without feet"}. Less is more, too. Try not to use more than 3-4 fonts in any given piece that you're working on. And one should always be a pretty plain one. I also like to use dingbats, doodles and arrows to fill in white space, if a piece looks empty.

Happy Fonting!

If you lurrrrrve fonts like I do, be sure to check out my free chalk font collection, too {with two free chalkboard backgrounds}:


  1. These are awesome! Thanks so much! But, I have a newbies question: once I download them, what do I do with them?? I typically use WordPerfect and I have a Cameo, but I also use Word when I have to! My problem is that I do not know how to get these fonts into my programs so I can use them. Any advice? Thanks again. Mimi

    1. No problem, Mimi. You'll load them into your font cache like any other font. I have a mac and when I open the font file, my font book automatically opens. I click on the new font file and select the ".ttf" file and double click it for it to load into my font book. Then it loads the font. On my computer, I can instantly use these fonts without having to close and reopen programs, but I know some computers may require that. If you're unsure of how you're system loads fonts, google your type of computer/system with the words "how do I install new fonts" and lots of tutorials will pop up.

  2. Which decorative script font did you use for the first it's a beautiful summer day?? I really like that font.

    1. I did the silliest thing and for some reason didn't include that font in the round up. It's called MA Sexy and is also available on dafont.com. Thanks for stopping by! :)

  3. These are FAB! Thanks for weeding out the riff raff, and listing the cute ones! :D
