I Love You More than Coffee...{but please don't make me prove it} | i should be mopping the floor
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I Love You More than Coffee...{but please don't make me prove it}

Who loves a good cup of coffee? {I know I do!}
Seattle's Best Coffee has a great announcement for you...
and I've got a free coffee printable for you, as well!

Loving someone more than coffee...now those are strong words! But hey, let's not get carried away...please don't make us prove it! This free printable is available below. First, I wanted to tell you about some new yumminess from Seattle's Best Coffee.

First up, Seattle's Best is now available in K-Cups!! WAHOO! These K-Cups will be widely available by March {as in, tomorrow...yay!}. 
AND...there's two new roast and ground blend flavors hitting shelves as well! 

The new Breakfast and House blends are fantastic!

And lawsy, I'm already addicted to their K-Cups. So delicious.

Feel free to download this fun printable, too! It's #FridaysFreebie. I just love this saying and have seen it in lots of places lately. It's true...not sure I could actually prove I love anyone more than coffee {but I really do...wink}! Download your 8x10 below.

This post was brought to you by Seattle's Best Coffee.
I have been compensated with product {but it was coffee...which is like liquid gold to me!}.

Neglect your chores like me and don't miss a thing:


  1. I love Seattle's Best and I love this printable! It will go great framed and in my kitchen!

  2. Haha that is so cute. My husband would love it, because I think sometimes he wonders if I love him or the Keurig more.

  3. So cute and is perfectly true for our family. haha

  4. I absolutely love this printable! I pinned this :-)

  5. LOL I love the printable! My dh knows to hand me a cup of coffee in the morning BEFORE talking to me.

  6. Hahaha, don't make me prove it. I love that part the most, so cute and funny!

  7. Loved your post! I am a coffee lover too, and found your post at Simply Gloria's blog party. I'm a blogger as well. and blog about our adventures around the world. Stop by and take a look, while enjoying your coffee! :)

  8. what a great printable kristi!!! Thanks for linking up at Creativity Unleashed last week. Featuring you on the blog tomorrow and hope to see you back!

  9. I don't drink coffee, but substituting "chocolate" would work for me.

    1. That's a great idea, Phylis! Thanks for stopping by!
