Love Never Fails Free Chalkboard Printable | i should be mopping the floor
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Love Never Fails Free Chalkboard Printable

This Love Never Fails  Free Chalkboard Printable 
is made up of the lyrics to one of our favorite songs.

The song One Thing Remains from Jesus Culture is quite popular around my house...especially with my six year old. I wanted to have the main message of the song displayed somewhere in our home, to remind us of His love. I created an actual chalkboard with the main lyrics on it on my kitchen (on our Chalkboard Backpack Station). I've created a printable below for those of you who prefer the less-messy method. 

Below is the actual chalkboard version. If you'd like to see how I created it {I use a template and an actual method to simplify the process}, check out the tutorial I posted over on Jaima's site. It gives some great tips on chalking the easy way!

Neglect your chores like me and don't miss a thing:


  1. My Canon Pixma Pro-100 printer will not print white is everyone printing the chalkboard printables?

    1. The white should actually not should be the negative part of the image...where just the black prints around the actual lettering. That's how it prints on mine. Have you attempted printing one of mine yet? You just print on plain white paper and they're very simple to do.

    2. And save black ink, I upload to Staples to print. If you select black and white, it is less than $.50 per page.

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  3. Oh my! It is sooooo gorgeous! I love the smears etc. Like a true artist: actually handmade and not made with some computer program... Good for you... the frame is gorgeous with it too... Thanks so much for sharing the printable with us and have a happy Tuesday!!
    hugs x, Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique

  4. One of my favorite songs! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Creativity Unleashed!

  5. what a fab printable kristi! Thanks so much for linking up at Creativity Unleashed last week. Featuring you tomorrow and hope to see you back. :)

  6. Lovely! One of my favorite songs and great looking chalk art :)

  7. I absolutely ADORE this printable!
