Free Printable Chore Charts | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Printable Chore Charts

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If you're needing a more organized system for dividing household duties and getting kids to do their chores, you've come to the right place. This simple chore chart is effective, easy to use, and well, cute. There are eight different designs available below...all for free! Download your favorite and get going on a great system.

Chore Chart
I actually have quite a number of free printable chore charts here on I Should Be Mopping the Floor. But this one is the absolute original. It has the classic design that I've used over and over and always returned to. Why? Because it works. And the reason it works so well for so many families is because of how simple it is. It's a no fuss chore chart...ready for your kids to dive in and get going. These make for a fabulous visual reminder to, well, WORK!

Free Printable Chore Chart

As a mom and chief household task master, I just love a good chore chart. Over the years, we just keep coming back to this's so easy and works wonderfully. Since its original publication date in 2014, I've heard from many of you who enjoy this set of chore charts, too. I've appreciated all of the feedback on it and I'm super happy to still have it available for instant download.

It's available below in eight designs. All are letter-sized PDF formats for simple, at-home printing.

Free Printable Chore Chart

How to Use this Chore Chart:

I prefer to laminate my chore chart and magnet it to the refrigerator to use with dry erase markers. The following is how I implement this system.
How to Use Chore Charts



  • Print your chart onto regular letter-sized paper if laminating (if you're not laminating, but framing to use with dry erase under glass, use white, letter-sized cardstock)
  • laminate with your self-laminating pouches, following directions on package
  • adhere circle magnets to back of chore chart
  • attach to refrigerator
  • use with dry erase markers (I like to use the markers with magnets so they can stick to the refriderator, too)
  • Again, you can also frame your chart in an 8x10" frame and use the glass of the frame for dry erase markers. I find the frame a bit cumbersome to use with younger kids, though, and prefer to magnet our charts to the refrigerator door.

Filling in the Chore Chart

Chore Charts
  • Each of these chore charts has a space for its owner's name in the top middle of the chart (in the fun little frame). Have your child write in their name in this spot.
  • Fill in weekly tasks (when just starting out, 3-5 items is more than enough to keep up with)
  • Use checks or X marks in the boxes for each day the chore is completed.
  • A reward system is up to your family. We liked to reward a small sticker for each X. Or, as kids get older, so many check marks equal one dollar. This is open-ended, but that's what makes it very easy. And honestly, checking off chores in and of itself is very satisfying to all kids (and adults...I'm a list checker).
  • Chores can change weekly or monthly to keep things interesting.

Age-Specific Chores for Kids

Kids' Chore List

The ideas listed out below are merely suggestions and ideas that have worked for our own family (and my kids are teenagers now, so I write these knowing what worked and what didn't). Use your judgment as to whether these tasks will work for your own kids. I grouped these in categories for age-appropriate jobs. If you'd like even MORE ideas for kids' chores, be sure to check out my 101 Age Appropriate Chores for Kids. There is a printable list included.

  • Ages 3-4:

    • Helping make beds (learning to pull bedding up, etc.)
    • Picking up and sorting toys
    • Light dusting on non-breakables (we always implemented these dusting gloves to make this chore fun)
    • Sorting laundry by colors (with assistance)
    • Bringing laundry to laundry room or area
    • Taking laundry back to personal spaces and putting it away with assistance (to me this always reiterates the "putting things away" idea)

  • Ages 5-6:

    • Sock matching while folding laundry + simple laundry folding
    • Setting table (with assistance): be sure to use my free printable table setting teaching placemats here to help with this task.
    • Helping clear table after meals and projects
    • Wiping down table with sponge and water
    • Feeding pets
    • Watering plants
    • Sweeping floors (with assistance); my kids used one of those lightweight battery-vacuums in our hard-floor areas at this age

  • Ages 7-8:

    • Mop (we use this "less splashy" mop so it's an easier job)
    • Vacuum House
    • Vacuum Automobiles
    • Fold laundry (especially towels and washcloths)
    • Emptying dishwasher (we started with just the utensil basket and eventually graduated to just the bottom rack, then finally making the chore the entire dishwasher, after mom was confident items wouldn't be broken easily)
    • Emptying household waste baskets
    • Putting their own laundry away (especially in drawers)

  • Ages 9-11:

    • Washing/drying dishes by hand or loading dishwasher
    • Helping with meal preparation
    • Learning to clean bathroom (with kid-safe cleaners)
    • Taking trash out to curb for pick up (and putting garbage bin away after pick up)

  • Ages 12 and up:

    • At this point, kids of these ages may be able to take on more adult-like chores (cleaning, laundry, cooking, and even lawn mowing).
Again, these ideas are just the things that have worked  for our own family. It's always a good idea to experiment with things that will work well with your own household. In our family, some chores are better suited for one kid while others work better for the other kid. And, well, some that I just tend to do myself (I know, I know). 

Colors and Designs Available

Chore Chart for Kids
I have named the designs the following (the order is featured in the above image from top left to the bottom right):
  • Navy and Green Honeycomb
  • Yellow Quatrefoil
  • Blue Camouflage
  • Green and Pink Zebra
  • Pastel Chevron
  • Red and Blue Dottie
  • Fun Vertical Dots
  • Fun Horizontal Stripes

Download Your Chore Chart:

Kids Chore Chart

Free Printable Chore Chart for Kids

Looking for More Printable Chore Charts?


  1. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all of the choices, Kristi! I keep saying I need to make some of these for my kiddos and you have made my life so much easier :) I would love to have you link up to this week's Freedom Fridays!!

  2. Thanks for the chore charts, they all look so good - beautiful designs!!

  3. I LOVE these! When I download it am I supposed to be able to type in my changes before I print it out? I couldn't figure out how to do that. It has occurred to me that maybe I'm trying to do something it wasn't designed to do?
    I want to make say each of our tiger cub's name above "Conservation Chart," please advise!

    1. Hi Heather! Thanks for stopping by. They're designed to be used as a fill-in with pen or dry erase. However, they can certainly be used in a word processing program as well. You'll need to open a new document. Add an image to the document and scale it to the size of the paper {keep your printing margins in mind}. Then make sure that you've selected it to lay BEHIND the you can type "on top" of it. Hope this helps!

  4. These are super cute and, hopefully, will encourage my eight- and 10-year-old grandchildren to at least help pick up after themselves. Thanks so much! Happy New Year!!!

  5. Love these - now to just get my girls to actually do it!!!

  6. These are great! Thanks for linking up at the Create Link Inspire party! Pinning these to my printables board now!

  7. How adorable Kristi, I love all of the colors!! Thank you so much for sharing them with us at Best of the Weekend this week. Have a wonderful weekend. :)

  8. Ok love this Kristi! My son doesn't do chores yet but I can totally use this for myself to stay on task and not let it be 2 weeks before I dust again. EEk! :) Pinning, thanks girl!

    Krista @ Joyful Healthy Eats

  9. Very cute Kristi! Our boys are both doing chores now and this would be perfect to use with them! Thanks for the great printable! :)

  10. Thank you for the super cute chore charts! Putting them to work for the 1st time this week, wish us luck!

  11. Thank you for these!! And for having so many choices! I have four kids so each having their own color is perfect!

  12. Great, just downloaded, springbreak here we come.

  13. Thanks so much! These are beautiful and helpful!
