The Grand Gobbler | Contributor Post from T'onna | i should be mopping the floor
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The Grand Gobbler | Contributor Post from T'onna

Hello Again "I Should Be Mopping the Floor" readers! It's T'onna (aka Navy Wifey Peters) from USS Crafty, and this week, I'm sharing a Thanksgiving sewing project with you all.

I found this felt turkey project and free sewing pattern and instructions at This was a quick, easy, and fun project that is perfect for Thanksgiving.  I plan on adding my gobbler to a Thanksgiving wreath. 

I used the following materials for this project:
  • felt (2 orange, 2 goldenrod, 1 brown, 1 teal, 1 red)
  • embroidery floss (brown and orange)
  • sewing needles
  • buttons (seven 3/4 inch buttons and three 1/2 inch buttons)
  • fiberfill
  • glue gun
  • ribbon/strip of fabric
  • scissors
  • pins
  • 2 black beads for eyes
  • pattern & instructions from
I cut out the pattern pieces and selected the colors of felt I wanted to use for my turkey.

Then I traced the pattern pieces onto the felt and cut them out.
I used the blanket stitch to sew together the two big tail pieces, the two small tail pieces, each set of wing pieces, and the body pieces. I used three pieces of brown embroidery floss, except on the body.  Since I chose brown felt for the body, I used orange embroidery floss to stitch around the body pieces. I also lightly stuffed the tails and body, but not the wings.
I hot glued two black beads for the eyes, the wattle, and the beak.
I cut a strip of ribbon and made a bow.  I cut Vs into the ends. 
I straight stitched brown embroidery floss into the three 1/2 inch blue buttons for the body. I used orange embroidery floss for the seven 3/4 inch buttons for the large tail.
I attached the bow and buttons to the body using hot glue.  
Next, I hot glued the wings and body to the small tail. 
Then I glued on the large tail.  I also glued the buttons onto the large tail, and the grand gobbler is all done!
my gobbler hanging out on my buffet with some other fall decor 
Thanks for reading!  
You can find me at USS Crafty and on Facebook

T'onna is a navy wife and mother who blogs at the USS Crafty. T'onna lives in Georgia with her submariner Kris and toddler Krissy. T'onna enjoys sewing, crocheting, refinishing furniture, painting, and making wreaths. In addition to sharing her creations, T'onna also provides glimpses into the life of a military family. 

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