Duck Dynasty Printables #fridaysfreebie | i should be mopping the floor
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Duck Dynasty Printables #fridaysfreebie

Free Duck Dynasty printables make me happy, happy, happy.
Download yours below:

Free Duck Dynasty Quote Printables: 2 Styles to QUACK You Up

Anyone else obsessed with this show? These people make me laugh...
they're like a little honey on the biscuits. And my kids can't get enough of them. They keep asking when we'll build our own redneck water park. Or buy them their own seventy dollar duck calls. Or have squirrel for supper...there's one in the backyard that my youngest has his eye on. 

I can pretty much guarantee that this won't be my first round of Duck Dynasty quote printables. I have sooooo many of their hilarious sayings just floating in my head. These are two of my faves:

This one is from Si. Hilarious.

And who other than Miss Kay could deliver a line like this?

Click on an image below to download. 
Each prints on letter-sized paper, to be trimmed for an 8x10 frame.

Neglect your chores like me and don't miss a thing:


  1. Thanks so much for sharing...luv this family!


  2. I love Duck Dynasty! Such a hilarious show. Thank you for these!

  3. Thank you so much for these. We love this show! And Uncle Si is our favorite! :-)

  4. Haha! That show cracks me up! The first one needs the addition of "hey Jack." ;)


  5. I love these! My boys are Duck Dynasty obsessed! I always saw the previews for it and though that it looked like just another awful reality show, and then we finally watched it, and we're hooked. It's seriously such a great family show...who'd have thought?! LOL!

  6. Si Rules! We need one from Phil about womanly curves and another Si saying about capri pants! Great job on these BTW!

  7. Hi Kristi! I just wanted to let you know I featured your most awesome of printables in my Duct Tape Dynasty post ~ Thanks so much for making these!! =) Marcy @ day2day SuperMom
