Bless Your Heart Printable #fridaysfreebie | i should be mopping the floor
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Bless Your Heart Printable #fridaysfreebie

Today's free printable can be considered 
the worst southern curse...or the sweetest southern blessing.
Either way...I say it. A lot. And I wanted to print it.
Today's Friday's Freebie: The Bless Your Heart Printable.

Free "Well, Bless Your Heart" Printable. High res PDF prints out in 8x10 size.
My grandma said it. My mom still says it. And every other day, the phrase leaves my lips, too. Bless your heart. And now I plan to display this 8x10 print in my house for all the world to know this sweet lil' southern mantra.

Free "Well, Bless Your Heart" Printable. High res PDF prints out in 8x10 size.
To download, click on the image below.
Prints on a letter-sized page, to be trimmed for an 8x10 frame. 

Free "Well, Bless Your Heart" Printable. High res PDF prints out in 8x10 size.

Some of my other free printables include:

Neglect your chores like me and don't miss a thing:


  1. love this printable..going right next to my you get what you get and you don't throw a fit...on my wall over my desk at school :)

  2. Oh, I love this phrase, AND this printable! Thank you! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  3. So sweet! Darling art to brighten anyone's day.

  4. I probably say this at least once a day :-)

  5. This is just so fabulous, thank you for this wonderful printable Kristi!

    xo, Tanya

  6. As a Southern girl, I love this! I found you through the LLR linky party & would love it if you stopped by my blog sometime! :-)

  7. Hey, I love this. Heard it from my Grandma too :) Your printables always have such a sweet sentiment.
