Friday's Freebie: Printable Coloring Sheets for Big Kids #tombow100 | i should be mopping the floor
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Friday's Freebie: Printable Coloring Sheets for Big Kids #tombow100

Printable Coloring Sheets coming right up...
Who says coloring is just for children? These intricate, doodle-laden designs promise hours of entertainment for all of the big kids out know, like me. 

Free Printable Coloring Sheets for Big Kids and Grown Ups, too!
I'm such a doodler/colorer/drawing fool. Looking at my notebooks from college, there were probably more doodles in the margins than notes in the main part of the page. I decided some fun grown up coloring sheets were in order. Print the below images and color until your heart's content. They print on a letter-sized paper, but can be trimmed for an 8x10 frame to display your masterpiece. 

I was recently asked to try out some super fun art supplies from my friends at Tombow, in honor of their 100 years in business. For its “100 Days of Tombow” program, the company is working with 100 different bloggers across America to spotlight their creative musings using Tombow’s products, and showcasing how “Tombow Time” is enjoyed across the nation. Super excited to be a part of the 100 bloggers in this neat celebration.

The cool part? Every submission for the “100 Days of Tombow” blogging program will result in a $100.00 product donation to the Council for Arts Education

My favorite supply that they sent me were these uber-cool colored pencils {pictured in their swanky linen-covered case above}. They are not your average colored pencils. The colors were gorgeous and perfect to color with on my grown-up coloring sheets. And they blended beautifully.  

If you ever have the chance to use some of their products, I highly recommend it. These did not disappoint. They also sent along some beautiful watercolor pens and a stamp runner that I have no doubt I will find a great project for as well.  

Oh happy day, indeed.

Neglect your chores like me and don't miss a thing:


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Lovely printables, thanks for sharing x

  3. How fun! I still color. But now I get to use the grandkids as an excuse. Lol
    (And I hate mopping the floor almost as much as I hate dusting!)
